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Author Topic: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game  (Read 4643 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2011, 03:50:30 pm »

Mid Spring of 504 in the Town of Earthencastle

Our food reserves are packed wall-to-wall, and the food in the fields is rotting on the vine. I've set all fields to lay fallow for now, and ordered our reserves to be converted into lavish meals to make a little room.

Spoiler: Rotting on the vine (click to show/hide)

Beds and doors have been installed on the peasant quarters, and work has commenced on cabinets and coffers for them.

An ambush! Apparently the fishermen have been lax, and have begun fishing outside instead of in their safe little indoor fishing hole. So we've lost a fisherman. I've re-ordered fishing and water to be collected only at the designated indoor pond from now on.

Spoiler: Ambush (click to show/hide)

18 migrants have arrived this spring, among them three miners, three doctors, and five new able bodies for the military. 1st squad gets beefed up, and starts training in the danger room.

The elven caravan arrived, but the forest is thick with goblins. The goblins ambushed the elves, and the defenseless elves lost their caravan, being reduced to just a few scattered elves, running for their life in the woods just beyond the fort. The forest has become the goblin's hunting grounds. About half a dozen of them are hanging around the forest's borders.

Spoiler: Caravan (click to show/hide)

Created a new uniform, Heavy Metal, that incorporates the leather, iron caps, shields, and breastplates that are currently available, and plans on gauntlets, mail, and high boots, as well as individual choice melee weapons. The Wilted Syrups are the first squad to wear this new uniform, and as we get more metal, gauntlets and high boots will be added.

Also, I've set up a patrol route "Perimeter", and on the third month of every season, the Wilted Syrups will patrol the perimeter in an effort to kill off the goblin menace before they become a serious threat. With our military on duty, we can finally go off alert status and collect the remains of the elven caravan, and goblinite laying about the woods.

Summer brought 7 migrants, bringing our population to 109; doctors and a clothier, and recruits to fill out the first squad. Bass the Fisherdwarf was taken by a mood, but can't seem to get what he needs. So I've assigned two war dogs to escourt him to the hereafter.

The human caravan came, and we traded off a bunch of instruments and puzzleboxes and arrows -- assorted useless loot from the elven caravan that died in the woods. Also offloaded a bunch of syrup for any trinkets of iron, so that they might be later melted down and re-forged into something useful.

The moody fisherdwarf finally got whatever it was he needed, and made a rhesus macque bone chain. So now he's got a couple pet war dogs as company on his fishing trips. Also, I realized too late that one of our mechanics was on auto-repeat mechanisms, so we have a stupid large collection of mechanisms, just looking for a home.

We got our first macelord. So far he's only killed a groundhog, but he's itchin' for some real combat, to test his skills.

The newly renovated Goblinite Processing Plant. In with the old and out with the new!

The autumn caravan arrived with a wealth of stuff, and we traded much of our abundant lavish meals for it. I've ordered lignite, bituminous coal, limonite, and other iron ores, as well as loading up on our wants for next year.

Overlooking the main entrance, we now have an archery tower, for The Gloved Spears to stare down from, and pace about in, and occasionally, well you know, shoot stuff.

The City of Earthencastle has been promoted to a barony! Baron von AngleWyrm. Likes platinum and slabs.

A Vile force of darkness has arrived! In the heat of battle, one of our soldiers dodged into a lake and drowned. But another of our team took them down and became a spear lord in the process. 7 kills.
Spoiler: Aftermath (click to show/hide)

And so spring of 505 arrives, with our fort in good shape :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 05:32:56 am by AngleWyrm »

Lethal Dosage

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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2011, 08:31:57 pm »

Quickly set dwarfs to starting digging deeper in hopes of finding something interesting.

A few days later, we hit the caverns. They're pretty extensive too!

Unfortunately our Military is rather weak and unprepared, so i'll leave the carven exploration for later.

Also noticed a bunch of random animals running around. Wonder if they'd make good soup... would provide a nutritious snack for our fellow dwarfs and hopefully increase the fps by a bit.

At any rate, the entrance seems a bit ... open, redesigning into a ... "Kill-zone"  :o. Unfortunately these dorfs are moving at about 2 miles per YEAR, this project will take a while to finish.

Hallelujah, more migrants, as if we didn't have enough dorfs already ... wonder if I could ready them for slaughter and make biscuits out of them... and my god, this is a massive wave of immigrants, there are at least 20 dwarfs along with their retarded tamed animals joining our fortress.

Anyways, the entrance is finally taking shape, walls are up and a few siege engines here and there ... well, should do the job for now.

Also recruited a few dorfs into the army, that should keep them busy for a while.

Here's the save.

This is a new, updated (somewhat) save btw.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 11:59:43 pm by Lethal Dosage »

Sethner Von Hertts

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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2011, 12:46:14 am »

There is already such thing as a type of succession with one real world day time limits, the term is Sparkgear, you are not the first person to  think of it, and there have been 12 or so sparkgear games prior to this.
If the all those in the heavens refuse me salvation, then all those in the heavens will die by my hands.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2011, 12:51:28 am »

I don't believe you -- no one else in the ten years this game has been around could have possibly thought of it. I think I'm the sole inventor of the Speed Succession game, and anyone who uses my idea for their own forts should pay me a dollar. Matter of fact, I'm going to take a patent out on all games that last 24-hours or less, and start charging licensing fees.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 01:03:10 am by AngleWyrm »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2011, 09:42:50 am »

Okay, I've downloaded the save and started playing!
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.

Lethal Dosage

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2011, 01:04:02 pm »

I don't believe you -- no one else in the ten years this game has been around could have possibly thought of it. I think I'm the sole inventor of the Speed Succession game, and anyone who uses my idea for their own forts should pay me a dollar. Matter of fact, I'm going to take a patent out on all games that last 24-hours or less, and start charging licensing fees.

Not if I patent it first!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2011, 01:45:35 am »

Okay, seems the framerate is kicking my ass.  I played for several hours but I'm not yet through summer.  I don't think I'll get any more time to play tonight, so I figured I'd post the save.  BUT...if no one else plays in the next day or two, I may pick it up again. :P

Lightning Summer Save

So what happened?

First order of business, free the animals in cages.

Second, make tombs.

Third, gather refuse from outside.

We're cooking plump helmets because we have 581.  We're also brewing them.

Roofing over siege engine hall.

Built a well because, eh, why not.

Paving the entryway.

Added some low traffic/restricted zones to help the dwarves find their way around.

We've stopped the great block production, for the time being.

A vile force of darkness has arrived!  From the northwest comes a squad of bowgoblins riding giant olms, giant bats, cave crocodiles and jabberers.  "Whittler" Avusdolush was scavenging some clothing, and he gets filled with arrows, but a couple of goblins succumb to friendly fire.  Poor, noble Whittler; even his death served the fortress.  "SQ1" Izegiden, Master Lasher meets up with the goblins on the north edge of the map and is shot and killed.

In the southwest, Mace Lord Stodir Lesastiden runs afoul of another squad of bowgoblins and a speargoblin.  He breaks some bones, but there are just too many of them and he goes down under a tide of green.

In the south, "Major T.J. Kong" the swordsdwarf, Udil Dasnastfikod the Mace Lord and Oddom Takushat the legendary lasher meet a large squad of lashergoblins and their foul steeds.  Oddom is quickly disarmed (by which I mean his arm is removed) and he runs for it, pursued by a small squad of goblins along the eastern edge of the map and ultimately killed.  The other two kick a lot of ass, but eventually get worn down; both have their right foot destroyed.  Then Major T.J. Kong is killed and Udil flees; he runs as best he can, destroying a couple of goblins along the way, but is ultimately cut down and thrown into a pond.

A few goblins fall into small ponds.  WTF, mate?  Unfortunately for the dwarves, cave crocodiles swim.

From the northeast comes a small squad of trolls.  They run afoul of Adil Akamkol Komanbatok Shasar the legendary speardwarf!  He kills a Troll Carpenter, a Troll Armorer, an unemployed Troll and a Troll Fish Cleaner (?).  Adil eventually makes to the fortress, pursued by a Troll Fish Dissector (???) and a Troll Bone Doctor (sounds like some sort of shaman).  However, before he can enter the hallway, he and "Yossarian" the speardwarf are distracted by an attacking bowgoblin..which attracts three more bowgoblins, who team up to kill them.  Adil is slain surprisingly quickly, but Yossarian leads the bowgoblins on a merry chase, making them get in the way of each others' shots.  He dodges like he's in the Matrix.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Finally, however, his luck runs he dodges into a pond.

I've forbidden everything outside and ordered everyone inside with the StayInside alert; the marksdwarves are assembling in the tower, the meleedwarves are massing in the main hall.  Eventually they get thirsty, however.

Somewhere in there, a ghost is put to rest.

The invaders finally make it to the main hall, and...the marksdwarves watch them go by.  And no one is manning the ballistae, either.  Hm.  A goblin gets on top of the tower using his giant bat, but he's slain.

Finally the order is given--Charge!  The entrance hall becomes an abattoir, war dogs and marksdwarves get into the act.  "Oscar" Mamotoslan and "Jared" Rodeththikut wander out into the embrace of the goblins, for no reason I can discern.  (Seriously, "No Job".)

The last four lashergoblins invade the hall on their giant olms.  Kivish Kogannokor achieves the rank of Spearmaster.  One of the goblins flees after his olm is cut out from under him.

At last the siege is broken.  Three goblins flee pursuit.  One has a giant bat steed with a broken spine; surprisingly, he gets away.  While chasing him, the soldiers catch up to the last bowgoblin as well.

In order to give the Wilted Syrups time to recuperate, I set patrolling to 1 dwarf minimum for Felsite (the current month).  For everyone else, it's back to work!

Because of so many goblin clothes hanging around, one of the old stone stockpiles has been made a finished goods stockpile.  We're going to need some bins soon.

A tomb quiets another ghost!  I've put in an order for 10 more coffins. ...then, since the manager is too busy to help, I've queued up the coffins manually at the mason's workshops.

I tell any fisherdwarf I see to stop fishing.

I've decided to erect a memorial to Yossarian in the field of rubble created by arrows he dodged.

AngleWyrm was upset by a mandate not being met, but nobody cares.  (Seriously, gold items?  Where are we going to get gold?)

In the interest of efficiency, everything is forbidden from being picked up EXCEPT weapons, armor, ammo and corpses.  We have enough cloaks and socks for now!

Why is there a dump zone in the middle of the mason workshops?...Well, I've removed it now.

I can't tell if we have a dungeon master; it would be nice if we did, because we have lots of caged jabberers and cave crocodiles, and even a giant bat and a giant olm...

Oh, NOW they start firing the ballistae!  I canceled that order pretty quickly.

The ghost of Susan Calvin haunts the corridors.  That's gotta symbolize something--the dwarves' reliance on machinery, maybe?

The dwarves give up on paving the front hallway.  I'm not really sure why, but I'll try again later.

Why is there a quantum garbage dump in the entryway? O_o  THAT'S why the furniture stockpile filled up so quickly...okay, new furniture stockpile by the wood.

I'm digging out an area to drain the pond with Yossarian's body.  He deserves a decent burial.  I could do the same for Tirist Zulbandak, but that will have to wait.

I notice the kitchen now has cave crocodile meat on the menu.  Them's good eatin's!

A talented Cheese Maker!  Also novice in various fighting skills, so he's drafted.  I appoint Rakust Esmulathel Gonggashthum the militia commander, since the previous one died in battle.
Planter - Farmer/Thresher
Suturer - You know what, I think we need more masons, so he gets to be one.  I'll leaving suturing and wound dressing activated because he's "talented" in those.
Carpenter/Bone Carver/Bowyer - He comes with a steel battle axe, awesome!  I draft him.
Woodcutter - Got a copper axe, so I'll have him be a carpenter.
Novice Metalcrafter/Leatherworker - These migrants are useless.  Well, they're just going to be hauling for a while, so whatever.  I turn on metalcrafting for him.
Stone Crafter/Leatherworker - Same.
Diagnostician - Doctor.

Why do we have light blue trees?...oh, troll blood, right...

More finished goods stockpiling near the siege workshop.

Stockpiles are filling up, so we're making blocks and bins (and by "we", I mean I'm using my Great Carpentry skills!  Awesome bin is awesome!).  Eventually the finished goods stockpiles look less-than-full, so that's good.  I don't know what those little rooms were doing off in the corner, but they're stone stockpiles now.

I've broken into the pond area, resulting in a huge gush of blood.  Ewwwww!  I also managed to break into the furniture stockpile...oops.  Hmmm.  Okay, I'm going to make the large, muddy room part of the fortress by walling off the stairway that leads down to it and breaking through the wall.  Then I'm going to wall off the pond from that room so it isn't so much of a security breach.  (But there will be another stairway leading down into the pond directly, just in case it's needed.)  Now that everything is walled off, I'm not sure what to do with that huge bloody, muddy room...we already have enough farmland.  (When they said "Abreuve nos sillons" they weren't kidding.)

Training more war dogs., there's a lot of them...

Tombs are looking good, if rough.  We're moving bodies (and occasionally ghosts) into them.  Settle down, Susan Calvin!  I've also created a tomb for my dwarfy self; one of the perks of being the overseer.  There's some garnierite behind it, so I put in a door in case you want to go mine it out.  I won't mind.

Uhoh!  "Trout" Cerolcudist, Planter, withdraws from society!  He claims...a Bowyer's Workshop.  This should be interesting.

I just found a shop that was set to repeatedly make rock crafts...probably not a good idea right now.  I stopped that.

Bim Cattenfikuk, militia captain, has grown attached to a raccoon leather sheild!  That sounds painful.

I'm not sure why we have these cages in the main hall.  Just to make it easier to move animals around?  Well, I'll keep them there for now.

Trout finally starts working.  Ingredient list: Birch logs, oak logs, tanzanites, giant olm bone, olivine, nickel bars, rhesus macaque bone [4] and rhesus macaque bone [4].

We need more tombs, I'm afraid.  I started digging some, and I also started creating some coffins and doors.

The saddest message I've ever seen:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Well, it's 38400*...

One of the tombs has a deposit of tanzanite.  That should be used for someone special...I dunno who though.  Anyway, most of the dwarven tombs are 2x3.  I've also made another room with many coffins in it; this is the Pet Sematary, and it can be easily expanded to the east. tomb digging has run into deposits of platinum and tanzanite.  That...messes up my plans.

Okay, the stockpiles seem to be doing all right; no more bins for now.

Well, we finally have idling dwarves.  All right then...time to strip the prisoners!  From 26 to 0 idlers in an instant!  Everyone pile it in one space in the main hall.

Hmmm...pets are getting into the danger room and dying.  I'm not sure what to do about that...(besides the obvious "make biscuits").

Hm, "Bobby Flay" has run out of ingredients.  That's a good sign!

Things to do:
-More tombs.
-Finish stripping the prisoners.  Recover everything from the stockpile.  Make sure the various remains getting dumped don't stink up the main hall.
-Organize weapons and armor; melt stuff we don't need.
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2011, 06:16:31 pm »

Marked 40 more animals for slaughter (it's a start), marked a few more traffic designations, expanded the interior burrow to encompass newly dug out areas (surprisingly few since my last turn), roofed over the 2 outside cave traps, designated more catacombs to be dug out, added a hotkey. You're right, this is pretty slow.  Any other thoughts on what needs doing?  I have no big projects this time since the top plateau was walled off and I finished my bedroom.

Okay, defeated 2 ambushes with no casualties, but I'm extending the entrance area to be a big loop around a new archer tower, so maybe our marksdwarves will actually fire down on some goblins next time.  Also, having read chaoseed's post, I'm going to make sure there is no way into the tower besides the doors to the outside.  Then I'll build a few underground drawbridges so if we really need to, we can seal off our neccesary exits to the outside.  Basically, my project will be to make the fortress proof against flying enemies, and maybe improve the FPS a bit, I'm running at 13FPS.

I've succeeded in fighting off several snatchers, but had a baby impaled on spikes in the danger room.  That room is really earning it's name, between all the pets and children it murders.  It's a necessary sacrifice for the FPS and our military might.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 12:55:48 am by UmbrageOfSnow »


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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2011, 08:31:53 pm »

Ohid Simostrul Asespik, "The Dangerous Thorn" has come.  She is a pretty average minotaur, with brown hair, pink skin, black eyes, and average size.  Just your standard girl-next-door-with-the-head-of-a-bull.

I'm going to try to cage trap her, so we can build a labyrinth later.

We are now the proud owners of an =ashen minotaur cage= Huzzah!

I'll get to work on the labyrinth once we have a more secure entrance again.  Old Macdonald tragically gave his life distracting the minotaur while more cage traps were built.  EE-I-EE-I-O.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 09:06:33 pm by UmbrageOfSnow »


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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2011, 01:10:45 am »

Terry Gilliam, Lumberjack, has created Othsal Usen, The Sewer of Helping.

It is a cave spider silk vest, studded with nickel, decorated with mule leather and encircled with bands of giant cave spider silk, orthoclase, and red pyrope.  The thread is midnight blue with dimple dye.

On the vest is an image of goblins and dwarves in cave spider silk.  The goblins are fighting the dwarves in the attack on The Future Standards at Earthencastle by The Jackal of Venoms in the late winter of 504 during Umuz Sasp, "The Attack of Punches".  Classy.

On the item is an image of The Library of Goals, the black bear leather quiver in nickel.  Also an image of a four-pointed star in ash, and another image of the bear leather quiver in jelly opal this time.

The vest is worth a cool 57760 Uristbucks.

And now, a Vile Force of Darkness has arrived.  More on that in a bit.
16 Cave Crocodiles, 6 Giant Bats, 4 Giant Olms, 4 War Jabberers, 14 Lashers, 16 Pikemen, 16 Crossbowmen (1 elite), 1 Hammerlord and a Human Administrator ?!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 02:42:20 am by UmbrageOfSnow »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2011, 02:36:02 am »

Ye gawds, it's an onslaught! The administrator is there to be sure that everyone gets the same number of crossbow bolts, and no one hoards them. Except the elite guy, who gets a special exception, by way of kicking the administrator's ass if he doesn't get what he wants. See District 9 for an example of an administrator in charge of a battle.

I wish this game had Libraries. It'de be fun to stock them with books on history. And recipes.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 02:51:19 am by AngleWyrm »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2011, 06:29:17 am »

So that battle really made me realize the danger posed by giant bats, as soon as I complete Operation Aerial Security, I'm saving and quitting, wherever in the year that may be.  I'm going to make every above-ground entrance besides the main one seal-offable.  This is going to involve bridges.  There will be one panic-lever next to the trade depot to pull in the event of flying enemies that will seal off those areas of the fort.  The tower bedroom has a bridge installed already that can be triggered from inside to seal it off from everything.

Anyway, here is a pretty picture of my new and improved entrance, one level up.  Archers definitely better be able to hit things now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyway, finished the bridges to wall off all surface entrances.  And walled in a few large patches of forest since a) I didn't have a big project to work on while I waited for the levers to be linked, and b) it both gives us even more safe wood/plants, but allows more control over the direction of sieges, and will serve as a start for new archer towers anywhere other players would like.  All can now be built in complete safety.

Here is the save.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 09:23:07 am by UmbrageOfSnow »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2011, 09:50:59 am »

Oh, and I forgot to mention: I got a migrant wave of 8, drafted 6 into the military, created a new squad so that low level trainees could be kept inside and not bring the trained squads down.  My plan is to rotate dwarves into the low level "teaching" squad first, and then when they have skills, put them in with the big boys to go out and fight.

Did some minor military reorganizing as well.  We had 2 Militia Captains who weren't doing any jobs, but weren't in any squads either.  I disbanded them, and attached them to the newbie squad.  Made an axe training uniform as well, and since the manager wasn't getting any managing done with all her time pulling the danger room lever, I changed the manager to someone else... me.  Now I just do managing and bookkeeping in my fancy office.  I'm clearly the bureaucrat of this game.

Oh, and we're well on our way to becoming the Capital, I paved most of the entranceway with microcline blocks, we need a bit more road value, but I made a dent.  Catacombs are greatly expanded, and underground entrances to my new walled in tree-gardens are in place, and able to be sealed off from our one all-purpose panic lever.

I say we just start over again now, since no one is signed up.  And one of you guys should harness the power of that stream for waterwheels and makes something with it.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2011, 04:30:07 pm »

Nicely done, Umbrage!  I especially like the entrance tunnel.

I don't think I can take another turn right now, though.  O_o  Maybe sometime later this promises, though.
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lightning Fort -- a speed succession game
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2011, 09:15:22 pm »

I say we just start over again now, since no one is signed up.
I like this idea, because the FPS is beginning to be a pain in the keester.
Any more votes for a restart?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 03:25:05 am by AngleWyrm »
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