New Developments: I hate Anticheese. I have very high respect for Max White. Glad to see that Kardos has accepted me as his personal lord and saviour. (The Gamerjesus thing) Kardos, you will now pray to me five times a day. While doing a handstand and yelling insults at tradies. That is all.
I didn't realize that threads one creates serve as the creator's own personal twitter feed for declaring their feelings towards other forumites.
But really, this is just echoing the usual personal vendettas you seem to have with anyone who disagrees with you or posts anything you dislike, similar to how at the beginning of the thread you just started talking about how you don't like someone in particular out of the blue. Which is kind of just a shitty thing to say. Jokes aside, I'm not actually like hatin' on you or anything, I'm mocking a thread that I don't really think has much of a point aside from filling the extreme burning desire for more meme threads we've all been feeling as of late. If you don't like someone? That's fine. If you want to share it? Do it privately.
So when you say things like "
We've all been through this before. We know where it will end up. Do we need to do this again?" I have to say
yes, because it appears that last time, in your own words,
you didn't learn anything from being muted, and seeing as you continue to ignore people who are telling you to stop being such a hater I don't really see why things
would end any differently 'this time.'