I began an adventure as a dragonwoman, just out of curiosity towards the plight of the scaly menace.
So, I begin my adventures in the icy north, on the edge of a cobald village nestled in the foothills of a mountain range. The stray alpacas there seemed to like me well enough, so after leaving I opt to travel to the nearby town, which was situated on the divide between a glacier and the same mountains as the outlying village. Being as I hate actually walking through towns, I traveled right up to the town keep. When I arrived, I got the idea to check my whereabouts one last time before getting horribly lost, only to discover "you cannot travel until you leave this site." Now, I knew I was still on the perfectly travel-able glacier and the town itself wouldn't hinder travel... Unless It registered me as an enemy of the civ to whom the town belonged. Lo and behold, I enter the town keep, and am immediately greeted with some loser hunter yelling "PREPARE TO DIE!"
Que twenty minutes of running amok in the keep whilst the cobalds apparently have some sort of civil war/loyalty cascade. People were killing each other left and right, and I wager that's the only thing that kept my poor idiot adventurer alive. Regardless, a "Sacred Silkiness," who was also a vampire, happened to smash my foot, leaving me crippled. The good thing about dragonmen is that they can breath short jets of fire, and are themselves immune to it. So, I toasted the bastard and managed to survive while passing out from pain repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I ended up murdering every religious leader that didn't get murdered by rebels, so that could leave this civilization in a wee bit of disarray. I also managed to melt a few holes in ice, revealing bits of the subterranean dungeons. Walking around in the dungeons revealed that these holes in the roof didn't provide any extra light whatsoever, which I think may be a bug. One of the religious leaders I killed actually fell into a hole my firebreath opened up underneath him.
I found a crutch, in some great stroke of luck, and hobbled on out of the keep, sneaking as I tried to avoid drawing the guise of the other locals. And the pets. There were cats and turkeys all over the place, amongst the bodies and injured cobalds. Not sure who won that little revolution, or if it's a taste of things to come for these cobalds, but I high-tailed it straight south across the glacier and eventually made it beyond the bounds of the town. There, I found a lair bordering the town and killed it's resident, whom I presume was a werebeast or something. Didn't put up much of a fight.
So, here I am in a hole on a glacier, in the middle of a hostile nation, with the nearest safe haven probably being... Probably nowhere, given that dragonmen are almost universally hated as thieves. Life as a bandit is going to be fun.