I just remembered a dream I had about a game that would be pretty cool. Of course, the dream turned into a pretty much standard video game creepy pasta that woke me up two hours before I was supposed to, time which I then spent huddled under my blanket with my laptop, but that's beside the point.
Anyway, the main concept of the game is very simple: The player goes to a tropical island or archipelago on vacation. After a little bit of time, a random crime would happen. The player would then try to gather clues to solve the crime. The twist is, though, everything is mostly randomized, and the other people, while there would be a limited number of characters, would have a mildly randomized personality. This way, you get to see the same NPCs across different games, and see how they react in a wide variety of situations. Of course, depending on the precise situation, anyone could be the criminal.
How it would work is that each NPC would have a few different values upon initializing the game: Daily routine, goals, and preset attitudes towards other townspeople. There would be a few in game days where the NPCs would go about their lives and the player can explore, until eventually one of the NPCs commits a crime worthy of the player.Over the course of the game, the player would simply interact with the NPCs to try and solve the case. The relationships, although set at the beginning, would be open to change. For example, if two characters start the game as sworn enemies, it could be possible to end the game being best friends,
The largest problem with this idea is a. The AI needed would be incredible, and b. It would take a lot of processing power to oversee a whole archipelago.