Well, to carry on with the Finland theme, a popular drinking song.
The chorus basically describes the singer's drinking habits. Two words: Dwarven proportions.
Finnish language is best language, keep on posting, if they can spam english crap at me, you can spam finnish love <3
Ok, two more Finnish pieces for you:
Nälkämaan laulu (Song of the hunger country) is the "regional anthem" of Kainuu in North Finland. That's where my mother's from. Sung here by the Polytechnician Choir. English Wikipedia features a literal translation of the first part of the lyrics:
Hear the whisper of our woods,
the splashing of the mighty lakes.
They are speaking of our reputation,
the fierce rapids and the dismal swamps.
And now for something completely different: a...
made-for-TV music video with a fairly... uh... Liberal dose of bluescreen technique.
Teuvo, Maanteiden kuningas (Teuvo, the King of the Highways) describes a young lad who wishes to be a famous rally driver, and "practices" for it by driving recklessly. Funny story: We were supposed to sing this in a school concert when I was a kid, despite the fairly detailed description of car accidents (flying through the windshield, vomiting blood, spitting out teeth, death implied), but our teacher forced us to switch the piece because a severe traffic accident (I think it was Finland's worst ever) occurred a few days before the show.
And finally, back to the instrumental music:
Champagne Rag is my all-time favorite ragtime piece.