Country Name:United Socialist Sovietics Empire
Country Ethnicity: USSE patriots
Number of Starting Province: 90
Name of Starting Province: Neo-Cairo
Leader Name: That Other Pharaoh
Leader Title: First Pharaoh of the Central Comitee
Colour: Purple
Government Type:A weird mix of Soviet Socialism and absolute monarchy.
Government Officials/Ministers: Ministers get sent to the gulag so often that the ministry staff gave up writing new names on office's doors.
Leader's History: The Pharaoh woke up one day in Egypt and let one of the two most successful state on Earth. A nice alliance with the Imperialist Bastards made him into the leader of the world's first Megapower, although various comitee of the Communist Party still control a lot of things.
Strongly Worded Complaints from the National Soviet:
We have managed to reduce the costs of indoctrination to under one Ruble a person, allowing entire provinces to be turned from vile capitalists into true Soviet workers!
With our civilian indoctrination techniques fully developed, the true citizens of the United Socialist Sovietics Empire have united together to form Provincial Defence Forces (or PDF for short)...
Once again the brave Soviet economists have challenged the supremacy of capitalism in the world economy by developing new, advanced economic theories that (im)prove the many advantages of Marxism-Leninism...
The once mighty USSE shall claw its way back into global dominance and overthrow those petty capitalist kingdoms that have sprouted up in our wake [For the rest of the rant, see pages 2353-2356]. We are one step closer to our former strength with the development of Rapid Light-Based Communications, allowing our armies to co-ordinate with a speed and efficiency unheard of!
Your promises are not worth the energy it takes to listen to them! You're so-called spies on the ESS Pwenet have turned out to be nothing but traitors, capitalists and (worst of all) socialists! These despicable excuses for men have already founded a new nation, close to the western border of the New Unity...
It appears that traitors are not the only objects to come down from the ESS Pwenet. A large chunk of the databases aboard the ship were detached from the ship through excessive violence, only to penetrate the planet's atmosphere and land on Kadesh. Brave Soviet scientists have been dispatched to investigate the databases...
Money: $250,000
Provinces: 73 - New Greenland ($50,000): 6 Militia, 1 Patrol-boat, 1 Aircraft Carrier
72 - Kursk ($27,000): None
74 - Roiichland ($10,000): 2 Jet Aircraft
75 - Mansura ($7,000): None
76 - The Mountainhomes ($5,000): 1 Howitzer, 1 Jet Aircraft
77 - Ein-Gallut ($7,000): None
78 - Freeland ($8,000): 1 Howitzer, 1 Jet Aircraft
79 - Miliarnyi Zony Odin ($40,000): 3 Howitzer
80 - October War ($5,000): None
81 - Kadesh ($9,000): None
82 - Miliarnyi Zony Dva ($22,000): 1 Howitzer, 1 Jet Aircraft
83 - Shebgamlet ($25,000): None
84 - Shebgorodskih ($29,000): 3 Jet Aircraft
85 - Lenino ($49,000): 3 Howitzer
86 - Bitter Lakes ($6,000): None
87 - Shebovgorod ($33,000): None
88 - Shebudushchyee ($18,000): None
89 - Raphia ($8,000): None
93 - Sheboslavl ($34,000): 1 Militia
97 - Memphis ($16,000): 1 Militia
99 - Memel ($49,000): None
101 - Aswan ($40,000): 2 Jet Aircraft, 1 Howitzer
103 - Yeel ($32,000): 2 Light Craft, 2 Cannon
104 - Granseal ($33,000): None
114 - Stalingrad ($9,000): 1 Jet Aircraft, 1 Howitzer
115 - Toski ($33,000): None
116 - Aboukir ($9,000): None
120 - ? ($5,000): None
Military Commanders:
Army General Thitmosept (Skills: 18)
Current Deployment: Commanding the 1st Red Banner Army.
Comissar Korsakov (Skills:28)
Current Deployment: Commanding the 2nd Red Banner Army.
Army General Youssef (Skills:35)
Current Deployment: Enjoying the weather in New Greenland (73).
Army General Kornosov (Skills: 46)
Current Deployment: Swearing eternal vengeance (New Greenland (73)).
1st Red Banner Army:
Units: 4 Light Craft, 1 Mechanized Militia, 1 Cannon, 2 Militia
Current Actions: Recovering in Granseal (104).
2nd Red Banner Army:
Units: 3 Mechanized Militia, 2 Light Craft, 4 Cannon, 2 Militia
Current Actions: Running drills in New Greenland (73).
Named Technologies: Brunt Earth Tactics (Provinces taken over by enemy forces gain one wasteland feature)
Guerrilla Warfare (Provinces with your ethinecity but under control of another government gain a +10% success espionage bonus and 100% chance to rebel. Additionally, enemy units passing through that province have a 15% chance to become stuck in that province, preventing them from moving further)
Provincial Defence Force (Provinces under attack generate basic infantry at a tech level below your current attainable one (minimum of 1). The number of infantry generated is equal to the base income of that province divided by 7,000, rounded down. A province will always produce one unit of PDF, no matter what is income is. (Therefore a province with 0-13,999 income would produce 1 infantry, 14,000-20,999 would produce 2 etc.) PDF only works in provinces with the same ethnicity as the government.)
Civilian Indoctrination (Provinces with a different ethnicity can be changed to your ethnicity at the cost of the province's base income. The chance of success is between 50-100 percent, depending on the province.)
Ranked Technologies:
Officer Training: Promotion (2)
Logistics: Plunder/Pillaging (0)
Manufacturing: Assembly Lines (3)
Economy: Advanced Theory (5) ($25,000*28 Provinces = +$700,000 per turn.) $11,000 towards the next rank.
Education: Academy (3) (+30,000 free research a turn.)
Morale: None (0)
Signalling: Rapid Communications (4) (+40 initiative)
Colonization: Portable Communication Towers (
Weaponry: Pre-Alien Craft (2)
Defensive Systems: Modern (3)
Espionage: Volunteer Spies (2)
Counter-Espionage: None (0)
ICBM Technology: Guided Missiles (2)
Missile Defences: None (0)
AI Technology: None (0)