Reactions in order:
So, in terms of the bugs I'm getting in Dwarf Mode(Windows), in no particular order...
Changing screens at all causes the screen to flicker black. Hitting 'b' to build, 'v' to view, going back to the main menu, etc. No issue pausing and resuming.
The intro movie and title screens play extremely fast for me.
The init file suggests that the FPS indicator still goes in the top left, but play reveals it to be nestled between the "Dwarf Fortress" header and the Idler count in the top right. Is this intentional? If so, I should also mention that it obscures part of the information on the Continue Playing screen, if nowhere else.
My window is not resize friendly at all. Attempting to run the game in fullscreen leaves half of the screen cut off. In windowed mode, hitting maximize works fine, but manually resizing the window or hitting the Restore button causes the screen to turn black. The game still runs in the background, and I successfully loaded the current world blindly, but the screen remained dark. I attempted this during the main movies, during fortress play, and at the main menu.
The red close button on the window does nothing. It doesn't really interfere with gameplay at all, it's just annoying that there's a button that does nothing.
Saving the game gives me no "Saving..." screen. I thought I had frozen the game until I got kicked back to the main menu. Of course, now my fickle memory suggests that there was never a Saving screen at all...
And finally, it's taking me a while to get used to the speedy-quick FPS, but then the 184 z lvl volcano I'm playing on had me at 17 FPS, and now I'm at about 80(43). Definitely a change I can get used to
. That's all I found in my half hour of tinkering, I'll be back with anything I find tomorrow night.
All Hail the Toady One!