I got my ass kicked by a video game. Not the AI enemies in the video game so much, but literally everything that could have gone wrong did.
It was Skyrim. Starting off, I exit my house and find a dragon. It isn't immediately hostile to me, so I squeeze in some cool screenshots of it, using the "TFC 1" command to freeze time and fly around in camera, while it flutters around spraying fire at ghosts or some shit. Eventually, I get all the screenies I can really think to while idly watching it, and decide to shoot it in the ass with my bow. This pisses it off quite nicely, and I get a few good screenies of the ensuing fight. Then I keel over dead because I forgot about the healing of the wounds.
So I restart, and this time after leaving my house, it's a frost dragon that greets me. I get some more screens of this one before also engaging it in battle. After I shoot it, it wanders off to kill some wolves. While I'm busy fighting off all manner of other ground-based threats, it apparently flew just slightly out of range, such that it dropped it's aggravated state towards me. I tried baiting it with a resurrected giant it had been pestering earlier, and it ignored the giant, I missed all my shots with my bow, and it simply flew off into the sunset, probably laughing at me. I promptly yelled at my screen "Get your scaly ass back here so I can shoot you, ya' coward!" which of course did nothing. So I got no dragon kill today.
After that I head out to a ruin I'd recently found but didn't have time to explore, Ansilvund. This one was absolutely horrible. Everything whipped my ass, I wasted 35 lockpicks on a master lock when there was a key to the door right beside me, and promptly got my ass smacked by a conjurer who jumped me on the staircase. I'm not entirely sure if he even hit me, or if I got a foot clipped through the floor, causing the game to decide the only way to fix this stupidity was to kill me. I restart from the beginning of that section, and go through the motions again. This time I get through the door no problem, and even evade the draugr that were woken when I picked up the key, by carrying the key upstairs before putting it in my inventory. I go through the door, and face the damn conjurer again, this time at range. I miss all of 20 or so shots I take, because that bastard wouldn't hold still (which never stopped me before, but I was already enrage by the rest of the bloody dungeon), and then my last shot ends up hitting my companion, Shani, in the back of the head because she decided "Hey! I better help out by standing in front of the guy shooting a bow!" I don't think the extra brain damage made her any less incompetent. With my cover completely blown (She had been prepping to toss fireballs at the conjurer, and tipped him off to both of us), I actually managed to hit him once in the arm, then in the chest, killing him.
So after healing the idiot and walking upstairs, We get ambushed by a draugr who came through a door and ran across the catwalks towards me. The bastard hit every single trap on the bridge, making a ruckus, and the fight alerted the half a dozen draugr I'd completely avoided earlier. This time, Shani decided she'd go deal with them by herself, and ran off, making it even more obvious to the undead where I was. In the end I had to shoot them all down from the catwalk, anyway. Then I tried to cross the catwalk myself, and was tossed like a ragdoll by a wall trap triggered by debris of some sort I'd kicked over onto the pressure plate under it, landing me not 10 feet from the last of the undead whom I'd apparently missed. I survive this and walk back upstairs and try it again, this time opting to intentionally trigger the plate and then leave the junk I'd used to hold it so it doesn't trigger again as I go by. Which failed, resulting in my death. The third time across the bridge, I survived and made it into the hall on the other side, where some minor draugr whacked me with sticks for a bit while my companions goofed off. Not realizing that they were lagging, I continued on to the end of the dungeon and killed the bitch, Lu'ah, who in my opinion got the roll of "Most cliche villain we can pump into this game, somehow." She even ranted at you with disembodied voices. I got into the chamber, and two shots was all it took to bring her down, ending the little quest I got just for stumbling into her dungeon. Blah-blah-blah I saved the spirits of these two ancient nords and got a little gift in return. Then I had to go back and save my companions from eternal idiocy because they somehow decided they should stop following me.
TL:DR; dragons are trolling bastards and Ansilvund is in my top five list of places I never want to return to, ever again.