I had not buckled in to my chair. The front pod window was smashed out. I got sucked out the front into space.
Always remember to buckle into your chairs, kids!
That was a brilliant story. Such a perfect ending to a long running stream of luck!
I also should tell the story of how I became Co-Chief Engineer at one point, then died in a most ignomious way halfway through the match. I think I shall.
I started as a Station Engineer, and the CE asked me to help him set up the Singularity Engine. I said okay, but I don't have much experience with it, only wiring solars and stuff like that. He coaches me through the process, and we get the engine set up quite quickly. He then asks me to wire the Solar Panels, so I go looking for a hardsuit. There are only two engineering hardsuits, and both are gone.
At this point, a traitor comes in and assaults the CE, but the CE calls security AND beats the guy unconscious with a wrench or something. He's wounded, and asks me to watch Engineering while he goes and gets healed. I agree, then go ask the computer to let me into EVA for a space suit.
The CE tells the computer to let me, the computer asks if he wants me to have command authorization on the same level as the CE. The CE agrees. This means I am now the sixth Head of Staff in all but name and headset. I get a space suit and magboots, and go back to the Engineering deck.
Here is where I die. Poly, the Engineering Parrot, our little mascot, says over the radio, "Shit, the singularity is loose! Call the shuttle!" I think, "Oh shit, no way."
I step outside, to check the singularity. It's fine, and contained. It sucks me off the walkway. Magboots, when ACTIVATED, negate the pull of the Singulo. I died because I didn't turn on my boots.
The CE gets healed, and asks me for a report. Then asks the QM to meet him. Then me for a report again. No one responds, as I'm dead and the QM is an idiot. This goes on for a looong time. Long story short, he saves the AI after the singularity gets loose and the station gets all fucked up. He and the AI escape in the Engineering pod. Right after this, I tell him who I was and how I died, and EVERYONE in game is laughing.
It was *OWN* that I got made second CE for a time, however short. I was once HoS for almost an hour, but that story is definitely not own. It is BAD when the only person in security that ISN'T braindead AND is doing his job is the HoS. The Warden and I were the only ones not braindead, and the Warden was running around being a prick. Do you have any idea how many goddamn security calls you get in an average game? I called the shuttle out of frustration, eventually.