I've recently picked this up, i'm not particularly great at it but am learning!
This isn't technically a LP, its more 'sign up and get a report on what happens to your guy'. With the possibility for some high ranker politics
The Race is based on Roman Autocracy.
I have created several medals based on Roman awards:
Emperor: Granted to the emperor, gives an enormous PP(Due to the position).
Grass crown: Granted to a commander who relieved a beleaguered Roman Army.
Civic crown: Granted for exceptional civic achievement and loyalty.
Naval crown: Awarded to the first naval unit leader into combat in a conflict.
Gold crown: Granted to a ground unit commander who held his ground against long odds.
Battle crown: Granted to a ground unit officer who captures a planet.
Triumph: Awarded for exceptional military success.
Oration: Awarded for notable military success.
Trinket: Awarded by the Emperor to leaders of note after a combat.
I will add more as it goes on, specifically more Civil ones, but these are what I have to begin.
I deleted the rank Imperator and changed to Consul, I want Emperor to be chosen by me to begin with. And then voted on by anyone who joins this venture
Tours will be auto assigned to 36 months(3 yrs).
People can play any or no part in this, request something, a award for someone etc.
The First Emperor is
Primus Marcus Sestius DalmatiusCrew Training 200
Fleet movement 143
Political reliability 20%
Factory production 10%
Xenology 10%
Communications 20%
I will place him in direct command of the fleet HQ.