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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia X:Invaders of the GSD Kronos[DAY 3][YO LEAFSNAIL WHERE ARE YOU]  (Read 35992 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I pity the weak.
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Appologies again, charger still misbehaving, im on my iPhone for this one.
So after all this it has been an arguement between webadict and Cryptfeind, with Shad0wyne gone back into lurking as soon as the attacks on him are called off.
Cryptfeinds attacks are almost pointless, if hes trying to make webadict break scum it doesn't seem to be proving effective at all. If you try too hard and it after alot of attempts it doesn't seem to break, then turn to another whos more likely of being scum. At the moment webadict does look town.
And wheres Diablous (or his replacement now) gone as well, he seems to have disappeared and all.
It now seems Diab and Shad0wyne are the scum team, very sure now.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm still here and have been reading the thread but I see no reason to change my vote nor do I have anything else to add. What do you want me to do, pop in once every 12 hours and wave to you until you end the day?


  • Bay Watcher
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A post isnt THAT HARD, is it?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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Ya that is going to change my vote.

What I am going to do is start looking for scum #2 tonight and if I find someone scummier than even you I may vote them.

I am thinking spitfire. Or maybe forsaken/shadow if they do not stop lurking.
... Or maybe, ya know, I'm right and it's the two guys that are lurking. But, hey, what do I know? I mean, you spent all of your sweet time going after the wrong person, refuse to admit you're wrong (Despite anything I tell you).

Sad thing is, you're defending the person I'm going after, with no reason to at all, unless you're a Cop and got a Town reading on him, which would also be stupid because he's quite clearly scum, and would thus be the Godfather.

So, spitfire, vote someone already.

I'm still here and have been reading the thread but I see no reason to change my vote nor do I have anything else to add. What do you want me to do, pop in once every 12 hours and wave to you until you end the day?
No, but I'm glad you feel it is unnecessary to defend yourself and like to have criptfeind do your fighting for you, you bloody coward.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm not defending myself because your attacks are pointless and without merit.

Criptfeind isn't defending me, he's attacking you.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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I'm not defending myself because your attacks are pointless and without merit.

Criptfeind isn't defending me, he's attacking you.
So, what, you didn't OMGUS with no information other than me voting you, and you're not eliminating the only person that is perceived to be a threat, and you're definitely not lurking, and you're totally not having someone else fight your battles for you?

Man, I must be way off-base.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I pity the weak.
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I might as well cast my vote, since you wanted me to so much. I guess not much time is left now and im not sure if I'm able to get on tommorow.
I vote forsaken1111
Purely for reasons I stated before, and now the replacement going on the attack instantly with is second post with little evidence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Lynch me and the game ends.


  • Bay Watcher
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Lynch me and the game ends.
Glad to see you say nothing about anything I mentioned. Very glad.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm not going to vote for now, Webadict is getting pretty damn annoying though. That is not a reason for scum though. The whole thing is a bit annoying with shome's replacing, the old one wasn't able to get on often, and didn't post much anyway, and now the new one is an asshole.
However, due to spitfire's vote on forsaken, the vote is now tied, and so it is up to me, what joy. I think the votes are as follows:
Forsaken1111 (Diab replacement):
2-Spitfire684, Webadict
Webadict (shome replacement):
2-Criptfiend, Forsaken1111
Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum, I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch, I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.


  • Bay Watcher
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The vote count is currently:
Forsaken - Webadict, Spitfire684
Webadict - forsaken1111, Criptfeind, Shad0wyone


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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I'm not going to vote for now, Webadict is getting pretty damn annoying though. That is not a reason for scum though. The whole thing is a bit annoying with shome's replacing, the old one wasn't able to get on often, and didn't post much anyway, and now the new one is an asshole.
However, due to spitfire's vote on forsaken, the vote is now tied, and so it is up to me, what joy. I think the votes are as follows:
Forsaken1111 (Diab replacement):
2-Spitfire684, Webadict
Webadict (shome replacement):
2-Criptfiend, Forsaken1111
Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum, I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch, I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
You're so right. I'm REALLY annoying, making everyone get prodded and voting. MAN! How DARE I, right? Geez! Next time, I should just let you sit there by yourself, right?!?

And, how could I?!? Replacing?!? Scummiest move in the book, if you ask me. I mean, that's my entire basis for voting forsaken, right? And that flippy-floppy nature? I WISH I had that, what with my being so straightfoward. I mean, I wish I could say, "I might believe it's forsaken but I might not, but I don't say anything about webadict, so I'll just vote him with no reason."

Oh, wait, was your reason that I'm annoying? Scummiest move in the book, if you ask me. Oh... no... wait... It's not???

I'm not going to vote for now, Webadict is getting pretty damn annoying though. That is not a reason for scum though.
Jesus! We have an expert here! What is the reason for scum though?

Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum, I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch, I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
... Hold on a second. Let's break it down. It might be in there.

Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum,
Okay, that's sort of a reason not to vote Cript... If your believing is a credible source...

I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch,
Right... The same thing applies here. So, basically, you're saying that the scum has to be me and spitfire, or what?

I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
... I think I found your reasoning?

I mean, you can't be sure of forsaken, but you can be sure of me? Why, that makes no sense whatsoever because you know as little about forsaken's alignment as you do mine, don't you?

... Or is your reason solely because I'm annoying? ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Actually, on second thought, Unvote. I can't go after webadict, he may be an asshole, but I really don't have many reasons beyond that. I have to go back with my vote on spitfire684. I can't go with a nolynch here, and also, I don't think forsaken is scum. Diablous wasn't scummy, and forsaken is a bit too new to find out specifically what he is, so I'm going with town here.
Also, I'm not saying that replacing is scummy, trying to twist my words, are you? What I am trying to say is that from skimming through I was getting a scumvibe, but after I posted my last post, I've read a bit more into the posts, and can actually say that webadict is probably not scum.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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Actually, on second thought, Unvote. I can't go after webadict, he may be an asshole, but I really don't have many reasons beyond that. I have to go back with my vote on spitfire684. I can't go with a nolynch here, and also, I don't think forsaken is scum. Diablous wasn't scummy, and forsaken is a bit too new to find out specifically what he is, so I'm going with town here.
Also, I'm not saying that replacing is scummy, trying to twist my words, are you? What I am trying to say is that from skimming through I was getting a scumvibe, but after I posted my last post, I've read a bit more into the posts, and can actually say that webadict is probably not scum.
You also can't go after spitfire, since voting for him would tie the vote, also creating a no lynch. So, you have to vote either me or forsaken, but the flip-flopping is incredibly scummy, especially since you were under pressure to come up with reasons.

... Really? That's all you got? You think forsaken is TOWN because he hasn't been here long enough?!? That's incredibly stupid!

^Criptfeind, does THIS prove a point about my predictions? He basically switched his mind, thinks about 3 out of 4 people are scum, and can't even come up with a good reason for voting spitfire! It's just... so... terrible!


  • Bay Watcher
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Web I can read.

Yes shadow is acting scummy.

Yes forsaken is acting scummy.

Yes that is what you were saying.

I hate you all.

I need to think more.
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