[12:27] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] began pestering testingBeta [TB] at 00:27 --
[12:27] KM: Oh for Prospit's sakes.
[12:28] KM: Where's TE!?!
[12:28] TB: OH, he left.
[12:28] KM: Of course. Right.
[12:28] TB: No b|g deal, really, | can track h|m down |f the other h|m shows up.
[12:28] KM: That's fine. It's absolutely cool that all of you guys who were vaguely threatening to fuck us up in some manner are now actually doing it.
[12:29] TB: You're... welcome? | th|nk?
[12:29] KM: Okay, we have one thing done. One big thing! That's a START. A lead. I like leads.
[12:29] KM: The thing we have done is we have found the rebel agent and now know which player he's connected to.
[12:30] TB: yes, but th|s does mean that CD |s host|le
[12:30] TB: |f TE was r|ght earl|er
[12:30] TB: mean|ng you should probably get h|m out of SS's sylladex.
[12:30] KM: What?
[12:31] KM: Oh. Right. Uh.
[12:31] KM: How did you know CD was in SS' sylladex?
[12:31] TB: Or was |t you that took h|m, | don't remember
[12:31] TB: Same way | knew you beat the sh|t out of /\lex.
[12:31] KM: I haven't really been keeping up with the other gang, honestly.
[12:31] TB: /\lthough | w|ll adm|t, the vo|d sh|t made observat|on d|ff|cult.
[12:31] TB: You m|ght want to
[12:32] TB: You're k|nd of supposed to be the 'gu|de' here.
[12:32] KM: Yes. It's just kind of hard to guide a session when:
[12:32] KM: A) You guys are all actively trying to fuck it up except maybe you and
[12:33] KM: B) Everyone is always dying or holding grudges or... wait a minute.
[12:33] TB: |s that an ep|phany?
[12:33] TB: Sure sounds l|ke one from here.
[12:33] KM: I don't have to do this any more.
[12:33] KM: You remember that thing that happened back there?
[12:34] TB: Wh|ch th|ng?
[12:34] TB: There have been a lot of th|ngs.
[12:34] KM: The Spacey thing.
[12:34] KM: I can See through Space.
[12:34] KM: What an absolutely perfect combination of class and aspect for keeping track of teammates who can barely keep their shoes tied.
[12:34] TB: Yes, becuase everyone loves |t when people tell them th|ngs they're do|ng w|thout be|ng there.
[12:35] TB: | tr|ed that, you guys weren't too accept|ng of the not|on.
[12:35] KM: Yeah, but when you were doing it you weren't a player, you were just a vague Force of Fuckery.
[12:35] KM: Which is kind of what you are now except with less vague.
[12:36] TB: Good to know |'m st|ll pok|ng th|ngs |n the r|ght d|rect|on |nstead of just tagg|ng along w|th a teenager.
[12:36] TB: So are we go|ng to wake up Sleep|ng /\sshole over here, or just let her snooze?
[12:36] KM: No wait, first, your first sentence. That raises a completely important yet meaningless question.
[12:37] KM: Just how old are you?
[12:37] TB: | don't even know.
[12:37] TB: |'d guess somewhere between 'about as old as | look' and 'older than Cthulhu'.
[12:38] TB: That last one |s actually a bad measure, s|nce | acutally sort of saw cthulhu once.
[12:38] TB: He had the WORST acne, oh man.
[12:38] KM: Moving on!
[12:38] KM: We'll let sleeping broad snooze. The arguments between you two actively hinder us.
[12:38] KM: Oh, and by the way, you get to carry her because you have God Strength.
[12:39] TB: Great.
[12:39] KM: And also you let TE get away.
[12:39] KM: Good going.
[12:39] TB: |'m not go|ng to keep a poss|bly-volat|le schem|ng al|en on a collar |f | want h|m to f|ght for us.
[12:39] TB: That's just bad pol|cy.
[12:40] KM: Okay, I guess that makes sense in a weird alien way except it does not. First thing's first, I'm gonna totally spy on the main group.
[12:40] TB: Good luck w|th that.
[12:41] TB: | bet the Vo|d th|ng blocks you though.
[12:41] KM: ...Given how arbitrary this magic stuff is, I'm going to actually agree with that.
[12:41] KM: Hmmm. Why not spy on one of the intruders, then?
[12:41] KM: Mainly the one threatening to murder everyone.
[12:42] TB: Well, |f he catches you, there's a pretty decent chance he'll make your head explode.
[12:42] TB: But | don't know |f he can even do that.
[12:43] KM: That is a chance I am willing to take. I have already died once, after all.
[12:43] TB: /\ctually, |f my other selves g|ve me a good est|mate, your alternate death count |s somewhere around 348.
[12:43] TB: G|ve or take a couple due to explos|ons.
[12:43] KM: Great. What's the alternate death count of one of the non-Seers?
[12:44] KM: Just for comparison.
[12:44] TB: Well, Dane|lle's got around 600, /\lex has about th|rty, Steve's got a couple here and there, and | can't keep track of Cla|re at all.
[12:45] TB: Oh, and | lost count of M|khael's.
[12:46] KM: Right. Okay. Uhhhh... here goes nothing then! Last time I just said some motivating words and focused my mind on Emily. Here goes-
[12:46] -- kineticMoonlight [KM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 00:46 --
((Not too shabby of a roll but who knows what the difficulty level is on this stuff))