My school in typical US flyoverland (nestled deep in the bible belt, no less), featured all the basic mainstays.
Sexual anatomy
Pregnancy education
Abortion education
I disliked that they did not more strongly address the risks of getting an abortion, as I feel that there is a dangerous attitude that they are 100% safe, and are OK to do out of pure convenience (and thus help to enable a sexually hedonistic lifestyle). In reality, they pose significant, and cumulative risks to the woman who gets them. My class DID touch on that briefly, but focused more on what an abortion involves, making it more of a snuff horror film featuring unborn fetuses than a vehicle for proper health education.
IMO, the message should have been more strongly geared toward something like "Sex is normal, but has many natural consequences that you probably wont find nearly as pleasurable. There are countermeasures that are available, but they too are not without risk. No form of contraception is 100% perfect. For your own safety, you should probably not be out having sex until you are mentally, physically, socially, and financially ready to deal with these consequences. The countermeasures available are not there to allow you to freely engage in sexual encounters without proper consideration of those consequences." (with a bit extra emphasis on the last sentence. Nothing irks me off quite like people misusing dangerous shit because they think it's "perfectly safe!" when it really is anything but.)