Completely kicking ass. Got myself some red powered armor (which is not only good armor, it also self-repairs from all damage it takes, so it never breaks), a hyperblaster, and the Ammochain trait (which makes any ranged attack cost only a single ammo, functionally removing the ammo cost for all chain weapons and removing the need to reload more then once a level).
I find some rare cybernetic armor (which has a spiffy armor of 7), and decide to try it on to see if I can mod it. I can't (which isn't a surprise at all). Oh well, I go back to my power armor. Fast forward a level, and I realize that I never too the cybernetic armor off for some reason, I try again and find out that I can't take the cybernetic armor off because its "cursed", and its all the way down to 50%. I realize that if I still want to win, I need to go through the game without getting it broken, because then even 3 or 4 attacks that would have otherwise done like 10% damage will kill me.
Through the rest of the game I manage to find enough armor shards (drops that repair armor) and managed to kill pretty much everything before it could attack me to keep it up high enough that I don't get insta-killed by some revanants, and go on to get the full victory and clear every level except the chapel (due to it being a melee only zone) mortuary (due to the fact that I would have been murdered when my armor broke from all the millions of enemy everywhere).
Doom RL.