CCT: Man
CCT: Do you both just have some kind of fondness for wrecking shit
CTB: No.
CCT: ((wait i forgot to add my quirk, just a sec))
CKM: Hey, my wrecking count is far lower than his.
CTB: .../\s far as you know.
CCT: As !f wreck!ng even a s!ngle th!ng !s f!ne
CKM: Oh don't start with your cryptic all-knowing bullshit.
CKM: If you start playing mind games again I'll just punch you.
CKM: Because you're here and I can do that.
CTB: Just say|n', you're probably not tak|ng wreck|ng your team |nto account
CTB: /\nd you actually can't; you have rap|erk|nd, not f|stk|nd
CKM: How did I wreck my team? I ran away from my team. They're all still fine.
-- CURRENT considerateTormentor [CCT] sighs, though makes sure KM and TC don't hear ti --
CCT: *!t
CTB: Yah, phys|cally.
CTB: Except maybe alex, you probably d|d a n|ce number on h|m there.
CKM: Oh boo hoo.
CKM: Poor baby can't handle being roughed up a little by a girl.
CTB: | th|nk you had better not ment|on that next t|me you see h|m
CCT: What, d!d you beat someone up
CTB: Yeah, she d|d
CCT: ...Why
CKM: I did not beat someone up.
CKM: I held them against a wall.
CTB: You totally d|d
CCT: Then what happened
CTB: You were chok|ng the sh|t out of h|m
CCT: Sorry !f I'm be!ng nosy, but you guys are d!scuss!ng th!s r!ght !n front of me so
CKM: Sorry, Emily. Past stuff.
CTB: Okay, sheesh.
CKM: By the way, I guess you were never formally introduced to Mimi, even though you're the reason she's here.
CKM: to Emily*
CTB: Oh yeah.
CKM: Oh, right. I didn't tell you that.
CTB: H|, |'m the reason you're not bleed|ng from every or|f|ce becuase of a m|sprototyped |mp.
CTB: You're welcome.
CCT: Bullsh!t
CTB: Yep. But all of sburb |s bullsh|t.
CTB: Get used to |t.
CCT: If you can move people from other sess!ons, I'm sure you could have found a way to prevent someth!ng l!ke THAT
CCT: Or maybe, you know, TELL ONE OF US NOT TO?
CTB: | could have, but mov|ng you was actually more pract|cal
CTB: /\nd l|ke hell that would have worked
CTB: Do you know how many alternate t|meselves |'ve had show up because everyone d|ed when some stubborn ass refused to take what | sa|d |nto account?
CCT: Maybe !f you told us n!cely !nstead of, say, remov!ng me from all contact w!th my fr!ends?
CCT: L!ke remov!ng me w!ll help them any more than do!ng noth!ng
CTB: You th|nk | d|dn't try tha-... oy vey.
CCT: You aren't even gonna try to revers th!s are you
CCT: *reverse
CTB: Nope.
CCT: Well
CCT: In that case
CCT: Fuck you
CTB: BEcause for once, someth|ng actually sort of worked
CKM: As much as I'd like to disagree with TB...
CTB: |nstead of end|ng |n some bleed|ng asshole show|ng up at my doorstep tell|ng me that | should do th|ngs |nstead of say them
CCT: What was that?
CCT: I couldn't hear you over your aura of rag!ng asshole
CKM: Your moving to this session does work from a player standpoint.
CTB: Ooh, do | detect a h|nt of butthurt?
CTB: | th|nk | do.
CTB: Bes|des, the rag|ng asshole |s your server player, not me
CCT: Do I detect a h!nt of "I want your sp!key boots lodged up my ass please"?
CCT: I th!nk I do
CCT: It's off the charts
CCT: I may have to do someth!ng about !t
CTB: |'d l|ke to see you try.
CCT: Do you know how many people I've put !n the hosp!tal
CKM: I detect a possible future awkward moment as a result of this conversation.
CKM: I love awkard moments.
CKM: Keep going.
CCT: Shut up
CTB: PFf hosp|tal
CCT: Stay out of th!s
CTB: | remember hosp|tals
CKM: Why?
CKM: I'm right here.
CTB: Good t|mes, those
CCT: Yeah
CCT: There are no hosp!tals here
CTB: Yeah, | don't deal much w|th hosp|tals anymore
CCT: I could f!x that
CTB: | k|nd of end up stra|ght-out k|ll|ng people
CCT: R!!!!ght
CKM: Wait, this isn't awkawrd. This is just lethal. Come on guys.
CTB: ...Eh, KM has a po|nt.
CTB: No po|nt |n beat|ng the sh|t out of the person | just brought |n to keep the sess|on from explod|ng.
CCT: Wh!ch sess!on
CCT: M!ne has to be fucked now
CTB: Th|s one
CKM: This one.
CKM: Also, Emily...
CCT: Thatks for your cons!derat!on
CCT: *Thanks
CTB: /\nd your f|rst one was pretty much screwed |n the f|rst place
CCT: Why !s that YOUR concern
CTB: There's a th|ng called "be|ng doomed as sh|t"
CTB: that no amount of hack|ng can really help
CKM: I find it more likely now that you will be talking to some of your coplayers sooner or later.
CKM: I may have talked to them myself
CCT: What how
CCT: When
CCT: When d!d th!s happen
CTB: well of course, paradox space tends to be an ass l|ke that
CKM: Whoa, calm down.
CCT: Why d!dn't you tell me earl!er
CCT: Why should I calm down
CKM: Because it just happened right before TB happened
CTB: BEcause you jsut nearly got crushed by a meteor full of de|ty
CCT: I thought they m!ght be dead or someth!ng just m!nutes ago
CKM: I hadn't had a chance to tell you
CTB: There's actually thousands of dead vers|ons of them
CTB: everywhere
CCT: Shut your mouth
CTB: Make me
CCT: Do you really want me to
CTB: Not really, but |'m not go|ng to shut up |f you don't.
CTB: K|nd of obv|ous log|c there.
CCT: Excuse me for want!ng to know !f you wanted to get punched or !f you were be!ng a smug douchebag
CCT: Now I see that !t was both
CKM: I think Emily has a thing for violence. Just a hunch, TB.
CTB: Yeah, probably.
CCT: No sh!t Sherlock
CTB: G|ven that - oh JESSUS |s that th|ng your spr|te?
CCT: Yes
CCT: Isn't !t adorable
CCT: Hahahaha oh God that look on your face
CTB: That |s the creep|est th|ng |'ve seen s|nce someone prototyped H|tler's corpse.
CCT: Are you scared of a spr!te?
CTB: Sh|t no.
CTB: |'ts just... really damn creepy.
CTB: H|lterspr|te on the other hand was actually scary.
CTB: But that's a story for somet|me else.
CCT: Really? 'Cause I swear I see a wet spot on your pants there
CKM: Now this is more like it.
CTB: That's actually a burn mark from the meteor.
CTB: They're k|nd of everywhere r|ght now.
CCT: A burn mark
CTB: |n case |t wasn't obv|ous.
CCT: I'll choose to !nterpret that f!gurat!vely
CTB: Yes, because | was totally f|gurat|vely burned by a goddamn meteor.
CTB: /\ctually, | sort of was, come to th|nk of |t
CTB: G|ven that the th|ng launched me |nto the m|ddle of rag|ng asshat terr|tory
CCT: Yes, I was totally say!ng you d!dn't get burned by a meteor and wasn't !mply!ng someth!ng else !n add!t!on to !t, nope
CTB: /\nd nearly got me burned at the stake aga|n
CCT: You'd deserve !t aga!n
CTB: Yeah probably.
CTB: But |'d rather not, |t t|ckles
CCT: What about d!sembowelment
CCT: Or suffocat!on
CCT: Or drown!ng
CCT: Or gett!ng hanged
CTB: Dear god woman you know a lot about th|s morb|d sh|t
CTB: Do you get off on |- oh my god.
CKM: Wait. I think my Seer powers are telling me something about TB.
CTB: Oh my god you actually DO.,
CKM: He has -
CKM: An immunity to violence?
CKM: Also a hunch.
CCT: What
CTB: Excuse me, | k|nd of need to roll over laugh|ng for a few seconds
CCT: I do not
CTB: Th|s |s just really h|lar|ous
CCT: I don't at all
CKM: Was I right or wrong?
CCT: Where d!d you even come up w!th that
CTB: Yes, because that's def|n|tely why you prototyped your spr|te w|th sh|t l|ke that.
CKM: He keeps implying that he'd be fine with being brutally killed in various ways.
CTB: That's becuase | H/\VE been k|lled |n var|ous brutal ways.
CCT: That sh!t just happened to be there, oka
CCT: *okay
CKM: And yet you're still here.
CTB: But so long as the un|verse doesn't de|gn |t just or hero|c, | get rev|ved.
CCT: It's not l!ke there was a ton of !t or anyth!ng
CKM: "Just"? "Heroic"? What are even the qualifiers for that?
CTB: /\nd g|ven that that system |s compl|cated as sh|t, | th|nk |' jsut tend to get lucky.
CTB: | don't even know
CCT: Your death would be hero!c
CTB: For some people, |t's some bald asshole w|th a clock that dec|des
CCT: In any s!tuat!on
CKM: If you one day decided, "OH MAN, I SURE WOULD LOVE TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE", and someone kills you would that do it?
CCT: You'd be sav!ng the un!verse from your presence
CTB: Probably, M|m|.
CKM: I repeat: I can't wait to get these cool God Tear powers.
CCT: "Def!n!tely, Em!ly"
CTB: Nah, that'd probably be Just, Em|ly.
CTB: But |'m not that much of an asshat.
CCT: Yes
CTB: /\s much as certa|n part|es would tend to d|ffer.
CCT: Yes you are
CTB: Then you haven't met C/\.
CTB: Speak|ng of wh|ch, | wonder where the w|nged wondersh|t ended up.
CKM: I thought CA just got off on being superior.
CCT: CA d!dn't essent!ally destroy my fr!ends, so
CTB: /\re we really go|ng over th|s aga|n
CCT: Nor d!d he do that w!thout ask!ng f!rst
CTB: For the last t|me, they were doomed and | managed to save your ass before sh|t went down.
CCT: But you could contact us
CTB: No | couldn't.
CCT: Why s!sn't you, y'know, tell us f!rst
CCT: Wa!t but then
CTB: Phys|cs are we|rd sh|t out |n the vo|d
CCT: You made !t sound l!ke you d!d
CTB: By wh|ch | mean the vo|d says "fuck you, phys|cs" and does whatever the sh|t |t pleases
CTB: | couldn't.
CTB: There's a d|stance l|m|t for commun|cat|on and a d|fferent one for mass transfer.
CKM: I think he has to be near/in a session to contact it.
CTB: |n th|s case, commun|cat|on d|stance was longer than mass transfer d|stance.
CCT: You ment!oned some bullsh!t about hack!ng
CTB: Not always, KM.
CCT: And you're !n th!s sess!on
CCT: Couldn't you get yourself !n ours
CTB: |s |t poss|ble? Yes.
CTB: /\m | go|ng to try? Sh|t no.
CCT: Then why not
CTB: Because |t'd be dangerous as hell
CTB: One m|nor segfault and all of us, myself |ncluded, cease to ex|st.
CCT: Says the guy who CAN'T D!E
CTB: Bel|eve me, dy|ng to my own program would be just.
CTB: |'ve seen that one.
CTB: So |'d d|e and not be able to go back |n t|me to correct myself
CCT: Why not let yourself d!e
CCT: It'd be just, AND you'd deserve !t
CTB: You see, that has already techn|cally happened. |t's just a spl|t t|mel|ne. That fa|led.
CCT: T!mel!ne, what
CKM: Oh God, the timelines.
CTB: Beecause | don't want to d|e.
CTB: |f you want to understand t|mel|ne sh|t, |'m the last person to talk to
CCT: Don't be self!sh and stay al!ve
CTB: | get how they work, but l|ke hell |f | can expla|n them.
CTB: There's a d|fference between stay|ng al|ve because |t's greedy and stay|ng al|ve because the alternat|ve would be stup|d
CTB: Stabb|ng myself? Stup|d but just death.
CCT: I th!nk lett!ng yourself d!e would be pretty smart
CTB: Blown up by my own program? Stup|d but just.
CTB: YEah well you're ovf the op|n|on that |'m a paras|te that's better off dead than anyth|ng, so you can go screw youself w|th a kn|fe.
CCT: I'm not !nto that, but thanks for the offer, I guess
CCT: I'd much rather YOU do that
CTB: Can we step away from the errant hatefest for a second and actually get someth|ng done?
CTB: L|ke f|gure out where the hell we're go|ng next?
CCT: M!m!, g!ve h!m your rap!er, I'll go wa!t over tehre
CCT: *there
CTB: | th|nk M|m| spaced out for a b|t.
CTB: Great, the only halfway sane person |n th|s bunch |s ost |n freak|ng Seer-wonderland.
CKM: Oh. Sorry.
CKM: I just got this weird ominous feeling.
CTB: L|ke what?
CKM: Like something bad is going to happen very soon.
CKM: Or already has, and I haven't noticed.
CKM: It's probably nothing.
CCT: He was about to shove your rap!er up h!mself
CTB: Not really, M|m|.
CCT: That could be !nterpreted as "bad"
CTB: /\nd Em|ly, shut up for a second would you
CKM: Not really?
CCT: "Mank me"
CCT: *Make
CTB: You're a Seer.
CTB: You k|nd of... know sh|t.
CTB: /\nd Em|ly, |f | had had the t|me to grab a needle and thread, | would.
CTB: But sadly, | got my ass exploded down here f|rst.
CCT: What does sew!ng have to do w!th anyth!ng
CKM: Okay, if we keep arguing we will never get anywhere.
CKM: Seriously guys.
CTB: Sew your mouth shut duh
CCT: It that your w!npy ass hobby or someth!ng
CTB: /\nd thank you m|m| for say|ng what |'ve been try|ng to say for the last ten m|nutes.
CKM: Even Brian and I condensed our arguing into the form of dramatic dialogue.
CKM: So where are we headed to next?
CCT: I'll be glad to leave th!s d!ck and just go somewhere else
CTB: Sh|t |f | know, a|n't my planet
CKM: No.
CKM: He's staying with us.
CCT: Why
CTB: Probably we|rd t|me sh|t
CKM: He knows more than we do.
CKM: Knowing=winning.
CKM: And I like winning.
CTB: /\nd los|ng means dy|ng.
CTB: | should probably ment|on that.
CKM: Yes! Yes.
CKM: Losing means dying.
CTB: Because of we|rd Sburb sh|t that's why
CCT: ((whoops accidental caps))
CTB: /\nd stop yell|ng, you'll attract the salamanders.
CKM: For the love of all that is holy can we just head north
CTB: Works for me.
CTB: How far?
CKM: I say we keep walking until we hit something interesting.
CKM: That usually works in this game.
CTB: |n th|s game, |nterest|ng |s e|ther awesome loot of really powerful sh|t that wants you dead.
CTB: Usually both.
CKM: Anyway. Let's carry on.
CTB: Sounds good.
CKM: I've learned a lot about how obnoxious arguing about who's got the scarier weapon can be today.
Someone fire up the shipping engines, we might have our token spade-ship back.
And since Apples said to suggest drawings, I'm totally suggesting drawing out some of that argument. And maybe Hitlersprite since that would be terrifying and probably sort of offensive. So probably not Hitlersprite.