1. Women do not fight. If her husband cannot protect her, she shouldn't have married such a weakling. Women manage all the crafts, trades and professions.
2. Anyone arrested for failure of a mandate becomes a helot, is stripped of rights and possessions, and gets crappy jobs like farming.
3. Helot is a hereditary curse, extending to spouses and children indefinately.
4. Dwarven citizen-infants will be inspected for personality flaws (non-traditional, non-dutiful, non-disciplined). Failing infants will be killed, the mother spared. Figure out how to do that and win a cookie. Should this not work, they become helots.
5. All male, unmarried dwarven citizens are part-time marksdwarves, hunters, woodcutters or miners. Excluding emergencies, these troops are preserved if possible.
6. All male, married dwarven citizens with at least one non-flawed son become full time infantry with bronze armor and an iron or steel spear. These troops must be presented for noble and manly combat with sieging foes.
7. All male, crippled or invalid citizens get life pensions training recruits, occupying office jobs or just impregnating their wives.
8. Nobles must be obeyed and protected.
9. Elves must not be trusted.
10. No matter the social crisis, tradition must be upheld.