So I'm playing this Reno/C'Thun Rogue that I built with my cousin yesterday. It's pretty fun, since there's some really good cards Rogue has you can get away with having little to no C'Thun buffers. Plus you have other stuff to control the board until you get Reno. It's overall a pretty good deck that only really loses to crazy aggro since you don't have many boardclears.
Anyways, was playing this mage, it was tempo/C'Thun and had some good stuff going on for the most part, getting me into lethal range if he had C'Thun. But I managed to pull of a rather sick combo. I played Rag one turn, then Thaurissan afterwards. He kinda messed up and tried killing both, or atleast getting them low so he could finish them off next turn or something. But! I had three very handy cards in my hand. Going Brann, copying Rag twice with Shadowcaster (that card is so sick it isn't even funny, there's like, four other stupidly good things you can combo it with in this deck), playing both of those, then cheesing it and shadowstepping it into my hand, had he managed to live trough that, he'd have another two Rags to face next turn. Funfact when copying things with the Shadowcaster, it makes it a 1/1 for 1, everything else remains, so each of those puny firelords shits out an 8 damage fireball at the end of the turn