The Chaos player thought he was winning. I was supposed to prevent his admiral ship from escaping, but he was already initiating an warp jump. My boarding actions were on cooldown so I couldn't stop him, I couldn't also really break through the wall of cruisers and escorts he put between my ships and his admiral ship, maybe a few lucky macro cannon shoots would break through but it wouldn't be enough. I had a bomb or two I could teleport there but it wouldn't be enough. There was nothing I could really do... but my ships were painted in glorious navy blue and gold, with an huge winged skull on the prow...
... and that means I have the Navy favour, which main use is theoretically (very damn buggy, sadly) making the ship always compliant with no chance of mutiny or insubordination, but practically it is the ability to call in an Cobra Destroyer every three minutes. You see, a lot of people say its the worst favour, when compared to Marines ridiculous boarding bonuses, Inquisiton tarot and crew skills, Mechanicus superior technology allowing to load more skills and upgrades... but when you get the ability to get 10 additional torpedoes and macro cannon turrets out of nowhere, not to mention the ability to ram the heresy out of enemy EVERY THREE MINUTES, things change a lot. Suddenly, five Cobras warped out behind the blockade and proceeded to saturate the enemy capital ship with torpedo fire until it exploded right as the portal opened.
I proceeded to kek maniacally and then turn the game off because I realized I have become Creed in space. Abbadon stands no chance now.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Get them Imperial Navy favours boys.