Is that just in Wisconsin? I thought that people around the States already needed some form of ID to vote, preventing people from lying and saying, "I'm such-and-such" and voting for them. Though that happens with the current system anyways, so anything that improves voting security is a plus in my opinion. That is, if it works.
That's another topic, however.
I have mixed feelings about the Unions being removed. I feel your pain with low pay, since I've been in the same situation since I started working about eight years ago. Minimum wage (Or less), poor hours, lots of work...
If companies were fair in the first place, it'd be a lot easier. On the other hand, the economy is in the pits, so I'd be cautious about spending too much if I were in their position. I'm willing to empathize with them. (Working in the government has to suck, though, especially since there's ulterior motives to everything that may or may not adversely affect you. You're only one vote, after all. Again, it shouldn't be that way.)
Basically, everything's working against itself, and these attempts at declaring with complete authority what works and what doesn't work is kind of annoying. Any way we go is going to be a bumpy road, unions or no unions, lots of government spending or none at all. I just want things to smooth over so I can work and support my family independently and comfortably. If I get that, I'll be happy.
Good luck out there, Vactor.