But....but Shades of Grey. But...bad movies. And the social interaction. And the awkwardness. And the second season of Diablo 3 starts that weekend. Think of the looting, guys. And the demon slaying. And the looting dead demons. And the dead loot demons.
must... resist... pirate joke... Will save failed: "Think of the booty, space!"
If it's booty you're after, go see the movie with her.
*is shot*
Only if I get a legendary Stone of Jordan ring out of it. [/diablo_loot_reference]
Now hat I think of it she's either weeding out the creeps like yoink said or is in to watching porn at a theater with a (random stranger?) with a bunch of other people for valentines day
Well shit. Already sent a friend request on facebook. Because social media is crap and requires you to be friends with people or have people follow you before you can even send them private messages. Seriously, twitter, I need to have people
follow me before I can send them messages? I can't follow them? Who's idea was it in the design team to restrict what people can do. Seems like shit design.
ramble rambleIn any case if they don't respond to the friend request I have basically no way to contact them outside of being a total creep and hunting them down out of the 35000 people on campus. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Is this hallmate girl, or someone else? Anyway, you should definitely go for it, worst case scenario you have a funny story to tell your friends.
Different girl. No idea what girl across the hall is doing. Lost interest.
Worst case scenario is that Spehss somehow dies by going to see the movie. Either by it being so terrible that his body just stops or the girl kills him.
Or I trip on the spaghetti dangling out of my pockets and become the first person to die from strangulation by pocket-pasta.