It's all just been going downhill from here. Nobody's doing what they're supposed to; the fortress framework is far from complete, the miners just lounge around, the ambushes just keep coming - they're not even particularly effective just annoying and persistent - and to top it all off, my friend's lying starved, dehydrated and comatose of the top of a hill with nobody coming for him. I try my best and sneak out often to care for him, but there's only so much a busy dwarf can do.
I can't get any hospitals ready, because there's no beds left in the stockpile and the carpenters are out on strike, demanding higher wages (they never had any, nor did anyone else here - how stupid can a dwarf get?). And anyway, if I'd make a hospital the other friggin lazy elfspawn would just come in whenever and crash on the beds, whether they're sick or not.
Not to mention a group of dwarves decided it was a good idea to mark the booze stockpile their territory, get drunk 5 in the morning and push off any other dwarves (which, by the way, actually contribute to this sorry excuse of a society) trying to slake their thirst.
I can't even do anything about this... The mayor had me fired after I didn't bring him his premium Elven chocolate mints in time. By Armok, that man
will get killed sooner or later. A pity it won't be me who does it. I'm gonna board the first dwarven caravan out of here. I'm thinking of joining a small, organised outpost somewhere, living the remainder of my days -
Fuck. He's dead. My only buddy here, too.
Well, that's the last straw. I'm outta here. Nothing for me now.
I'll probably just off myself in a chasm on the way, to get it over with.
All done.
Here's the save, and have Fun.