200%. Their objective is not to serve you exactly what you want. Their objective is to keep you scrolling and watching on their platform. Outrage keeps you scrolling. Smut keeps you scrolling. Blocking keeps you scrolling. Making 40% to 60% of the content you see something you're not interested in keeps you scrolling for the next thing you are interested in. And if you explicitly say you don't like something, maybe you'll like the exact opposite if it gets shown to you. All at the end of the day so they can say the platform is active based on user#s and time spent, and advertisers are getting their stuff seen so the ad dollars keep flowing.
I just saw something on this the other day. The metrics work out that the best way to keep people scrolling constantly is to keep the density of content they DO want to see below a certain threshold. Users are subconsciously chasing the dopamine release of a thing they like, but almost as important is the anticipation of that dopamine release. It's the exact same methodology casinos use. Most gambling addicts don't keep coming back for the win, that's not what compels them. It's the anticipation and excitement of the win that keeps them addicted. It's analogous to shopping addiction. Shopping addicts aren't addicted to actually acquiring things; most of the stuff they buy remains in boxes once it's delivered. It's the anticipation of acquisition they're addicted to, the pursuit and choice of buying things despite not actually needing or wanting them.
Social media has just adopted that same method to their platforms.