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Author Topic: Games you wish existed  (Read 955634 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3480 on: December 25, 2013, 03:25:28 am »

A randomly-generated Mega Man game. You pick how many Robot Masters you want to fight (and thus the size of the world/dungeon), which can include any of the ones from the numbered series (1 through 10). At the end of it all, you go through a Wily level and fight any of the various Wily minibosses and final bosses from the series, maybe with a few new ones.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3481 on: December 26, 2013, 08:29:33 pm »

A randomly-generated Mega Man game. You pick how many Robot Masters you want to fight (and thus the size of the world/dungeon), which can include any of the ones from the numbered series (1 through 10). At the end of it all, you go through a Wily level and fight any of the various Wily minibosses and final bosses from the series, maybe with a few new ones.
It could randomly generate the Robot Masters and run them through a few hundred combat iterations to cull the best ones, and based on your performance and actions when fighting them it can set up that combat testing so your next playthrough is (hopefully) a bit harder.
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3482 on: January 09, 2014, 02:47:25 pm »

TL;DR: I want a D&D FPS with instanced player-built guildhalls you can fortify and assault.

My idea a while back was to have a shared world but with tons of available land parcels, and you can only own a parcel if you're on a premium account. So you can play for free and be a wandering adventurer, but if you want a shop or house in town you have to acquire a specific parcel of land. If you want a second house, you need a second premium account. You don't have to pay extra real money for this land. Just playing on an account that you have to pay for every month gives you the opportunity, and you have to spend in-game money and resources to make it happen.

Eventually I hope you'd start seeing market districts emerge, but probably you'd just have every single player try to have a shop on the ground floor, machinery in the back rooms, and a home above. How to avoid the whole city becoming a homogeneous mess? Maybe districts where the parcels don't allow machinery or NPC vendors (residential), one where parcels just don't allow vendors (industrial), and some which don't allow machinery (commercial). Certain parcels that are out-of-norm (like a cluster of commercial parcels in a residential district) would be much more expensive.

Anybody can come into your house. You need to invest in locks and stuff to keep people out. Picking locks is a criminal activity, so if it's witnessed the burglar may be arrested. But it's a choice, so if there's three burglars they don't automatically rat each other out. Also the chance that someone is passing by right then is going to be affected by how busy the district is, time of day, and number of NPC guards wandering around. Guards in a district are paid for by taxes paid by the citizens. If you don't wanna pay, that's fine, but you're more likely to get burgled.

You can use a command to eject a person from your house, but if they refuse it's considered trespassing and they can be arrested for it. This isn't a way for a homeowner to troll visitors and criminalize them, because they can just accept the kick and reappear outside.

You can add traps and vaults and stuff to your house. But unless you turn your whole house into a trapped vault you're probably better off putting your wealth in a bank, which would need to be set up by a player piece by piece using a commercial space and a vendor, or perhaps machinery that retrieves and stores deposit boxes. If you want your stuff back you need to go to the same bank. If the banking player steals your stuff I'm not sure that there's anything you can do - you're really just handing your wealth over to him. Pick a bank you trust!

The second part was "apartment-building" style instances like in Anarchy Online. For example, if you go into the mountains there's a cave opening which gives you a destination popup: it's a list of the areas in the cave network which might be underground lakes or a passage to a surface valley enclosed by mountains. A guild can acquire one of these to build stuff in. In order to acquire a guild fort you need a minimum number of premium accounts as members, and while a premium account can have characters in multiple guilds only one will count as a premium guildmember. A small guild fort instance may only require 5 premium guild members, but the largest might need 50. Again, you need to pay in-game money and resources to develop these locales by building facilities and stuff.

Finally you can invite attack by listing your guild locale as PvP, which encourages people from other guilds to raid you and take on your defenses. You can also set it to advertise attack by people unaffiliated with any guilds, or just premium loners. Keeping out the free players is mostly just an anti-trolling measure.

Your defenses would include traps, mazes, guard monsters, secret doors, magical barriers and teleporters and confusing stuff, hired NPC troops, and guildmembers. All this stuff would be built by the efforts of the guildmembers.

Your base number of NPC guards is based on the number of premium members you have. The NPC guards would spawn in at a barracks nearest the intruders, grab arms and armor from the nearest armory, and move to follow location-based orders you gave (manning siege engines or guarding chokepoints, etc). Injured guards who go too long without healing or enemy contact may flee to your infirmary to heal up and then return to the fight. Slain guards respawn soon but must reacquire gear. Attackers can strategically cut off or steal supplies from the armories and infirmaries. A stealthy attacker could injure a guard and lie low until he leaves his post to heal up, then continue sneaking in.

Looting the place can be problematic depending on how well you hid your treasury vs. keeping valuables in plain view. Did you set up a fake vault with decent loot but hide the best stuff elsewhere? And when they breach your vault to find that you store all your money in Copper Pieces, and it would take them hours realtime to haul it out in multiple trips? Then again, if you ever need to use that money it's hard for YOU to move it. Interesting choices all around.

Then you add special artifacts that are meant to be fought over. Magic spells can detect the location - narrowing it down to "this parcel" or "this fortress" (and then once you get inside you can narrow it down to a building in the fortress instance). If you possess the artifact you get cool benefits, but anyone can enter to assault your fortress regardless of your PvP settings. It's your choice to keep the artifact or not. This encourages top-tier players who want the best stuff to open themselves up to attack, which means their positions of wealth and power are insecure.


How is this different from Haven and Hearth? Mainly that you can have an arbitrary number of guild locales accessible from one point at a cave entrance. And until those locales are bought by guilds, players can wander through them and enjoy the natural beauty, gather moss from a mountain valley, fish in an underground river. These locales can be randomly, procedurally generated so there's always, say, three of each type that are unclaimed.

Yet you still have hub towns where people can gather and live separate from the guild activities. Your house in town is part of a larger community, whereas the guild locale is a new community standing on its own.


How to keep high-level players from raiding low-level guilds? I believe the difference in power between a beginning character and a solid casual character should be no more than 1:4, and the difference between a beginner and a maxed-out minus rares should be no more than 1:6, and a beginner vs. maxed-out-with-rares should be 1:8. That is, assuming player skill is equal, if eight 1st levels gang up on an elite max-level, it's a 50:50 chance on which side will win that fight. Diminishing returns on grinding, which helps discourage grinding. And makes player skill much more important - the strategy of which fights to take and how to prepare for them, the tactics of what to do during the fight, the strategy of recovering from the fight and returning to safety.

In this way, let's say you have a guild of 10 premiums, none of whom are there to defend their guild valley from an assault by 10 maxed-no-rares. Those NPC guards are only going to be equivalent to a beginner, but they have siege weapons and can focus down on one attacker at a time. They also respawn, which means the attackers will probably end up fighting several dozen guards in total. There are also traps, which helps wear down the attackers. But the attackers are effectively bringing 60 man-equivalents, while the guards bring 10 man-equivalents. The attackers will probably win the initial assault.

The attackers use magic to locate the big concentration of loot - probably the vault. They search around, but must stay together else the respawning guards will gank a loner. Thus the search takes some time, but eventually they find the unmarked door which has a big vault door behind it. Perhaps the big trap which was placed here will completely kill one of them. In any case, while some work on the vault, the rest must defend against the guards' assault on them. And the vault has been designed to offer no cover for anyone breaking in ...

Finally they get the vault open. They're probably running low on magic, on healing, and the guards keep respawning. By now they've probably fought well over 60 guards. The vault is open and they can loot, but looting takes some time. They need to haul the loot out and while carrying the heavy bags they can't fight effectively. The haulers need to be defended by the other assaulters while they escape. Now we have a fight of 10 guards vs. only half the assault team, so it's 10 man-equivalents vs. 30. The outcome is not so certain!

Assuming the armory hasn't run dry the guards can keep spawning and grabbing. The assault team could split in two and have half cover the armory or spawn-camp the barracks, while the other half handles the vault. But that means it's 10 unequipped guards vs. 5 attackers, so perhaps 5 man-equiv vs. 30. A smart guild will build two exits from the barracks, each passing through an armory - meaning the spawncamp squad needs to cover multiple exits. The spawn squad could haul all the weapons out of the barracks into a hallway behind them, but that is going to take some time. This isn't a game where you click to pick up a stack of 256 swords and put it in your backpack and walk away.

Perhaps a thief could sneak in and haul everything out of the infirmary and drop it in a corner somewhere, lay bear traps in the halls leading from the barracks, scout the place, and generally just set up for the assault while the rest of the team waits. Maybe you could have an assault team of ninjas just stealthing through it - although with greater stealth skill comes less weapon skill, and they're wearing light equipment and armor, so if they're rumbled the guards will chew through them much more easily.

As an ultimate defense, the guild probably just doesn't have so much cash on hand. They spend their money and resources to build, which is very difficult and time-consuming for attackers to tear down. The guildmembers keep some cash on their persons, some in their homes in town, some in the guild valley.
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


  • Bay Watcher
  • Plump Helmet McWhiskey
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3483 on: January 10, 2014, 05:49:07 pm »

Alright also I want a fantasy MMOFPS where your ability to get in close and strike and do simple combos is more important than your magic weapon, where a hit is a hit if it hits, not because you made a die roll. And if you hit his leg then you hit his leg. It's just more satisfying to me.

In such a game you could seriously have a balanced armor system, where armor is great at preventing damage but it makes you move slower, dodge slower, less able to climb and run and stop and jump. Specializing in agility would actually be good.

A crossbow would be desirable in part because you could keep it drawn at all times, whereas a bow you have to pull and release. Spears and other polarms would be desirable in part because you get more reach! But you can't hit someone who gets in close as easily.

It would be wonderful.
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3484 on: January 10, 2014, 06:30:19 pm »

I think an SMT Strategy game done in a sort of X-com style would be neat. The player would run the Counter Demon Force trying to rid the earth of demons(catch all term for anything supernatural in the SMTverse including Gods and Angels)and the cultists that worship them.  I want a pretty big tech tree some depends on  how the player wants to play and decisions made in the "story" (which is affected by the the things you research). There would be several factions: CDF, The various world governments(probably only a real emphasis on major world players), Gaians, Messians, a few Corporations, and Demon Tamer Gangs. I'll get into those in a while.

Initially you can only research better weapons and armor with traditional "science" in mind. Fighting in this tier against demons should result in heavy casualties. This will be par the course until the player unlocks demon summoning. When the players unlock demon summoning, their units(and by extension) the player will be able to control them.

Basically there will be two branches of devil summoning "COMP" and "Occult".  Comp Technology is how most of the protagonists summon their demons: The Demon Summoning Program. The idea is the player either finds it on a hardrive after a cultist raid or raiding certain corporations. Initially the demon summoning program relies on COMPS, worn on the user's arm and demons can only be summoned/sustained with an expensive material called Magnetite.  As you research the program, magnetite costs go away and you can begin to implement comps onto vehicles, weapons(Military Grade GUMPS), and armor(DEMONICAS from Strange Journey). The players units will be able to use magic themselves after a certain point too, but it will pale in comparison to what demons or Cultists can work.

The primary limitation of COMP summoning is that the demons under the units command must be at or a lower level than the unit "summoning it", however there is a system of "demon loyalty" and being as capable as the demon serving you maintains and increases that loyalty.

Occult style summoning are traditional rituals and sacrifices in a nutshell. This style actually has two branching paths "worshiping" demons for their power or "communicating with demons to borrow their power".

 Worshiping demons allows the player to have "permanent" access to a demon by selling the souls of your units or acquiring sacrifices by abducting people. I
If the player goes down this path, they can get access to powerful demons(like endgame) demons very early. However the governments of the world might not appreciate you doing the demons job for them. In addition, just because you can summon motherfucking Beelzebub at level 20 doesn't mean its a good idea. Demons contracted via souls/blood start with high loyalty but after they're contract is up  there loyalty drops fast. They might grow bored with your operation and fly off to terrorize cities. They may decide to slaughter everyone on a mission on a whim, or they could just demand larger and larger sacrifices in exchange for their loyalty. Also, if a demon owns your units souls bad things might happen if that demon dies or defects...

Communicating with demons involve alternative methods of contracting demons, and includes things like Shamanism, Druidism etc. This branch is meant to be sort of a zerg rush thing. Summoning lots of weak disposable forests spirits in exchange for protecting a forest from a corporation. This branch depends a lot on the player learning about mythology and sometimes can put the player at odds with megacorps/governments ( the player has to protect some sacred ground in order to keep using a certain demon or god perhaps)

They would be a bunch more tech trees with some overlap(demonoids, demon fusion, etc)

As for factions:
Counter Demon Force: What the player controls. Tasked with eliminating demons from the world, and hopefully stopping them from coming
Cultists: Small cults that worship demons, sometimes try to capture towns and areas. Randomly generated goals and such. Generally follow the occult tech tree, some cults may be harmless( a group that worships Oberon may ONLY want to protect a rainforest from a corperation and preforms some raids on company property) or death cults that wish to summon major demons to the world. Its up to the player on how to combat the demon threat
Cult of Gaia: A not so minor cult and represents the "Chaos" faction in most games. They want to return to the good old days of antiquity where man and demon lived side by side. Super Tough human units, mix of comp and Occult summoning. Its said senior members of the cult can punch through tanks with their bare hands. ...
Messian Church: Object to being called a "cult", they wish to bring about the  Millineal Kingdom. Very authoritarian. Represents the "Law" faction. They don't unify demons often but summon with the occult style. Units are very effective against demons by themselves. Not much is known about their hierarchy, but surviving exmembers claim that actual angels are running the show here. It is said that senior members can sing so beautifully that not even bullets will dare touch them..
Mega Corporations: Randomly generated, out to make profit. May or may not utilize demons, it just depends on how locked down the Demons Summon Program is. If the player isn't careful the program could end up in anyone's hands. It could be devastating if less than ethical companies get access to demons.
Demon Tamers/ P-Trainers: Slang terms for civilians with access with to the demon summoning program. Only pops up if the player is flat out negligent with how the Program is guarded. Worst Case Scenario involves people being able to download SATAN.exe on ThePirateBay.
Would you rather be an Ant in Heaven or a Man in Hell?

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3485 on: January 11, 2014, 02:58:56 am »

Alright also I want a fantasy MMOFPS where your ability to get in close and strike and do simple combos is more important than your magic weapon, where a hit is a hit if it hits, not because you made a die roll. And if you hit his leg then you hit his leg. It's just more satisfying to me.

In such a game you could seriously have a balanced armor system, where armor is great at preventing damage but it makes you move slower, dodge slower, less able to climb and run and stop and jump. Specializing in agility would actually be good.

A crossbow would be desirable in part because you could keep it drawn at all times, whereas a bow you have to pull and release. Spears and other polarms would be desirable in part because you get more reach! But you can't hit someone who gets in close as easily.

It would be wonderful.

forgive me if I am being stupid but that sounds a bit like mount and blade warband napoleananic wars DLC,Now I havn't got the DLC so I don't know how it goes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Plump Helmet McWhiskey
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3486 on: January 20, 2014, 07:16:38 pm »

Sounds cool, I'll have to check it out.

I have another one, which I was actually thinking about implementing back when I was scripting for a UO freeshard.

Shops have all their inventories lying out. There are stacks of armor pieces, weapons in a rack, etc. The shopkeeper knows his shop boundaries, and will stock things in whatever tables and racks are available. If you go in and buy something, you can click it and use your item lore abilities to tell which one is the best, like in terms of hidden quality or durability, and choose to buy that one. Or you can try to steal it ...

If you grab an item from the bottom of a stack, the stack drops. If the shopkeeper has room for more goods at the end of the day when he closes up shop, he will send a request for a restock which will be fulfilled by a nearby craftsman. Someone delivers the item from the craftsman to the shop in the morning. That leaves the craftsman with one fewer item in his ready stock, so he will use up some materials to make a new one.

Anyway, the main point was that the shop doesn't have like 999 Brass Helmets or whatever, it has a limited amount of stuff. And the shopkeeper won't just buy all the crap you bring in either.

But I encountered problems right away. If players can't sell loot, they hold onto it. But then where do the bandits spawning outside town get their equipment? It would rapidly lead to inflation of gear so a suit of armor would be worthless because everyone has like 500 of them they can't sell.

But it's been done a bit in other games. TES games have shops with a visible inventory that's tied to their NPC shop inventory. But if you sell something back to him it won't appear on an empty space on his shelf. Spelunky has shops where you see all the items available - but you can't sell stuff to the shop and the inventory is like 4 items at a time.

I guess this wouldn't be any good unless you (A) wanted to explore the possibilities of adventurers screwing up an economy by dumping tons of swords and gold coins on the townsfolk, or (B) you had other stock-sinks that would mean the shop opens every morning able to sell a few items but also buy a bunch of items. Maybe sell 10 swords, but able to buy until stock reaches 30.

Of course in UO people didn't really sell gear like that. If you were out adventuring and grinding you wouldn't bother picking up regular weapons and stuff. A lowbie could grind bandits for clothes, which were valuable, but still fairly heavy in bulk. Most of the time if you did take stuff it would be because you wanted to break it down - smelt weapons and armor for ingots you could use to craft with, or shred clothes into bandages to use while you're out on the same adventure.
The Expedition Map
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3487 on: January 20, 2014, 08:37:15 pm »

Make it so that you can sell to a "wholesaler", who buys things en-mass then sells them to others perhaps?

Or just making it so that there can only be a limited quantity of material in the world for the craftsmen to turn into goods, and tie that into baddie stocks.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3488 on: January 20, 2014, 08:38:54 pm »

Roughs up the shopkeeper. "Did you sell this sword to the bandit king?"

"Uh yeah."

"Why would you sell it to him? He almost chopped my head off!"

"Well he traded me some money he got from killing your last character, so ... a customer is a customer! By the way, I'll pay ya 5 gold for that sword seein' how it's used and all."
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3489 on: January 20, 2014, 08:41:36 pm »

Must be a shit sword. Is it made out of stone?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3490 on: January 20, 2014, 10:46:12 pm »

Then I just remembered that anything to do with mount and blade is the complete OPPISATE of fantasy so I guess I didn't notice how LeoLeonardo wanted fantasy,guess you didn't want my suggestion eh?


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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3491 on: January 21, 2014, 12:15:53 am »

You could have a war on. Warring armies make great sinks for merchandise. However, you'd probably find the shops a bit bare when you want to buy things, though.
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3492 on: January 21, 2014, 03:28:28 pm »

I still want a modern day Suikoden with recruitment and base building elements where you have to start and staff your own army. Recruit pilots, sailors, soldiers and choose heads for those departments. Capture planes, ships and weaponry to repaint and use etc...

blazing glory

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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3493 on: January 21, 2014, 10:33:33 pm »

I want a game that's like Xcom enemy unknown and enemy within,I loved the squad tactics and the whole you can use cover and flank part


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Games you wish existed
« Reply #3494 on: January 21, 2014, 10:48:06 pm »

A Halo game where you play as a Jackal (the Halo enemy, not a literal jackal).
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.
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