*To my will, the side of the smallish dome quickly opens up and deposits Terry next to me.*
"Better then doing nothing at all, right?"
"Namely, what? Puting the Ark in danger? Space is a horribly nasty place. I've traveled in it for eons. What would happen if someone got the drop on you and knocked you out? You'd lose control of your outlying selves, and cause a decompression on the Ark, blasting a gash in it.
Furthermore, we are currently safe from hazard due to the CSE's mechanism of traveling faster than light, but that will disappear when we reach the system planned to be our new home. What if the Ark, unprotected, were to be hit by a hail of micrometeorites? This... bubble you created can hardly take as a brutal a pounding as the Ark's hull.
The thought was nice, but the end result is rather hazardous."
"As for entertainment, we have plenty. As an immense mind normally occupied with managing my countless bodies, I would have found myself homicidally bored had we not access to the Ark's library. The CSE was also willing to give free access to a fair volume of its media libraries on the grounds of not being eaten alive by Void Dragons and neither torn to quarks by the freak accident with the true-vacuum bubble. Learning the culture of other species by means other than cerebral snacking works quite well in staving off boredom. There are also endless collections of film and music, but I have not bothered to sift through the solely recreational ones yet."
*Its mind also notices a rift in space withing the Ark, the minds of Ochita, Dariel and a muted, barely noticeable presence it assumes as Aegis. It reaches out to them with its mind.*
"You knuckleheads! You've made a space rift inside a starship moving faster than light by forcing space itself to go runny and move in a desired direction! Are you
trying to kill everyone!?"