I compiled complaints from here together with my own and posted them here:
https://github.com/RadicaliseesSurInternet/politiscales/issues/14Please comment there if you have anything to add. I omitted the bit about the de Beauvoir quote, but I'm not confident I did correctly to do so since it is a source of confusion; if I missed anything else that was an unintentional error.
As for my own results, I got a solid green flag. Not sure if this thing is insinuating that I agree with Gaddafi but since I answered far more capitalist than he would, I think that's not the case. And I very much don't prefer a permanent revolutionary government over a democratic one or over the monarchy that preceded him.
The brain at the bottom is pragmatism.
As for the results, I'm not sure how accurate they are. I don't think I'm particularly essentialist, but rather, the questions were asked in such a way that an acknowledgement that both play a role was counted as an essentialist vote. I don't recall any questions that meaningfully contrasted rehabilitative and punitive justice at all, and it may be that I picked the neutral option for each of them due to ambiguity. This is a common issue for me, but I support the notion of distinct nations within a greater international community, and it seems like most of these are designed around the notion that your nation is the only part of the world you interface with and you expect everything else to be seen through a mono-national lens. In this case, the questions were arranged such that this slanted me towards nationalism. I think the communism/capitalism is how it is because of a lack of questions dealing with the middle ground, or I'd be less skewed, and likewise would be more regulationist.
I answered both of those as neutral. I figured if the question isn't clear enough for me to understand what they're asking it's not clear enough for me to accurately state my stance towards it.
I employed this methodology as well.