Oh yeah, I found that one. Tried copying literally this time, but no good again. Having him continue the reaction job on repeat for a while now, all that happened is that hes gotten thirsty.
Thing is, that mod is only desinged to affect the dwarves over a long time. Mine is suppost to not let them survive a single reaction job.
Reason is im trying to make a mod to sacrifice my dwarves to a number of evil gods, using a custom workshop, and one custom reaction for each god.
The reaction would have no reagents, a poison to kill the sacrifice, and some payment for the sacrifice.
The whole thing would be part of a larger mod of a race of evil, canibalising and slave driving dwarves. Originaly intended it to just be an alternitive way to butcher slave dwarves (the other method is a hassle), but I cant restrict reactions to specific castes so I just ended up replacing the alchemy labout with a sacrifice labour. My current test dwarf is novice sacrifice... gah.
If this all keeps failing I can just replace the poison part with some rediculously hot material and burn the dwarf to death, but that would make the new poison system go to waste, and that would be disappointing.
Edit: dwarf died from paralysis after many many attempts. Seems its a matter of chance even though I have the probability at 100%. Tried simply giving the reaction a lot more poison as product, but same effect. Cant seem to make it evaporate slower either. Making it a burning liquid doesnt work... ah bah, time to get some sleep.