I'm not going to vote for now, Webadict is getting pretty damn annoying though. That is not a reason for scum though. The whole thing is a bit annoying with shome's replacing, the old one wasn't able to get on often, and didn't post much anyway, and now the new one is an asshole.
However, due to spitfire's vote on forsaken, the vote is now tied, and so it is up to me, what joy. I think the votes are as follows:
Forsaken1111 (Diab replacement):
2-Spitfire684, Webadict
Webadict (shome replacement):
2-Criptfiend, Forsaken1111
Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum, I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch, I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
You're so right. I'm REALLY annoying, making everyone get prodded and voting. MAN! How DARE I, right? Geez! Next time, I should just let you sit there by yourself, right?!?
And, how could I?!? Replacing?!? Scummiest move in the book, if you ask me. I mean, that's my entire basis for voting forsaken, right? And that flippy-floppy nature? I WISH I had that, what with my being so straightfoward. I mean, I wish I could say, "I might believe it's forsaken but I might not, but I don't say anything about webadict, so I'll just vote him with no reason."
Oh, wait, was your reason that I'm annoying? Scummiest move in the book, if you ask me. Oh... no... wait... It's not???
I'm not going to vote for now, Webadict is getting pretty damn annoying though. That is not a reason for scum though.
Jesus! We have an expert here! What is the reason for scum though?
Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum, I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch, I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
... Hold on a second. Let's break it down. It might be in there.
Right, I do not believe that Cript is scum,
Okay, that's sort of a reason not to vote Cript... If your believing is a credible source...
I cannot really agree on a forsaken lynch,
Right... The same thing applies here. So, basically, you're saying that the scum has to be me and spitfire, or what?
I really can't be entirely sure about forsaken currently, and so I vote Webadict.
... I think I found your reasoning?
I mean, you can't be sure of forsaken, but you can be sure of me? Why, that makes no sense whatsoever because you know as little about forsaken's alignment as you do mine, don't you?
... Or is your reason solely because I'm annoying?