For this let's play, I'll be playing through the AOWSM campaign (minus the tutorial, of course). For those of you lucky enough to be acquainted with the game, I'll be playing with the unoffical 1.4 patch. For those of you who do not know the game, I would reccoment going to
age of wonders heaven to learn about it, but I'll go through the (extreme basics) here.
In the game, there are two resources: Gold and Mana. Mana is used for casting and upkeeping spells, whereas gold is used for almost everything else.
The play controls a wizard. This wizard can cast spells within his or her domain. A domain is an area that extends from the wizard, or structures controlled by the wizard. Domains of different wizards can overlap.
Each turn is a new day. During each turn, the wizard's armies can move around and the wizard can cast spells. Between turns, the wizard's cities build new structures or units, the wizard gets gold and mana, and the wizard can research spells or skills. The wizard can choose how much of their mana income goes to mana, and how much goes to research.
Cities are what an empire is built from. Each city produces gold. It also has four upgrade paths: military, mechanical, temple, and wizard tower. There are three buildings in each upgrade path.
The military path upgrades gives access to new, more powerful units. The mechanical path increases the production of the city and allows to production of seige weaponry. The temple path increases happiness and produces mana. The wizard tower path increases the wizard domain radius when the wizard is in a tower (any tower) and allows access to other miscellaneous city upgrades.
Cities can also produce walls, a special building for each race and a shrine to a specific spirit (nature, war, magic or order).
There are also heroes to be remembered. Heroes have experience that increases by 1 for every day that passes and by 1-4 for each unit the hero kills. Whenever the wizard in in a tower, the wizard's domain extends in a 1-hex radius around the hero. when the heroes have enough experience, they level up (up to level 30) and I can choose from one of three improvements to make to the hero.
Previously, wizards were powerful beings with mighty armies who case devestating spells.
However, recently the land has been invaded by a strange and dangerous race of people known as the shadow demons. These shadow demons have caused much destruction in the land. The leader of the wizards, named Merlin, has been imprisioned by the shadow demons.
A man named Phobius, with his lieutenant named Vorsar, have taken this opportunity to seize power. By using the wizards as scapegoats for the shadow demon attack, he has gained a massive following against the remaining wizards.
For each update, I'm going to post a list of unit stacks like this:
Location: forest north of City A
Halfling peasant 7/8
Tigran hunter (s) 7/13
Each city will also be listed like this:
City A
Location: intersection of SE forest and mountians
Military:champion's guild
Temple: Temple complex
Mechanical: builder's hall
Wizard's tower: level 2
Shrine: order
Forest glade: No
Screenshots will be provided as well as and in some cases instead of location descriptions.
When the turns have not much going on for us to do, then I will do several in each update. When the turns become very large on complex, I will do one or two in each update. Of course, I will encourage you lot to post suggestions/instructions for the upocming turns. The first update (the start of the campaign) will be up shortly.