You make your way toward your bike, unlock it, and begin walking home. You rather enjoy the night air, and you know you'll make curfew, so it's okay to take a stroll for now. Tonight sure is dark, even the perfect law enforcement system of these glorious 50s might not be able to notice any shenanigans. And as we all know, shenanigans are un-American.
It is then that you notice a woman either in her early teens to late 90's, it's difficult to tell. Further inspection reveals that some charlatan is harassing her. Harassing women is un-American, to prove your patriotism you have decided to rescue the young/old damsel. You walk up to the charlatan, and, with all the force of an infuriated patriot, punch him hard enough to break his jaw and slam him into the sidewalk, but with enough finesse to only damage the culprit. The culprit has been put out of commission.
You get your first view of the damsel, she is in her late teens. Roughly your own age, possibly older. She helps you drag the un-American charlatan to the police station, and takes your offer of escorting her home.
Your lucky patriotic sedatives sense danger. You can't perceive your sedative senses yet, so you are not prepared for the biker thug who knocks you unconscious with a metal pipe of some sort. You wake up in a vehicle of some sort, you are tied up, the damsel is still in distress. The biker thug and his cohorts have lost all rights to a democratic end, their destruction shall be painful and full of jail time.
What do you do?
Patriotic shirt
Patriotic pants
Patriotic shoes
Patriotic Wallet ($0.00)
Patriotic Wrist Watch (broken)
Patriotic Horse Tranquilizers (guess)[?]