Make something so easy, even kids can understand it in a snap, then anything associated with it will become just as childishly easy. Kids can be cruel, and so can a forum that plummets down a tantrum spiral because of such manners. At least, that's my logical conclusion of how things tend to fall apart in certain forums. A general example, let's say, could be the Minecraft or BSF forums. It's attracting much of the young to very young crowd, and that average maturity is just as young/childish. Too many kids in a single room can cause some problems and/or damage to sanity and the overall environment, even if moderated.
Probably not the best phrasing I've done, but still explains my point a bit. DF is a good introduction to patience and critical thinking, just by the sheer difficulty on it's own (playing and modding), and it does transfer/translate well when going into the forums. Even then, we have our times of acting immature, but at least it doesn't always degenerate into malicious immaturity (trolling); but it instead is more the equivalent of someone playing a prank or saying a funny joke, and everyone else joins in on the joke and tries to one-up each other. When things eventually reach a breaking point or going out of hand, then a moderator (or the almighty Toady One or ThreeToe) jumps in to bring discipline into the room.
Being on the bandwagon, I am in agreement. As a forum home, I have seen this as a nice community to be in, and just as well, have yet to find any place better. I think most-everyone knows their place in the forum, and knows when to talk, provided they have something to contribute. Any other forum member tends to warn other members before/during/sometimes after moderation takes place, if they're going to far with a topic or reminding them of certain guidelines (see HAPPY thread). We have some decent sub-moderators/ninja-mods patrolling the forums as well.
I guess it's best to say that our structure is overall good, despite how dirty it tends to get. We just know how to prevent the forums from corroding itself apart. It's treated like a great bridge. It'll have rust here and there, but with a regular checkup while enjoying the view, everything should stay intact.