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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1333005 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6735 on: January 09, 2012, 01:31:40 am »

Basically the whole matchmaker system is made for only two things.

Make sure you are teamed up with 4 feeders (all of them playing AD carries) against a team of hardened hardcore pros.
Make sure you land into ELO hell and be paired with trolls/leavers every freaking game.
Honestly, "Elo Hell" doesn't exist.

You want to know what's supposed to carry you out of it? You. You have 5 randoms on the opposing team, but 4 randoms and you on your team. You are what's different from all the other randoms on the other team.

But most of the time, you aren't different. You're just another random.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6736 on: January 09, 2012, 01:45:01 am »

Honestly, "Elo Hell" doesn't exist.

You want to know what's supposed to carry you out of it? You. You have 5 randoms on the opposing team, but 4 randoms and you on your team. You are what's different from all the other randoms on the other team.

But most of the time, you aren't different. You're just another random.

It does. It start's at the point where YOU have no real control over who wins no matter how well (or bad) you do.
It's the point where people don't understand when you call MIAs... or even openly tell mid to leg it because a 5 man gank squad is heading his way.
It's the point where every other game has at least one leaver.
It's the point where you initiate by stunning their entire team with a well placed pulverize just to see your team run away leaving you alone.
It's the point where every game is a roflstomp game that ends the second teams can start a surrender vote.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6737 on: January 09, 2012, 01:46:26 am »

Your team and the opposing team are at the same Elo rating.

If you have those bad people, then they do too.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6738 on: January 09, 2012, 01:54:32 am »

Your team and the opposing team are at the same Elo rating.

If you have those bad people, then they do too.

And what if my elo rating sports a multitude of leavers and trolls?
Sure i can hope they end up on the opposing team and we get a quick win but a 50% win/lossrate is not enough to get out of a certain elo bracket (unless you are VERY lucky and don't get paired with a troll or leaver for several games in a row).
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 01:56:23 am by Sonlirain »
"If you make something idiot proof, someone will just make a better idiot."
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6739 on: January 09, 2012, 02:20:48 am »

ELO hell is pretty much bad luck with leavers or trolls. You have a constant flow of new players hitting lvl 30 and going ranked. A lot of these drop down due to various reasons, and a lot of those are abandoned. So I like to look at it like a waterfall. You start at the curve, and if you don't make it past, it just gets harder and harder to rise up.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6740 on: January 09, 2012, 03:06:43 am »

ELO hell doesn't exist?

Our leader insta-locks Yi, takes it top and literally gets 23 CS by 40 minutes.
Our Taric buys Boots of Mobility and doesn't heal or stun during team fights, who also instalocked after I had chosen Janna and asked if anyone else wants Support.
Our Fiddlesticks just didn't understand how to play Fiddlesticks very well..
And, well, our Urgot played pretty good actually.

I finish the game with 3/2/26
The rest of them have negative K:D:A ratio.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6741 on: January 09, 2012, 03:57:01 am »

Use the ignore button and at least safe yourself from that leaver/retard for the future... as I see it, if I play more games then I possibly can, everyday, I can eventually fillter the scum off humanity out of my games.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6742 on: January 09, 2012, 07:19:41 am »

I believe it's irrelevant what the cause is, the outcome (aka: losing repeatedly) is what makes us frustrated. Because of this, anyone who plays this game will always get frustrated regardless of his level. After all, if someone had 30 leavers in 30 games but still won all 30 games... I don't think this guy would be complaining about Elo hell. If anything, he'd be going

"I'm such an incredible player I won 30 games even though they were all 4v5! I'm so damn good! Fuck Elo hell, this is Elo heaven!"

But if he lost...

"Fuck Riot matchmaking! Stupid so many fucking leavers fuck this game even though I play so well I keep getting stuck with retard morons!"


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6743 on: January 09, 2012, 08:16:42 am »

So, is Nidalee a good champion to pick up? :)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6744 on: January 09, 2012, 08:18:10 am »

Not if you want to build her ap.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6745 on: January 09, 2012, 08:25:46 am »

Not if you want to have a lategame


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6746 on: January 09, 2012, 08:35:15 am »

Not if you are a nice person, and don't want to piss the living fuck out of other players
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6747 on: January 09, 2012, 08:50:29 am »

Not if you can't aim, or aim purely at Sivir.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6748 on: January 09, 2012, 10:04:29 am »

Not if you want to have a lategame

Metagolem Nidalee is an unholy beast lategame.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6749 on: January 09, 2012, 10:12:22 am »

I almost just started playing LoL, but then I realized that most of the people in the game are elitist bastards and that the game has much more jargon than starcraft 2. If anyone has a good counterargument to my reasons, please tell me, because I might enjoy getting into LoL if I am confident that learning is a palatable experience.

Yeah, been there. I started a few months ago, in part because I peeked in here and thought it was like reading a foreign language and I was intrigued. I wasn't a complete newcomer to the core concepts of the game, because I'd played Demigod a fair bit. But there was definitely a learning curve. It's quite fun once you get used to it, as long as you don't let the rage consume you when you lose because of someone else being an idiot while calling you an idiot.

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