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Author Topic: Games you wish existed  (Read 1003383 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3510 on: January 31, 2014, 10:56:06 pm »

Huh, that's actually kind of close to what I want.
What I specifically want is a Warhammer 40,000 game.  Not one where you are the commander leading an unstoppable army.  Not one where you are a genetically engineer super-soldier.  No, not even one where you get to play as a Kaskrin.  No, I want a game where you play as an Imperial Guardsmen.  The respawn system would work in two ways.  For your average death you just switch to another guardsmen in your  platoon.   The other way you would respawn is if your platoon is brought to below a particular strength, or you fail an objective.   It could be handled many ways.  You could have a sort of roleplaying mechanic, with your platoon getting more experienced, and moved to veteran status at some point if you are good at staying alive.  Or you could be put in command, and the game could be tactically based, with your subordinate being promoted on your death.   
Or you could be in command of a company of Baneblades.  I could deal with that.   
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W-we just... wanted our...
Actually most of the people here explicitly wanted chaos and tragedy. So. Uh.


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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3511 on: January 31, 2014, 11:36:51 pm »

Aurora with Sins of a Solar Empire graphics.


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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3512 on: February 01, 2014, 02:43:38 am »

Huh, that's actually kind of close to what I want.
What I specifically want is a Warhammer 40,000 game.  Not one where you are the commander leading an unstoppable army.  Not one where you are a genetically engineer super-soldier.  No, not even one where you get to play as a Kaskrin.  No, I want a game where you play as an Imperial Guardsmen.  The respawn system would work in two ways.  For your average death you just switch to another guardsmen in your  platoon.   The other way you would respawn is if your platoon is brought to below a particular strength, or you fail an objective.   It could be handled many ways.  You could have a sort of roleplaying mechanic, with your platoon getting more experienced, and moved to veteran status at some point if you are good at staying alive.  Or you could be put in command, and the game could be tactically based, with your subordinate being promoted on your death.   
Or you could be in command of a company of Baneblades.  I could deal with that.

Commissar the game.  You must make the choice of whether to shoot your enemies... or your allies.  Either way the Imperium has your back because they love anything that makes the Guard's lives miserable or short.
"T-take this non-euclidean geometry, h-humanity-baka. I m-made it, but not because I l-li-l-like you or anything! I just felt s-sorry for you, b-baka."
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3513 on: February 01, 2014, 09:54:28 pm »

Dungeon Keeper, except instead of taking place underground, it takes place in Castlevania. You are Dracula and you have to make sure your minions are healthy and happy when the angry mob / church / belmonts / rebellious sons start attacking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3514 on: February 02, 2014, 02:05:39 pm »

Huh, that's actually kind of close to what I want.
What I specifically want is a Warhammer 40,000 game.  Not one where you are the commander leading an unstoppable army.  Not one where you are a genetically engineer super-soldier.  No, not even one where you get to play as a Kaskrin.  No, I want a game where you play as an Imperial Guardsmen.  The respawn system would work in two ways.  For your average death you just switch to another guardsmen in your  platoon.   The other way you would respawn is if your platoon is brought to below a particular strength, or you fail an objective.   It could be handled many ways.  You could have a sort of roleplaying mechanic, with your platoon getting more experienced, and moved to veteran status at some point if you are good at staying alive.  Or you could be put in command, and the game could be tactically based, with your subordinate being promoted on your death.   
Or you could be in command of a company of Baneblades.  I could deal with that.

Commissar the game.  You must make the choice of whether to shoot your enemies... or your allies.  Either way the Imperium has your back because they love anything that makes the Guard's lives miserable or short.
In it you have a "No retreat" button.   If pressed time slows down to a crawl.   With it you can head shot your guardsmen with perfect accuracy, restoring their "Morale" to full.   If you hit an enemy your guardsmen will take it as you covering their retreat, and will start running much farther. leaving you alone with a bunch of very, very angry orks. 
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W-we just... wanted our...
Actually most of the people here explicitly wanted chaos and tragedy. So. Uh.

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3515 on: February 02, 2014, 08:54:10 pm »

Huh, that's actually kind of close to what I want.
What I specifically want is a Warhammer 40,000 game.  Not one where you are the commander leading an unstoppable army.  Not one where you are a genetically engineer super-soldier.  No, not even one where you get to play as a Kaskrin.  No, I want a game where you play as an Imperial Guardsmen.  The respawn system would work in two ways.  For your average death you just switch to another guardsmen in your  platoon.   The other way you would respawn is if your platoon is brought to below a particular strength, or you fail an objective.   It could be handled many ways.  You could have a sort of roleplaying mechanic, with your platoon getting more experienced, and moved to veteran status at some point if you are good at staying alive.  Or you could be put in command, and the game could be tactically based, with your subordinate being promoted on your death.   
Or you could be in command of a company of Baneblades.  I could deal with that.

Commissar the game.  You must make the choice of whether to shoot your enemies... or your allies.  Either way the Imperium has your back because they love anything that makes the Guard's lives miserable or short.
In it you have a "No retreat" button.   If pressed time slows down to a crawl.   With it you can head shot your guardsmen with perfect accuracy, restoring their "Morale" to full.   If you hit an enemy your guardsmen will take it as you covering their retreat, and will start running much farther. leaving you alone with a bunch of very, very angry orks.
I don't really know anything about warhammer but how does shooting your own men restore morale?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3516 on: February 02, 2014, 08:58:26 pm »

I don't really know anything about warhammer but how does shooting your own men restore morale?
If your men are more scared of being shot by you than the enemy then they won't run. "Morale" restored! :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3517 on: February 02, 2014, 09:11:58 pm »

Until someone told me it's not meant to be taken seriously, I always held Warhammer to be one of the dumbest franchises I'd ever heard of. I still don't like the Aesthetic, though.
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3518 on: February 02, 2014, 09:26:46 pm »

Until someone told me it's not meant to be taken seriously, I always held Warhammer to be one of the dumbest franchises I'd ever heard of. I still don't like the Aesthetic, though.

Is it not grimdark enough for you? Needs more skulls!

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3519 on: February 02, 2014, 09:51:07 pm »

Until someone told me it's not meant to be taken seriously, I always held Warhammer to be one of the dumbest franchises I'd ever heard of. I still don't like the Aesthetic, though.

This is exactly how I feel about Warhammer after just learning its not meant to be taken seriously just now.

Its just that some people seem so seriously "into" it.
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3520 on: February 02, 2014, 10:01:45 pm »

I've found the biggest fans of Warhammer seem to be the ones that don't quite get it's supposed to be silly, just painted black. It's weird and embarrassing.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3521 on: February 02, 2014, 10:29:23 pm »

I've found the biggest fans of Warhammer seem to be the ones that don't quite get it's supposed to be silly, just painted black. It's weird and embarrassing.
Painted black, adorned with skulls, and menacing with spikes of awesome.
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Urist McScoopbeard

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3522 on: February 02, 2014, 10:35:33 pm »

I wish for a game, and point one out if you know one, for a game, an RPG preferably, that's got a very in-depth magic system, in the fashion that you have to prepare spells, collect ingredients, and generally don't have a lot of mana, so scrolls would actually be important. So unless your like the arch-mage who's extremely talented and practiced, you can't go around starting apocalypse-level firestorms willynilly. Similar, mayhaps, to the narrative magic of the DnD universe.
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3523 on: February 02, 2014, 10:39:01 pm »

Warhammer is supposed to be silly?  ???

Urist McScoopbeard

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3524 on: February 02, 2014, 10:40:17 pm »

It's the definition of silly meh lad!
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