I feel that they need to balance the ADC a bit more, with the emphasis on those with an escape mechanism other than Flash against those that do not have one. While many that don't have a hard escape usually have something to compensate for it (such as Sivir's spellshield, Ashe's slow, Draven's temporary movespeed increase) they tend to hit harder and scale better than those who do (a la Graves, whose range somewhat limits his early game phase, and Lucian, who despite his passive doesn't feel like he hits as hard as he should at late game.)
I understand that not every character should be good at every phase of the game, but the current meta heavily limits the type of characters you see in each lane despite the rekatively large roster. Galio, for example, is rarely seen despite being a hard counter to nearly any AP middle, same as Kassadin for squishier opponents, but both are solid picks for their all game utility.
The meta determines what characters get buffed and nerfed more than anything. If some MLG pro exploits a new strategy and everyone copies it (as is seen with the brief popularity of any champion played in a tournament), expect it to be nerfed. I definitely felt Draven's poke in lane was a bit much, but I'm not going to think he's a lost cause now that they changed his passive. I just expect more people to go back to Caitlin for her "best of everything" skillset.
I generally try not to play the same character, let aline the same lane, two games in a row, because that just doesn't feel fun to me. There are just too many champions to choose from to limit myself to one "infallible" strategy or character, especially with buffs and nerfs going off regularly. Adapt or die.