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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1340437 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6750 on: January 09, 2012, 10:18:37 am »

I almost just started playing LoL, but then I realized that most of the people in the game are elitist bastards and that the game has much more jargon than starcraft 2. If anyone has a good counterargument to my reasons, please tell me, because I might enjoy getting into LoL if I am confident that learning is a palatable experience.

Yeah, been there. I started a few months ago, in part because I peeked in here and thought it was like reading a foreign language and I was intrigued. I wasn't a complete newcomer to the core concepts of the game, because I'd played Demigod a fair bit. But there was definitely a learning curve. It's quite fun once you get used to it, as long as you don't let the rage consume you when you lose because of someone else being an idiot while calling you an idiot.
wtf noob, y u no help me 1v5 enemy taem?!?1


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6751 on: January 09, 2012, 10:19:04 am »

Yepyep. Really good game, but the moba attitude of the playerbase is pretty annoying. I play a match of LoL occasionally, but #1 I suck #2 Everyone lets me know I suck whether I suck or dont suck at that point in time. Limits how much I play LoL and DotA. Both communities... ugh. Lets just say that you need friends.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6752 on: January 09, 2012, 11:29:46 am »

What's the most effective way to play Nidalee if not AP?


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6753 on: January 09, 2012, 12:00:14 pm »

What's the most effective way to play Nidalee if not AP?

Tanky deeps.

dat 2.0 ko scaling.

also the attack speed steroid and arpen ability.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6754 on: January 09, 2012, 12:18:45 pm »

About this Elo thing, here's my input :

I started playing a lot of Ranked matches in season 2, and i quickly sunk to 880-something Elo. And then i think that i managed to adapt to the way people play at this Elo level, because i started to slowly raise in Elo, and i'm currently around 1080-something. So, i'd say that it's possible to get out of Elo hell but you may need to sink deep enough first.

A couple advice though : don't surrender. Players at this level often want to surrender as soon as they lose a teamfight, but more often than not, they can still win later, even though common sense would tell you that the match is lost. Also, try to learn all the roles required in a team, and unlock/play at least 2 champions for each role. Solotop i use Riven or Gangplank, for the Jungle i use Udyr or Gangplank, Mid i play Annie or Tristana (rarely), and bot i play Tristana or Sivir as Ad carry, and Sona or Soraka as support. This way you can fill the missing role, and you won't force people to play things they're bad at. Even if you cant play all 5 roles, try to learn at least 3 of them.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6755 on: January 09, 2012, 02:29:58 pm »

Dominion talk abound!

So I finally gave Lux a try in Dominion, going full CDR (Morello's/Ionian Boots) -> Rabadon -> Voidstaff and just floating around lazoring people when they are trying to cap, or trying to run, or trying not to get lazored. The ult's on a less than 30 secs cooldown at lvl 3, or 36 at lvl 2, which is absolutely entertaining. Also her skillset enables some pretty nice kill setups, and her full combo does do a lot of damage. The problem is, kind of like Morgana but much less so, Lux depends on her teammates, since she has no escape skills apart from the root (which is great, but a skillshot and short in duration), so when I had to go bot, or got a leaver (5 out of the 6 games I played), she is still ridiculously fun, but otherwise average.

I did almost always have the best K/D ratio, though. Which people claim isn't important in Dominion, but I'd argue it's even more important than points depending on how you got them, because I almost always end up interrupting an enemy cap/killing off the enemies at a point and not stopping to cap the point myself, but letting my teammate capture it while I go off trying to be useful somewhere else, which leaves you basically pointless. And not dying a lot enables you, especially with a long-range poke/CC like Lux to provide significant permanent resistance.

Also screw stealth champions, especially eve. Yeah I'm not moving from the point, stop waiting just outside of its detection radius, go away.

How's tryndamere for Dominion? I now want a champion that can just stumble upon an enemy and destroy him, kind of like Xin Zhao does. I know Pantheon is one of the best melee champions for Dominion, but he's relatively expensive and while I will be getting him sooner or later, a cheaper champion wouldn't hurt.
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6756 on: January 09, 2012, 03:05:57 pm »

I almost just started playing LoL, but then I realized that most of the people in the game are elitist bastards and that the game has much more jargon than starcraft 2. If anyone has a good counterargument to my reasons, please tell me, because I might enjoy getting into LoL if I am confident that learning is a palatable experience.

I've just started play a few months ago and while I agree about the jargon (I mean just when you think you know it, someone starts using just initials for certain champ abilites... guh), I can't say I've found the community any less pleasant than other multiplayer games.  And unlike most games, Riot gives you an easy way to report the total asswipes you eventually play with/against.

I tried Rammus this weekend on Dominion and I'm in love.  The Scar is my pinball machine.  He had me from "mmm-OK".

ProvingGrounds was merely a setback.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6757 on: January 09, 2012, 03:31:07 pm »

ELO hell doesn't exist?

Our leader insta-locks Yi, takes it top and literally gets 23 CS by 40 minutes.
Our Taric buys Boots of Mobility and doesn't heal or stun during team fights, who also instalocked after I had chosen Janna and asked if anyone else wants Support.
Our Fiddlesticks just didn't understand how to play Fiddlesticks very well..
And, well, our Urgot played pretty good actually.

I finish the game with 3/2/26
The rest of them have negative K:D:A ratio.

So don't play support. If you had 26 assists that sounds like the issue.

If you were like, Akali, and still present in the same situation, and got 26 kills...You could've carried that blindfolded probably.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6758 on: January 09, 2012, 03:51:25 pm »

So don't play support.

I actually avoid bot lane with a passion now. Whenever I'm bot, either as a support or a carry, my team always loses. Bot lane just requires so much coordination with your teammate that it's best to leave it to the duoqueue voice-chat people, or disregard the 0 cs support+AD carry bot meta completely.
Also often called Boowells.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6759 on: January 09, 2012, 03:58:46 pm »

So don't play support.

I actually avoid bot lane with a passion now. Whenever I'm bot, either as a support or a carry, my team always loses. Bot lane just requires so much coordination with your teammate that it's best to leave it to the duoqueue voice-chat people, or disregard the 0 cs support+AD carry bot meta completely.
Double carry bot is fun, so long as you go for kills.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6760 on: January 09, 2012, 04:07:56 pm »

Taric + Jarman is the best!

I much prefer fun duo bot combos that people don't normally do. You can do all sorts of bizzaro combos. Eve + Zilean. Urgot + Pantheon. Annie + Brand. All fun as hell and really viable too.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6761 on: January 10, 2012, 07:09:56 am »

I started playing this, and I kind of suck. What's a good champion for someone who sucks? Also, what should influence points be spent on?


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6762 on: January 10, 2012, 07:37:45 am »

Inta lock-in-xin "Jungler"


we all pick our chars

"Never played this char or jungler before, lul guys"  1/14 (even with hard mentoring)

Everytime i mouse over the "match me with teammates" button, i have flashbacks, Vietnam style.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 07:41:31 am by ThtblovesDF »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6763 on: January 10, 2012, 08:50:47 am »

About this Elo thing, here's my input :

I started playing a lot of Ranked matches in season 2, and i quickly sunk to 880-something Elo. And then i think that i managed to adapt to the way people play at this Elo level, because i started to slowly raise in Elo, and i'm currently around 1080-something. So, i'd say that it's possible to get out of Elo hell but you may need to sink deep enough first.

A couple advice though : don't surrender. Players at this level often want to surrender as soon as they lose a teamfight, but more often than not, they can still win later, even though common sense would tell you that the match is lost. Also, try to learn all the roles required in a team, and unlock/play at least 2 champions for each role. Solotop i use Riven or Gangplank, for the Jungle i use Udyr or Gangplank, Mid i play Annie or Tristana (rarely), and bot i play Tristana or Sivir as Ad carry, and Sona or Soraka as support. This way you can fill the missing role, and you won't force people to play things they're bad at. Even if you cant play all 5 roles, try to learn at least 3 of them.

FYI: I am ~1800 now on EUW [Solo ofc], but I can tell you that there are lot of trolls and mediocre players on ~1700 even. Kinda less @ 1800 tho, but overall LoL players are extremely bad anyway. My mate is at 2k on EUNE, that is the rating where better players can be found and above. [Even tho ppl tend to troll on that rating as well nowadays.]
"Pros" / best players can be found on 2.1k++

Anyway if you wanna reach a better rating like 1800, you must play at a very good level, since you must carry 1-2 bad players in most of the games. It's better if you duo queue with a good player, so only 3 randoms will destroy your match, not 4. :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 08:53:45 am by gimli »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6764 on: January 10, 2012, 09:42:47 am »

About this Elo thing, here's my input :

I started playing a lot of Ranked matches in season 2, and i quickly sunk to 880-something Elo. And then i think that i managed to adapt to the way people play at this Elo level, because i started to slowly raise in Elo, and i'm currently around 1080-something. So, i'd say that it's possible to get out of Elo hell but you may need to sink deep enough first.

880 Elo is Elo Heaven, not Hell.  1000-1500 or so is Hell.  As for whether or not it actually exists, I don't know.  I was one of the rare few who actually wanted to be ready for ranked and I quit before I was ready.
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