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Author Topic: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 4: Stupid, stupid, stupid!  (Read 7307 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2010, 07:33:10 am »

Due to being scared, I run towards the coal mine, realizing they dug strait ahead, i dig about a 4x4 room about 150 feet away from the mine, the only way into the room is a 3x1 hallway, which I channel to make sure no-one can waltz inside, and building a bridge when I feel the need to go outside.
Okey... a little strange but sure.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 07:38:18 am by Takos_360 »


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2010, 07:37:56 am »

I wonder what happend... :)
I look around to see what happend. I also try and find some kind of weapon.


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2010, 08:52:45 am »

Go and try to buy any Big needles or knifes to throw


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2010, 12:26:30 pm »

Build a monument to myself!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1: What on earth?
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2010, 01:22:52 pm »

So here is the first turn.
It is maybe a little short long but it is the first one and ill try and improve on the ones coming. :)
And i will make the order in the turns based on who made the first action, ending with the one who posted the last. Or if i see some better way to place them to make the turn better, i'll do that.

Turn 1

I look around to see if there's any people other than us. See if I can find the cause of the sound-knockout thing. If I can't find anything I'll just create a pile of metal infront of me.
(6) As you start to wake up with your ears still hurting you look around. To your surprise you find the whole city covered in black ash, even though it looks like it isn't burnt, and all the people in it missing. Exept for the 4 other people you noticed earlier before passing out, the whole city is empty.
Remembering the high peeping sound that hurt your ears, and maybe being the cause of all this, you go and investigate where it came from while totally ignoring the others. You look for long covering quite a large area without success. Then you spot something far ahead. Heading there you find some... thing. Looking closer it seems like it's some kind of giant crystal, pinned to the ground. Amazed by this thing, that clearly couldn't have been there before because of the ash blown away around it, you walk closer. Then you get that feeling again, the evil one. Still wanting to know what this thing is you get closer and touch it but then quickly draw your hand back as you get a shock numbing your whole hand (paw?). What is going on around here?

Due to being scared, I run towards the coal mine, realizing they dug strait ahead, i dig about a 4x4 room about 150 feet away from the mine, the only way into the room is a 3x1 hallway, which I channel to make sure no-one can waltz inside, and building a bridge when I feel the need to go outside.
(4) Waking up remembering all the people falling over and that overwhelming sound hurting your ears you are scared as hell. You sprint towards the coal mines in hope of shelter and totally ignore all your surroundings like a horse wearing blinders. Finding the coal mine you take one of the many torches outside it and walk inside. Coming about 10 meters inside the tunnel you start to dig in one side and make another tunnel, about three meters in, and then make a nice little room. You secure the entrance with a barricade (since you cant make a bridge) and hole up in there. With your torch pinned to one side of the wall you wait, hoping for whatever it was that scared you to pass.

I look around to see what happend. I also try and find some kind of weapon.
(3) Waking up for the second time this day (this time feeling like you have a bad hangover) you stretch and sigh.. again. Looking around you see all the ash over the city and the people missing. Taking it rather lightly you then see the others that also are here and think that this can't be a coincidence.
Still you don't think too much about it since you notice your staff is gone. Luckely you find it under the ash next to where you were standing and dust it off. "Now where were I...?"

Go and try to buy any Big needles or knifes to throw
(5) Standing up dusting your clothes off you too notice all the ash everywhere but think little of it since you just don't care. All you have on your mind is to find a weapon. A Big pointy weapon. Preferably something that suits you. Looking in every shop you notice that almost everything is gone. You get rather upset thinking they left nothing behind when they left for you to play with and stomp on the ground. *cling* Looking down as the ash clears you see something shiny and picks it up. It's a Big pointy needle! You take your newly found weapon (that perfectly suits you) and hold it to the sky taking in all it's needle-ish glory. You feel you are getting better at finding stuff. Good for you.

Build a monument to myself!
(6) Sitting there on the ground/ash you look at the others as they do their thing. Thinking you also want to do your own thing you wonder just what. Then you got it. Your gonna make a huge statue of yourself in the middle of town! Taking your skills to use as a mason you bring large blocks of stone to the middle of the town and stack them ontop of eachother. Using your little toolkit that you always have with you for times like this, duh, you start carving out the main body of the statue. Looking rather dwarfy you start adding the details on it that will make it look like you. Almost done you just have to add the final touches. Working in the face you tap, tap, tap the surface until its nearly perfect. Just one more and- *crack* the whole face came off. Atleast you will know who it is. Durr~


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First turn done, woho!
Let me know what you thought of it. :D

Edit: Im still finding loads of stuff i have to edit, like acronyms of all your weapons and spelling errors.
Please tell me if you find anything yourself. :D
Oh and im not going to add +1 to the original abilities. Those are more like you just Are Able to do them.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 02:16:35 pm by Takos_360 »


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2010, 02:08:33 pm »

My glorious statue! Nuuuu~!
Oh well. Nice turn! Time to do something productive!

Carve a nice weapon for myself. Maybe a mace, or a hammer.


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2010, 02:13:14 pm »

Awesome turn Tako. Well, let's see what that thing can do.

I attempt to resist the evilness of the crystal and crack a piece of it off that I can take with me.
It's sad when the guy falling down the mountain with two broken arms is one of the ones in the least amount of trouble.


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Intro.
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2010, 02:18:31 pm »

Practice throwing needle a rats and try to also use Lighting strike with it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2010, 09:34:39 am »

Go and find vincent. See what he's up to. Facepalm.
The next turn will sadly be delayed due to me being sick. Can't get the brain going.
Sorry. :-\
Plus, if Meanmelter don't post an action for this turn im gonna add someone else from the waiting list. I think i'll just do auto turns for those who don't do an action for about two turns, then i will get someone else. :P
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 04:29:11 am by Takos_360 »


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2010, 10:41:01 am »

Feel better soon!


And that's an order, mister!

Spartan 117

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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2010, 01:41:35 pm »

Dibs on being the one to be added.
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2010, 04:05:01 pm »

hey, im going to vacation tommorow soooo.... if i don;t post any action do something usefull for the team as priority. because i don't know if i will hae acces to a computer!


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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2010, 05:43:52 pm »

Knowing that whatever had just happened will return, I will start to dig more of a little house so I can feel more 'comfortable,' then I shall see If I can Create a Stone door to put behind the hole and barricades in front of my 'house...'
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 08:02:26 pm by Meanmelter »
huh. took a bunch of sleeping pills and slept in a pharmacist, wake up, i am now albino. 
Story of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 1, What on earth?
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2010, 07:14:38 pm »

Kay, think ill do the turn tomorrow. Just hope my brain thinks that too... ::)
Oh and Jets, don't worry, i'll just do auto turns for you. Meaning more or less me doing them, but still. :D
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 04:49:02 am by Takos_360 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarf Saga [RTD] Turn 2: Faceplant, facepalm, elizabeth.
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2010, 05:42:07 pm »

Second turn.
Sorry for delay.

Turn 2

Carve a nice weapon for myself. Maybe a mace, or a hammer.
(5) After failing with the statue you wipe your tears and think that you will try this with a different aproach. Looking for some remaining stone blocks from the statue to use you get rather dissapointed when you see that you used them all up. "What the heck am i supposed to use now then?" you say to yourself making the others look at you strangely. As you start looking around for material to use for your still unplanned work you spot a large tree growing in the middle of an old well. Why didn't anyone see that before? But you don't have time for stuff like that and instead start sprinting with excitment towards your newly found material supply. Coming to a stop right infront of the tree you look in your toolkit for an axe or a saw to use, even though the toolkit is way to small for that, you instead find a knife. You'll just have to carve it out right on the spot. Swinging the blade like Vincent van Gogh your masterpiece start to take shape. Not really concentrating you just let your creativity flow out and do the work. Ending with a last Zorro like swing you stop and blow away the dust to finally see what you have made. Staring with such intense force you could almost set it on fire, you lean forward and pick it up swinging it to the air making an epic pose of triumph shouting "Victory!". You take a good look at your new giant (for your size) wooden hammer. It has strange carvings all over the place which you have no idea what they mean, you don't even remember making them. And at the side of the hammer head there is a name ingraved into the wood. You read "Elizabeth". Now why would you write a girls name?

I attempt to resist the evilness of the crystal and crack a piece of it off that I can take with me.
(1) After bringing your hand back to movement by doing hand movement, you look over at the crystal. Being simply just you, you think how well a shard of the crystal would work as a weapon. If just touching it can paralyze your hand, then what would happen if you stabbed someone with it? Or just for the sake of it, went around poking people. They would faceplant all around you! After coming back to you senses from this epic rofl you stand up and look for the biggest rock you could find. Choosing the much smaller one that you actually could lift, you pick it up and slowly start walking towards your target but then suddenly remember people faceplanting. You laugh so hard and sudden that you loose your grip on the stone and drop it right on your toes. Falling with your face first screaming "Oh, the pain!" you land on the ground like a tree with your mouth full of dirt. After rolling around on the ground for about 5 minutes you get up, mad as hell, and take the best pipe you could find and swing it with all your power at the crystal screaming "You killed kenny!". For a second nothing happens. Atleast thats what you thought. You then wake up in the town market totally confused and in pain.
Now, what actually happend: you hit the crystal with all your power, crystal got mad and hit you so hard with an energy blast you flew all the way back to the town market. While flying you passed out and the force of the impact broke both of your legs. Smart move, hit the crystal that may be the cause of all this with a pipe...

Go and find vincent. See what he's up to. Facepalm.
(6) Noticing that Vincent is gone you get a little worried. He couldn't stand a chance against the evil that did this with those cute ears, so you start running in the direction you think he went. After some time you think that you maybe went the wrong way, but after hearing someone scream "Oh, the pain!" you think your on the right way. Arriving a few minutes later you see Vincent, rolling around on the ground in agony. Preparing to walk over to him and ask what hes doing, you stop, as he gets up with a mad look on his face. Seeing the large crystal that he's staring at a bit away, and him taking hold of a pipe, you do the only thing anyone would do. Facepalm...
Taking seat on a stone you observe the spectacle that is happening. After seeing him hit the crystal and then get fired away you once again facepalm. *BAM* Seems like that pipe got fired away towards you and hit you in the face. That gotta hurt...

Practice throwing needle at rats and try to also use Lightning strike with it.
(4) Taking a last admiring look at your shiny weapon you start to look after something to stick it in, possibly kill. You think about giving Nil a poke but regret it as you see her newly gained, huge (for her size) weapon. Atleast you can practice on Michael. Or maybe not as you see him running away as if he heard your thoughts. "Rats, what am i now supposed to throw at now?" There you have it, rats. Perfect targets for target practice. Perfect size, moves little too, everyone hates them. So why shouldn't you throw your big needle at them? Beats me. Anyways, after finding some rats to practice your throwing skills at, you start to practice your throwing skills. Durr... After hitting one after the other you get a rather bold idea. "What if i were to fire lightning out of this?"
Not thinking much more about it you do as you usually do when your going to fire a lightning bolt (what ever that may be) and focus it into the needle. Thrusting it forwards with your hand and with all your mind power you think "Lightning Strike!"... *zap* All that came out from it was a little spark.
Maybe practise some more? Atleast you got better at throwing needles.

Knowing that whatever had just happened will return, I will start to dig more of a little house so I can feel more 'comfortable,' then I shall see If I can Create a Stone door to put behind the hole and barricades in front of my 'house...'
(5) Knowing that whatever had just happend probably will come again, and since bad things always happens to dwarfs, you start to fortify your little bunker. Digging out the walls making the room much bigger, and adding a little paint and some nice flowers, it's starting to look rather nice in there. Almost like your own home. Still the door would need some work so you cut out a large stone block from one of the walls (where you anyway were planning on placing the tv) and cut it out to fit the entrance hole. Now you have a nice strong door that will keep out all the bad guys. Feeling rather proud of yourself you go and sit on the couch to rest while reading the daily news.
You should have taken that job offer as a Builder when you had the chance, your a real natural!


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Just so you all know, i am, or was, really tired when i wrote this so it can be a little off, and bad, and make no sense. But ill try and fix it later... *yawn*
Oh and from now i will have to do the turns whenever i can. Probably once i week. Hope you can bear with it. Stupid school...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 10:34:38 am by Takos_360 »
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