The fundamental point I was trying to make there, is that there is no other strategy that is actually "better" than the meta in all circumstances. The meta is a sort-of catch-all solution to a problem. It gives you a solid plan, good team comp, and works in 90% of all situations as the most efficient strategy. There will always be specific team comps that pros can run to counter specific weaknesses a certain team comp has. You'll never find a specific strategy that counters the meta in all circumstances. If there was one, everyone would be using it.
And even still, if there really was a strategy that "countered" the meta, you'd never be able to get your team to follow it outside of queuing with your friends. The meta is what everyone knows how to play, and it's the safest way to ensure your team will be strong enough to beat the enemy.
Oh, and mild deviations from the meta are not a new meta. They're just that, mild deviations from the meta. A new meta requires a completely different strategy, one that is fundamentally sound in another way, but different.
Like how they used to run AD carry mid so it would get solo exp and gold, with an AP top for the solo because they have CC and can survive better than an AD carry top. Then you'd run bruisers bot lane because bot lane used to get ganked hard 24/7. It was pretty good, but left a squishy AP carry in a gankable side lane, and left an AD carry all alone to be ganked willy nilly. If you tried to run that today, it'd get crushed by the current meta. That's actually how the current meta supplanted the old one, people started running this meta against the old one and it was simply better. Bruisers can soak up AP damage and crush their squishiness with help from their jungler. The AP carry mid easily crushes the weak early game of the AD carry, and the AD Carry + Support bot can always wait it out, or get ganks from the jungler to help them out.
Double bruiser bot is actually a pretty good strat against specific comps, like Ezreal + Sona bot. But it's only useful against certain comps. You try and run that against a strong bot lane, like Draven + Leona and you'll find that Draven has too much poke and Leona's got too much tank to be pushed around. It's good to catch your enemies off-guard, but it only works when you have allies who understand what you're trying to do and how to fully utilize that potential. You also have to know the enemy's team comp. So again, only possible in 5 man premade draft or ranked. It's also not very good late-game, unless you put someone like Jax + Pantheon bot, in which case Jax will just scale into a late-game beast like he always does.
I'd like to clarify, I'm not trying to say that the meta is bad, or good. I really like experimentation, because it rewards clever thinking and it's arguably better than the stale, standard meta. But I hate people who rant and rave about the current meta without even acknowledging in any way that the meta is the safest way to play, that there's a reason people started playing this meta. If you come up with something better than the current meta, that counters it in 90% of situations, then please tell me it. I'd love to use it. Until then, just stop complaining.