So, after much decision, and after thinking of doing
this and making it into an RTD with a premade world, something hit me: Why not give the players the world to make and what lore to create (based on what they do), their own civilizations and other matters, if anyone is interested that is*
Building a World, DF Style. From the Age of Myths and onward. However, many things will still be unstable (and the dice would be the basis here), perhaps using a d10 for variance?...
Basically, these things (while currently NPC) shall aim for survival as it's highest and basic priority. Sentient civilizations will aim to further their growth with or without action from their Creator/Creators. Natural civilizations (un-sentient) shall aim for conservation of their knowledge and natural life.
Of course! Personality, the spark of life!
Every Creator should define his/her personality in ~10 words or attributes. This will reflect onto the Creator's making.
If the Creator designs a civilization, there are chances it will attack others based on their attributes and such, but mostly will stay at peace with one another.
Plantlife, when created, will be...plantlife. Unless certain attitudes are given to them, they will act just like the generic plantlife we know around us.
Grow. Spread. Conquer. Slowly.
Everything is known by their actions, and so, this fact will be the same to the Creators. Spheres grant a +1 to the roll. Spheres are only enacted when Creators begin civilization.
In this place, there should be something to limit the Creators, right? Power limit, revolting civs, interruption from other Creators, right?
Not so. Like stated, everything made will have a semblance of a Creator's personality. The problem is, what if everyone turns into a Mary Sue, or a paragon of 'evil'?
That is up to the player's volition.
Or...there could be a 'favor' counter. Meaning how much civilizations or how much Power a Creator has. From my viewpoint, Dwarmin needs to be consulted here.
There could also be a turn limit between Ages, to focus Creator's actions but I'm thinking this to be as flexible as needed but also stern enough to give way to comprehensible fact.
The world is basically a sandbox (in the technical term). You may do whatever you wish with it. Basically, an oblate spheroid made of fluff (not literal). It will be assumed that the whole world is submerged in water and has the same structure as our Earth.
And on the regions? This, too, is to the decision of the players. The number of areas made will reflect what is in game (probably making an ASCII map here) including areas which have no civilizations, and are just there for...detail?
Turn 0 - Eternity.
> Basic introduction of the Creators and their purpose. Free Will is incorporated here and conversations between players may be made if they wish so.
~Creation begins, and if magic is incorporated, there is also a chance of a sentient devourer coming into play that will aggressively attack Creators and their designs upon failure.
Villains or enemy entities may be secretly controlled through other-player PM.
Turn X - Creators can choose to end their reign and be remembered onto their makings. Unsure on this part, up to the player's volition, I guess.
Optional: Every creator should have at least one civilization that is sentient and has a certain level of technology.
Magic, or technology; will these two concepts work together, or shall one dominate?
If a stellar entity has been 'accidentally' created (by a 1, or by a player who is totally bored and does not want to create something beneficial), these beings are focused on destruction and their actions will be known on the turn in which it is created. Methods should be devised to stop it (creativity, I may regret this but no matter): Banishment, creation of another Plane, separation into a civilization as a beneficial artifact...
I ask the permission from IronyOwl and Gatleos to borrow their ideas.
There is no end for when the Creators can create. So this means we may even meet the Age of Death; or until civilizations begin arising.
1-Utter Fail
2-3 minor fail of varying intent
3-5 success, barely, has little difference between effects
6-8 Good Success of varying intent
9-Amazing success
A plus can not move the roll past 10, but a plus two or greater on a roll of 10 will default the roll to 9
Tl;dr: Roll to Create an RTD
On an unrelated note: Roll to be a Semi-megabeast.
This was hastily written, so apologies for the lack of concrete concepts and specification of who to ask. Also for the long-winded spoilers with little substance.*Laws of Physics and other ideologies exist by default. Unless you really want a place with low gravity and...wait, that sounds great! And, yes, this was done before, but I'd like to try my hand here if it's perfectly alright with everyone.So... what does everyone think? Too aspiring, or aiming too high?