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Author Topic: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game  (Read 12519 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2010, 11:05:52 am »

We shouldn't have come here.  Nothing in the maps even hinted at the terrors in the forest.  The looming trees, waiting with  silent patience - for what?  The eyes in the darkness, watching you unblinkingly from just outside the firelight.  The dead, risen again as fleshless skeletons that do not bleed and do not stop until reduced to spinters! This land is accursed and we fools to obey the order from our King to venture in it!

Three of us are already dead, including our leader and best warrior.  Our provisions are scanty, our hope dwindles, our songs fade as the night draws in.

We shouldn't have come here.  But come here we have.  We name this place "Nightfurnace"; here, we conquer or die.

We are seven now.

Fisher-Risen is the dwarf who inspired us to dare the wilderness and perhaps gather our fallen race into a new Mountainhome that will endure where so many have fallen to goblin, titan, or the horrors of the blighted surface.  Her skills are with the battleaxe:  carpentry, and the felling of trees and foes.

Our single trained miner is ThatDude, the Stone-delver and a bold man and fighter, who has stood against our enemies with pick and shield, in the manner of dwarves everywhere when our champions lie dead and it's pick or perish.

Urist McCubic is the party scout and hunter/gatherer, handy with a sword, the dwarf above all others responsible for the fact that we seven still live.  She's braved danger time and again to find water, or bring a fish or deer back to the fire, but her hunting has brought no game since we entered the Forest of Hell.

Skaltum.  Ah, yes, Skaltum.  She's a fine mechanic and stone-carver, and the smartest dwarf among us, but Armok save us from her megalomania.  The projects she is forever dreaming up would require the labor of all the dwarves who ever lived, and the resources of ten Mountainhomes to see but half-complete.  The fact that she apparently reconciles this comfortably with the worship of Lodel the Spicy Clan, god of children, family, and minerals, is but part of the contradictory nature of the oddest dwarf I've ever seen.

We're a remarkable group of dwarves the King has chosen, but the one of us most respected for his talents is Lolghurt, the Steelshield.  Seldom has our home boasted a better armorsmith, and almost never one with such a remarkable comprehension of the mystery of ductile steel.  The hammer he wields at the force is named "Iron-Ringing", and he's used it to batter bones as well as ore.

We're all over scars from our struggle to get here, and Doctor Quack has been hard-pressed to heal us with the scanty provisions still remaining.  Our splints, crutches, cloth, plaster, and even soap are gone, leaving her with nothing more than cave spider silk thread for all emergencies.  She intends to fix this posthaste; I am wise enough to let her.

I?  I am Ebe Cragirons.  I put food on the table; that is all my tale.  I lead our party because we dwarves do our planning, not in gardens like the Elves, or in greatrooms like the humans, or in front of the largest pile of skullcups like the goblins,  but around the still and the stove, the place the vittles happen.

The first of Granite, year of the world 501:

Our arrival at Nightforge - or, rather, not Nightforge, or any name of Dwarves, but a mere clearing in the vast, terrible Forest of Hell - is met by necromantic horrors:  A skeletal Tigerman, of the same breed as slew the best of us in front of the rest, and three Skeletal elephants, any one of which could crush all of us to bloody ruin.

ThatDude immediately sets to work digging a ditch around our provision wagon in order to secure both us and our belongings.  I have Fisher-Risen mobilize the rest of us into a military to ensure that nobody wanders while the trench is being dug.  As we stand with empty hands and no weapons, I motion Urist McCubic over and tell her quite firmly that nobody, but nobody, goes hunting, fishing, gathering, or anything else outside the perimeter until further notice.  Her skills - and life - must and will be preserved.  She agrees, grudgingly.

We stare at the twisted, blackened trees.  Someone tries to start up "GOLD, GOLD, GOLD", but the wonderful words die on our lips.  We cannot even imagine anything beautiful just now.  May Medtob, God of Fortress, smite all trees and doubly so these ensorceled monstrosities!

« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 01:49:07 pm by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2010, 11:47:39 am »

By all that is dwarven and golden (on a side note I never acually thought of digging a trench around my wagon on first embark)


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2010, 01:03:07 pm »

Fedor! you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much!
Quote from: Veok
"I had a great fortress going on until Leonidas kicked open the door to my clown car, but my blue suede shoes weren't ready, so Uncle Sam and his friends went to town on my tax returns."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2010, 01:39:21 pm »

Fedor! you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much!
You're very welcome.  :) 

I propose to end my turn after one year, give you a link to the file by PM (or, if you tell me to, post it, or put it on the DF file archive), and ask for another slot at the end of the turn list.  Does that suit your plans, or would you like me to do something else?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 01:41:44 pm by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #49 on: November 11, 2010, 01:54:42 pm »

Works for me.

> Fisher gazed upon her new home, this Forest filled with death and terror. A fire dwelled deep in her eyes, one that she had used to recruit others to this mad challenge. Albeit dimmed, this fire still burned. This forest, forsaken by the gods, would bow before dwarven might, and she would see to it herself.
Quote from: Veok
"I had a great fortress going on until Leonidas kicked open the door to my clown car, but my blue suede shoes weren't ready, so Uncle Sam and his friends went to town on my tax returns."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #50 on: November 11, 2010, 04:41:47 pm »

ThatDude and Skaltum dig underneath the trench into a siltstone formation.  Upon seeing the rock, Saltum screams "I want to be a mason now!" and drops her pick, just drops it right there like the piece of junk it most emphatically is not, and runs to make a workshop.  I look around for somebody else to help dig, but nobody meets my eye. Furious, I scream at Skaltum to make some Armok-damned thrones and tables because her next megaproject is to SIT SITTING DOWN.  Fisher-Risen is being much more focused; Having toppled the trees in our perimeter, he's been turning out enough beds and barrels for present needs.

We discover bituminous coal!  Lolghurt perks up and voices a hope to get metal manufacture started.  I immediately disappoint him by ordering a farm dug out instead.  Yeah, part of being  a leader is knowing how to disappoint.

Slate, 501:
Safe beneath the surface, we're hard at work building a home.  Doctor Quack, with the help of Fisher-Risen, has made good progress towards a proper hospital.  Skaltum and ThatDude have togather dug out a farm room, placed a working floodgate, and I have just now pulled the lever to flood the fields. 

However, the dwarf who is most valuable among us right now is Urist McCubic, who's turned her hand to butchery and slaughtered our draft camel to provide more than enough food to last us until we can plant and harvest.  I hasten to my kitchen.

ThatDude argues for a mineral survey of the rock near the surface, assuring us all that sedimary formations like the siltstone we've dig into is likely to host many of the valuable ores we'll need to prosper here at Nightfurnace.  I quickly give assent ... and, almost as quickly, get the word that iron-bearing Limonite is being hauled to our stockpiles.

I turn to Lolghurt, expecting to see a very happy dwarf.   But he's not, and the reason he explains in plain language:

"Only steel will preserve us from our enemies.  While we have or will soon get the materials required, in most mountainhomes the limiting factor in steel-production is fuel.  Every two bars of steel require two coke and four fuel; every unit of bituminous coal yields three units of fuel, of which one is consumed.  Every item we make requires yet more fuel.  To arm and armor a dwarf in steel, (up to cap, mail, and leggings) takes seven bars of steel.  This means that, using smelters and forges of ordinary type, it will take 14 units of bituminous coal to outfit one dwarf."

I grimace at this.  We dwarves value bituminous coal, as we've all heard the sad tales of fortresses running out of fuel with abundance of ore unsmelted. 

"So, what is the solution, if solution there be?"

"Magma.  With magma forges and furnaces, each unit of bituminous coal yields three units of coke, each bar of steel needs only one of these to make, and forging requires no coke at all.  This means that a dwarf can be outfitted using less than three units of bituminous coal!"

"Lodel, god of minerals, preserve us!  If there be magma - and I'm honestly not sure there is - then it will only be discovered after a terrible lot of digging.  The stories told of the deeps are sobering.  We are only seven, Lolghurt.  I will not take the risk until we have well trained and properly equipped soldiers."

"Ebe, there is another alternative.  Trees.  Every 28 trees we chop down and reduce to charcoal will let us outfit one dwarf."

"Hmm.  Now, trees the Forest of Hell does not lack.  Let me talk to Fisher-Risen."

Felsite, 501:
Skaltum has been busy of late.  In the past half-month, she's turned out enough mechanisms to buy some essential supplies from the caravan we hope for in the autumn.

Urist McCubic, however, has not been able to employ her skills and so is given the choice of hauling all summer or helping in the fields.  She rants about innoble mud-grabbing long enough for me to get angry and lock her inside the farm room with me.  The two of us will plant plump helmets, than sweet pods, until our seeds run out.

Doctor Quack also find herself without gainful employment and, detesting idleness like any true dwarf does, has found a hobby:  building bridges to study the principles of architecture.  I haven't any particular need for her just at the moment, so let her have at.

But not for very long.  Just as she attains novice skill, I notice a slacking in the threats on the surface and begin the largest project that we've attempted yet:  securing a source of timber.  This time, I intend not merely to dig a ditch which any goblin can fire across but to build a rough stone wall around a large area.  ThatDude digs a ramp to the surface and every dwarf except myself is ordered to haul stone to a new stockpile nearby.

Ogres arrive and force us back underground again.  While Skaltum has provided a grate to put over the entrance, I decide that I don't trust anything less than removing the ramp upwards as well; if ogres are building destroyers, they might kill us all!

They make camp right outside what used to be the entrance and wait with brutish cunning.  Our project languishes.


The ogres grow impatient and leave, but not without reminding us of their strength...

We came close to disaster there.  As the ogres depart, we resume bringing up stone, but it's not very long before operations are again shut down by a herd of skeletal elephants.

Urist McCubic finds a new way to avoid working in the fields by grabbing the camel bones and turning them into bolts.   Unfortunately, she does not figure out how to equip the crossbow that Fisher-Risen makes for her.  Fisher-Risen fiddles with ammo orders to no effect, then suggests she try making a quiver for herself.  "Anything's better than dirt-grubbing", Urist mutters loud enough for me to hear as she crafts something to hold bolts.

Migrants!  Called up to one of our peepholes by frantic shouts, I stare in disbelief as a band of dwarves appears across the river to the north.  Why in Armok's name have they come?  I knew things were bad back home - our king sent us forth out of desperation - but so bad that dwarves would flee here, a outpost barely started, deep in the Forest of Hell?  I dread the stories they will tell.

But I fear the present danger worse.  Five skeletal elephants are running around the surface above our fort right now; if any of the newcomers are to survive, we need to act quickly!

On my command, ThatDude digs like a tornado through the soft black sand near the surface towards the migrants, racing the mightiest of the forest undead.  As he does so, the migrants form a squad and station themselves where he intends to emerge.

And so seven more dwarves make it to Nightfurnace, hollow-eyed, terrified, ... but alive!  We clasp forearms and give thanks. 

Our new citizens:
Erush Craftclearings:  Accomplished Gem Setter and Talented Building designer.
Her husband  Kulet Raspcrypts, a dwarf of no particular trade but who likes gold and can learn well and quickly.
Their two children.
Inod Urnwhims:  Although her highest trade skill is merely novice metalsmith, she's good with steel, crossbows, and shields, and has some ability as a marksdwarf.
Thikut Washedtool:  A talented clothier who's especially good with pig tail fabric, but handicapped by poor mental attributes.  I'm eying her as a temporary miner.
Sodel Wiltedmirrors:  A novice leatherworker and clothier with mixed mental attributes, his main claim to attention is his love of steel. (wow, we're getting lucky...)

I will dwarf anyone who desires one of the newcomers.

... and that's it for today.  I'll come back with the rest over the weekend.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 11:44:22 pm by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2010, 09:53:09 am »

I would like to have Sodel Wiltedmirrors name him Hugo and his Profession: Drunk Defender he likes metal smithing whenever he is not murdering things with his favourite steel battle axe. He also loves wearing pig tail cloaks that have been dyed midnight blue from dimple cups.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2010, 01:53:39 pm »

"Ah... Migrants..." Fisher thought to herself. As she eyed the newcomers from a distance, They stopped on the one named Kulet Raspcrypts. Perhaps this one would make a suitable apprentice, if not needed elsewhere.
Quote from: Veok
"I had a great fortress going on until Leonidas kicked open the door to my clown car, but my blue suede shoes weren't ready, so Uncle Sam and his friends went to town on my tax returns."


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2010, 03:21:12 pm »

Entry from Skaltum's *elf leather* journal

So we've had our first wave of new specimens uh.. i mean migrants, yes, migrants, i'm still fuming over how Ebe Cragirons shouted at me, but their time will soon come, for i have made my plans for my next big "project", the others scoff at my ideas, but i'll soon show them, i'll soon show them all the geuis that i truley am, on an unrelated note, i enjoy the workings of mechinisms, such magnificent creations, they will soon serve me well, although my pleasent sleep was disturbed by some ogre's and skelephants they'll soon become a problem of the past, for I am, SKALTUM!

end journal entry.

EDIT: a name mistake
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 05:08:16 pm by skaltum »
I just realized, after adding the new body parts to the other races, that I have an entire squad of dwarves with a shield in each hand and swinging their axes with their penises. There's nightmare fuel for those goblins, in more ways than one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2010, 03:51:23 pm »

I would like to have Sodel Wiltedmirrors name him Hugo and his Profession: Drunk Defender he likes metal smithing whenever he is not murdering things with his favourite steel battle axe. He also loves wearing pig tail cloaks that have been dyed midnight blue from dimple cups.
I can do all of this, including the blue-dyed cloak, and you'll be pleased to know that your dwarf is already quite durable, quick to heal, and slow to tire.  Training won't start for another few months.

"Ah... Migrants..." Fisher thought to herself. As she eyed the newcomers from a distance, They stopped on the one named Kulet Raspcrypts. Perhaps this one would make a suitable apprentice, if not needed elsewhere.
An apprentice?  I'm happy to oblige, but did you have anything in particular your dwarf would like an apprentice to do?  It's *really* dangerous laying our hands on wood; although, as the next update will show, we DO get some, your dwarf will have no problem processing all of it on her own.

Since there seems to be interest in getting dwarfed, here's the list of candidates (before changes to suit Hugo_The_Dwarf and Fisher-Risen).

« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 12:01:11 am by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2010, 08:49:18 pm »

Pre-sign me up for turn 16.
So we got monsters above, monsters below, dwarves in the middle and a party in the dining hall. Sounds good to me.
If all else fails, remember one thing:  kittens are delicious, nutritious little goblin-baiters, cavern explorers, and ambush-finders.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #56 on: November 13, 2010, 03:08:00 pm »

Malachite, 501

The fleshless pachyderms leave and, in a real stroke of fortune, are replaced by a pair of mountain goats.  For a blessed and stolen month these almost harmless creatures roam the forest and not a single bone-beast or predator is to be seen.

We still have to eat, and I'm the only decent farmer, so I stay with my crops.  But we reopen the path to the outside and all the other dwarves finish lugging rock to the surface and then erect a crude, ugly, but solid rough siltstone wall around an area large enough to provide an adequate supply of plants and timber. 

We now have a defensible home.

Galena, 501

 Fisher-Risen shouts delightedly as she whets her axe - and then works her way through an entire forest of luscious standing timber.  I can't remember when I've seen a dwarf so happy.  The look in her fierce eyes is positively wonderful.

Her plans do not end with the mere felling of trees, nor are we satisfied with a few more beds and barrels.  Through impassioned oratory, the inspirer of our party convinces  Kulet Raspcrypts to stop helping me with food-processing and instead become her apprentice, build a furnace, and start reducing trees to charcoal. 

The perimeter we dug out around our wagon, now walled in, is a good place to store gems for future use by Erush Craftclearings.

Lolghurt and I agree that it's almost time to start equipping dwarves, and so he moves his entire operation - smelter, forge, and ore - to the surface to be near the source of fuel.

Skaltum disappears.  When I decide I want some work out of her, I find her in a new mechanic's shop in the rock quarry making yet more mechanisms.  She swears up and down that she's thinking only of producing enough saleable goods for the autumn caravan, but something makes me suspect longer-term motivations.  What IS in that diary she keeps scribbling in?

Amidst all the excitment, we keep eating and drinking.  We're now 14-strong, and I'm still the only decent farmer.  As of the end of summer, diligent toil has raised a successful crop of plump helmets and sweet pods, turned them mostly into drink, grown some pig tails for drink and thread and cave wheat for drink.  The remaining sweet pods, the camel tallow, and (eventually) a crop of quarry bushes will refill our larder this autumn.  Urist McCubic found some whip vines, but soon ran out of plants within the walls and has been moping about for some weeks, refusing to help with food-preparation and hauling only with reluctance.

There have been some complaints about camel meat.  There have been some dwarves invited to make their own arrangements or shut up.

Limestone, 501

You know, being a hard-ass doesn't always work too well.

Here we see one of the children breaking an opening in the wall (fortunately, on the opposite side of the enclosure from the skeletal elephants) for Urist McCubic to gather plants outside.  Urist's been increasingly annoyed at not being able to hunt or even gather and so I need to arrange matters so she doesn't get herself killed doing these things.

Or, rather, Skaltum does.  Her plan (to my astonishment) is perfectly simple:  A raising bridge in the wall opening.  As she labors, Urist returns happily with both blade weed and hide root, the plants we'll need for red and green cloth.

ThatDude has become a legendary miner!  He and his assistant Thikut have carved out a network of passageways beneath the surface that will, once we add a few features to them, make it less perilous to be a trader or migrant coming to Nightfurnace, in the Forest of Hell.

Limestone-Sandstone, 501

Harpies!  Winging in on silent feathers, these rapacious monsters make it nearly to the enclosure walls before someone screams out a warning. 

For two weeks I anxiously organize dwarves into squades and station everyone beneath the surface, then allow them to haul stone underground.  But the hideous bird-women circle the enclosure, wait for our guard to drop, then race over the walls and down the ramps into the fort!

Sendstone, 501

The dogs save us.  Skaltum asked us to bring enough to defend ourselves and so we did.  Only because of our canine allies, because two of the harpies ran right into our meeting area while the third (shown here) got chased down outside, did all of us dwarves make it through this, the first assault of Nightfurnace, without injury.

But the cost is high.  We've lost half a month of work  and two of the dogs have suffered serious wounds.  Only much care will preserve their lives.  Worst of all, Thikut Washedtools is almost at the breaking point.  She's angry about rain, noise, and vermin, but most of all about being drafted twice.  Howling her frustations with my mismanagement, she demands a public meeting by the stove to discuss her grievances.  Here you see me trying to save the last few shreds of her patience.  Where she to go berserk,  a tantrum spiral would become a very real possibility.

Another day, another crisis.  Fleeing the dying settlements of our collapsing civilization, a few more migrants have come to the place that Fisher-Risen inspired us to build.   Nightfurnace really still is, like Thikut said, a miserable little hole in the ground, in the middle of a nightmare forest that any sane creature would avoid, but yet we hold out hope, and so many dwarves don't even that that.

A herd of skeletal elephants wanders the forest, but the path of the migrants to our gate takes them well away from these fleshless menaces and so four more dwarves add to our skills and our strength.

Some great dwarves for skills-development here.  I have plans for all of them, but if you want a new or replacement dwarf, you'll take priority.

Morul Roadhandled has some skills as a surgeon and a dyer (which we actually have a use for, since we have both cloth and dye plants to hand), but in truth he would do well in almost any craft or official position (as a soldier he would be about average).

Lokum Rhymedpapers has a fair bit of wood-working experience plus gem cutting.  He also isn't completely ignorant of soldering and might make a decent fighter with more training.

The most intellectually impressive of the newcomers (actually, of any dwarf in this fort right now) is Kikrost Lashseers.  He's completely wasted as a fisherdwarf, but a natural for fortress Broker, Bookeeper, or even Mayor.  He'll pick up most crafts well, and will make a better than average marksdwarf and a great siege weapon operator, but his immediate job will be to take care of the wounded dogs.

Lorbam Helmshold, on the other hand, doesn't have much that sets him apart - except for his strength, which makes one wonder what would happen if he were handed a weapon...

« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 02:26:27 am by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #57 on: November 14, 2010, 10:51:16 am »

Skaltums *elf leather* journal

Well it seems things are going perfect, i've already managed to test my illusion potion and the overseer mistook me for a man!, it seems i'm going to have a lot of fun with this.

They don't seem to suspect the true meaning behing my mechinisms, but i know that i will soon create a masterpiece, once i have several, operation Jungle Storm can soon take effect once i overthrow the leader.

It's such a shame that these "dwarfs" are so imcompitent at simple enterances, everyone knows that the best, and mighty enterences are Bridges hahahaha! squishy crunchy squelchy are the magnificent noises of a well placed bridge, as all are smashed into oblivion, I've started drawing plans for what i'd like to call, the Armoken Demolisher MK IV, with this device everything will be banished to another plain, this will finally put a stop to stubbing my goddamm feet on all this useless clutter!, the plans are as follows

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

MY MAGNIFICENT DESIGN! will soon be built! i can just feel it!

in other news, the skelephants are leaving us alone somewhat, and some poor mutts got chewed on by some harpies but they chased them off, now i've got to put up with trying to hold in my food everytime i see one of the mutts.

I've finally finished designing my HAPPY-NATOR 1053!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This will put all the dwarfs into a happy ilusion, a perfect room if you ask me really.

That's all for now, time for me to rest.

End Log entry

OOC: an atom smasher and Legend dinning room will be pretty sweet to have.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 10:53:02 am by skaltum »
I just realized, after adding the new body parts to the other races, that I have an entire squad of dwarves with a shield in each hand and swinging their axes with their penises. There's nightmare fuel for those goblins, in more ways than one.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #58 on: November 15, 2010, 02:16:07 am »

Well it seems things are going perfect, i've already managed to test my illusion potion and the overseer mistook me for a man!, it seems i'm going to have a lot of fun with this.
Ha ha!  Nice one!  I've fixed the faulty text.

OOC: an atom smasher and Legend dinning room will be pretty sweet to have.
I agree on both counts.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 02:28:27 am by Fedor »
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.


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Re: Nightforge: Undead Forest succesion game
« Reply #59 on: November 15, 2010, 02:16:56 am »

Sandstone-Timber, 501

I allow the new arrivals but little time to meet and greet, because we've a lot of work to do to make up for lost time.  As the autumn draws on, Lolghurt and Fisher-Risen together have half our population working in the industries they lead.  While the two of them turn out bars of iron and steel and wood furniture, Inod Urnwims and Kulet the Apprentice are making charcoal, our new arrival Lokum Rhympapers has been ordered outside of the compound to chop down more of those pestiferous haunted trees, and every other dwarf not needed for something urgent is helping haul ore and wood.

16th of Timber, 501

After weeks of preparation, Lolghurt gathers us together.  "Fellow dwaves!  We, each and all of us, know one thing to be true:  That, so long as there is ground to build on and rock to dig, so long as there is gold and iron to find, for so long will we children of the mountains make songs that will never be forgotten!  Here, now, just as in the bravest of the old tales, we raise fire-incense to heaven and work metal for the first time.  This is a new place, a new hope, a new home.  Strength to Nightfurnace!  Long may it endure!"

As we roar approval, Lolghurt brings down his hammer Iron-Ringing on a bar of bright steel.  We are dwarves.  We will not be blotted out.

Late Timber, 501

Warthogs appear in the small natural forest to the northeast and Urist McCubic has finally had enough of being told she can't hunt.  "Ebe, I know it's dangerous.  But hunting, fishing, and gathering is all I've ever done.  I've faced dangers before and I've always come back.  Let me go, in the name of courage!"

"Urist, I've always wanted to see you hunt again.  I know you've waited and waited patiently.  Give me just a few more weeks and I won't just let you go forth, but I'll give you what you need to help you come back safe.  The thing we need you to do now is to train two wardogs.  When you're finished, I'll let you loose on the warthogs!"

She turns away angrily at this, yet another excuse for delay, but, being a disciplined dwarf nevertheless jogs to the kennels and selects her first hound.

Dwarven merchants have arrived!  After a rapid and uneventful journey through the forest (oddly peaceful of late) they arrive.  We get down to business; I request a wide range of goods in short supply here: Leather, giant cave spider sink thread, one of every single type of wood and of barrel, seed for every kind of underground crop (to make sure we have more than enough of all varieties), more bags than anyone who doesn't know food or glass would think reasonable, sand, raw glass, all the most expensive gemstones, gold, tin, platinum, and aluminum bars and ore, and finally three cows and one bull.  The liason is somewhat sceptical of our ability to pay for all of this, but I usher him to the depot and swiftly convince him that Nightfurnace is good for it. 

Just to make sure the King hears of our success, I also send an assortment of gifts, including iron goblets and surplus mechanisms.  In exchange for Skaltum's mechanisms and a couple of my syrup spectaculars, we get a few metal bars, bags, sand, raw glass, leather, giant cave spider silk cloth and thread, logs, hospital supplies, foodstuffs, a cow, a horse, and a mule.

But it is war and threats of war, not boozing or the mechanical arts, that our King has most interest in.  Gauntlets and helmets in particular will command a high price if ready next year.

Clothier Thikut Washedtools is a little more content with life.  A little TLC today keepeth the tantrum spirals away.  I'll occupy this room temporarily, until I need it to sweeten up the next problem dwarf.

Urist makes quick work of training a pair of canine companions, but fast as she prepares, Lolghurt is ready faster.  He presents a compete set of steel armor, worth fourteen thousand five hundred in gold, to Urist McCubic.  Urist sheathes her new steel sword and, encouraged by cheers from every dwarf from the stoves to the front gate, marches towards the warthogs.

Moonstone, 501

Urist McCubic has a marvelous time chasing after warthogs, but they're as fast as she is, and she and the dogs manage to catch none.  Her bafflement extends to her armor and weapon, both of which she picks up and drops several times (OOC comment - I'm have a terrible time with the military interface).  When asked to hunt instead of serve as a hunting milita, she shucks off all her armor (That's it - no hunting from now on!) and reaches for a crossbow and quiver (smart move, if we can just get crossbows to work).

The wild pigs scamper safely out of sight and harpies arrive, immediately killing a wardog.   Tired of us cowering underground, Fisher-Risen mobilizes every dwarf in the fortress; we mob two of the harpies, killing with bare hands.  The third harpy wings around the south side of the fortress and waits, just as the last group of bird-women did, for our guard to drop.

But one of the new dwarves, by the name of Hugo the Drunk Defender is having none of it.  He buckles on the armor Urist McCubic dropped, chases down the aerial predator, and smashes it to red ruin.

Sweet Armok, that spray of blood is beautiful.

It's time to cloak that dwarf.

The harpies are replaced by skeletal elephants and so I order the drawbridge raised just to have some peace and quiet around here.  Letting dwarves outside the compound is always dangerous, it's always nerve-wracking, and it's always possible to have something we just can't stop come in and murder us all.

After a few days, the traders plaintively inquire when they'll be allowed out.  I double-check the position of the parchyderms and give the all-clear.   You'll have good luck getting home, guys, because here at Nightfurnace we know how to MAKE our luck.

Opal and Obsidian, 501:

This is not a gentle land; what we want must be seized - very carefully.

I've been wanting to upgrade our dining room (actually a bunch of tables in the dirt with food piled high nearby)  since Thikut Washedtools almost went berserk, but it took some consulation with a number of dwarves to determine how to go about making a room that pleases with our still-limited resources and dwarfpower.  Skaltum offers mechanisms to act as showpieces and contracts with Lorbam Helmshold to handle the masonry, while I make an iron statue of my personal god for a centerpiece and ThatDude handles the digging and smoothing; working together, we make something that, although as small and crude as our fort still remains, is a expression of beauty, a place our little community can come together and enjoy good food and good company. 

Skaltum's been hard at work on another project too.  To the south of the dining hall, tucked away in a dark corner, is our new atom-smashing bridge.  After some nudging by me to simplify her designs, she made quick work of the job and now there's lots of excess siltstone junk ready to be vaporized.

Fisher-Risen is pleased enough with all this, but her major focus has been on the creation of a barracks where she, her and Lolghurt's two assistants, and Hugo the Drunk Defender can start training as the new year begins, not a moment too soon.

Much has been accomplished.  But the citizen-dwarves of Nightfurnaces become restless under my matronly leadership.  They grow bold in our growing wealth and security and perhaps my plodding guidance is unsuited to the more venturesome times that lie ahead.  It is time to retire to my fields and my kitchen - where, Medtob God of Fortresses willing, there will always be dwarves who appreciate me.
Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.
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