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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2095395 times)

Guardian G.I.

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3615 on: February 19, 2012, 11:59:48 am »

FINALLY found an imported goods store that sells weapons, only to discover that they all suck.
THe market has 50 bazillion crappy wooden crossbows for sale, as well. Huzzah?
Ever tried visiting the town keep? As far as I remember, a lot of good stuff (including weapons and human sized armor) can be found there, absolutely free.
this means that a donation of 30 dollars to a developer that did not deliver would equal 4.769*10^-14 hitlers stolen from you
that's like half a femtohitler
and that is terrible


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3616 on: February 19, 2012, 12:26:55 pm »

i've gotten to the point where i can break bend the rules of the matrix, either my dodging, or armor user (both legedary+20) are so high i no longer need to dodge or block.. everything just misses. Now, i'm training every melee combat stat to legendary in preparation for my decent into the circus.
Tales of the Third Age, 34.11 rp stories from Genesis Reborn

“Name none of the fallen, for they stood in our place. And stand there still in each moment of our lives. Let my death hold no glory, and let me die forgotten and unknown. Let it not be said that I was one among the dead to accuse the living.”

-Deadhouse Gates (Book 2 in the Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3617 on: February 19, 2012, 12:56:07 pm »

bugfix release is so nice....  no longer to superbandits stalk just outside of town ready to strike me down before i can really even experience the content that has been added.

so, i gen a new world and start an adventure.

as always, i start looking around my starting hamlet for some companions...  the third house i peek into has something odd in it...  a flashing grey "r".  i look at it, a reptile man master blowgunner.  i know human towns have gotten a lot more cosmopolitan, but this is a bit much. i try to recruit it, but it just laughs at me.  so then i do the next most logical thing....  i accuse it of vampirism. surprise, it is indeed a vampire.  then every menial in the house goes nuts and attacks it, while i try to swing.  being a hammerman (little skill, most of my points went into dodge) i started with a crappy maul.  those few attacks i made that connected were just lovetaps.

the peasants end up killing the thing.  i talk to the killer, brag about my "success" and instantly become a local legend.  my fame shot way up there (was able to recruit 5 companions off of this one kill.  normally i can only get two before first quest completion).  i explore the village fully, and after my five companions, i end up finding two more vampires, and killing them.  at this point, i cannot get a quest here, i have to travel a half day away and get quests from the lord in his keep.

he sends me to the hamlet not even a full maptile north of my start to kill a cave fish man vampire. before i find it, i end up finding and killing another three vampires.  next quest was for another vampire, and in THAT hamlet, i only found one other.

then the lord sends me to a city.  in this city i am supposed to enter the sewers, "the holes of holiness", and kill a criminal mastermind....  a serpent women ringleader.  oh god these sewers.  so confusing.  they connected with the dungeon of the keep.  long stretches of them were barren, but then i'll run across 5-6 groups art a time.  i ended up killing 6 other "boss" figures of various animalmen before finding the quest target.  it then takes me almost a full day to find the exit to the sewers and make it back to the lord.

oh, did i mention i was a vampire?  after my forth total vampire kill, eating the blood finally kicked in, and i turned.

so, i make it back to the lord, and he sends me right back to the sewers.  i dick around in them for a day before i say "fuck it" and leave.  at this point i was a hammer lord with 30 or so kills under my belt...  a few of my companions had earned names for themselves.

so i go looking for a necro tower.  as i wander, i get ambushed by bandits.  no big deal, i have 19 companions...  i am quite skilled now...  but what is this?  the bandit ambush was made up of dwarves and goblins?  and they started fighting each other, ignoring me.  i guess i walked in on an internal power struggle.

this is where it gets weird.  the goblins were marked as "friendly", and the dwarves hostile.  my companions got thinned down considerably.  there did not seem to be a "leader" bandit in the encounter.  i chased down all the hostiles i could, and left.  two map tiles away, i get ambushed by the same group, this time with a leader type.  it is an elf, the ambush this time is made up of elves and humans.  after one turn, all of my companions desert me, and most turn hostile.  a couple of them even give me the intro spiel "i am blarg, killer of arg, prepare to die!"

sadly, i kill all of my former companions, except the two macemen i was able to re-recruit.

then i go to a nearby keep, so i can find out if i am indeed marked as hostile to the civ (and to get some "food" as i was thirsty).  yes, i was indeed somehow an enemy of my homeciv, peasants in the keep attacked and me their doom.  lucky for me, the lord was asleep.  i bit open his throat and fed on him until he bled out.

so, like any vampire that has been found out, i left that civ.  traveled across an elven retreat, and came to my new home.  fed, then retired  because i wanted to check legends.

at this point in time, i have 46 notable kills (one other, a giant magpie).  hopefully today i can find myself a necro tower to plunder.
Goblin Fortress (NOW UPDATED FOR 34.02!
magma on his bed when he is sleeping, works every time

Flying Dice

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3618 on: February 19, 2012, 01:33:49 pm »

FINALLY found an imported goods store that sells weapons, only to discover that they all suck.
THe market has 50 bazillion crappy wooden crossbows for sale, as well. Huzzah?
Ever tried visiting the town keep? As far as I remember, a lot of good stuff (including weapons and human sized armor) can be found there, absolutely free.
This. There really aren't any weapon shops any more, and the IG shops apparently only sell wooden bows, but you can easily find a full set of high quality armor and weapons if you visit a keep or two.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3619 on: February 19, 2012, 02:24:32 pm »

Imek Windblighted the Pungent Robustness was a Thothgol born in 206.

He became known in 250 as a were-beast slayer, quickly gaining a reputation for his deeds, such as the killing of Lonel Raindwelled the Raw Lobster.. After some time he journeyed east to the capital city, Hugimages, where he sought refuge in the sewers; having angered the local humans in some incomprehensible fashion. He sought to redress the issue of this perceived slight, and explore the murky depths of the city.

Wandering the passages, he found the corpses of numerous Reptilefolk, long dead. He assumed the sewers now devoid of life, and sought to return to the surface. Walking along a ledge, Imek was attacked by a group of Reptilefolk with spears and blowguns. Despite meager armour, the Thothgol was well protected against their primitive weaponry, and even as more enemies streamed into view, the beast gave them a battle they were not expecting, carving their bones with a meat cleaver. In the midst of the battle he fought with the chieftess, Tetha Plotfails and killed her. When there were no more enemies, he thought his work done, and so having slain a score of Reptilefolk and their Chieftess, Imek Windblight sought the surface again.

After traveling for some time in the dingy maze, and running low on food, the Thothgol was again beset by a horde of Reptillian humanoids, this time led by a captain. A hail of attacks from multiple enemies led the unlucky beast to dodge off the edge of a precipice. Stunned and heavily bruised from the fall, the Thothgol warrior stood to find himself swarmed by spear wielding reptilian adversaries. Their wooden weapons, massed as they were, managed to pierce the leather and hide of the Thothgol, nd though he fought and killed several, their numbers prevailed and the beast fell to a reptilian woman's spear.

Thus ended the life of Imek Windblight, the Pungent Robustness.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3620 on: February 19, 2012, 02:51:14 pm »

Currently raiding the warehouses of a freakishly empty and destroyed town for gear for my Outsider.
...Is masterwork shark leather or decent copper better for armor like high boots and breastplates?
Toady typically doesn't do things by half measures.  As evidenced by turning "make hauling work better" into "implement mine carts with physics".
There are many issues with this statement.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3621 on: February 19, 2012, 03:07:35 pm »

Yea, I started as an axe-using demi-god. I entered the nearest house of the town I embarked on and as I entered, I saw a kobold miner fighting a fisherman and a farmer. I thought that was fairly odd but I helped them anyway. After severing the kobolds head those little human punks started attacking  ME. A child that was on scene sliced my left ankle tendon sending me to the ground. Still, After severing their heads, I left the house(not being able to fast travel I had to crawl my way out of the town as I was hostile now). As I left the building Kobolds and humans were EVERYWHERE. While they fought each other, I tried to sneakily crawl away. To my dismay, one of the denizens fighting the kobolds was a crossbowman who spotted me. He sent one bolt that pierced my neck sending blood dripping down my body. As I finally crawled away from that town, I ended up bleeding to death from that arrow to my neck

What just happened?


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3622 on: February 19, 2012, 03:09:54 pm »

Currently raiding the warehouses of a freakishly empty and destroyed town for gear for my Outsider.
...Is masterwork shark leather or decent copper better for armor like high boots and breastplates?
You can probably wear both.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3623 on: February 19, 2012, 03:14:35 pm »

My heroic axe-lord entered his first tomb today. Five steps later a serrated blade removed his head.

Apparently only a penitent man may pass.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 03:16:30 pm by Cirius »
Arch-Bishop Cirius started at the ringing of the bell, which signalled the arrival of a pilgrim with a problem to throw at him. It was always a problem. Nobody ever came to say the hymns with him... Or say happy birthday.

Welcome to Spiritwood


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3624 on: February 19, 2012, 03:25:38 pm »

After not be able to keep my mummy companions from vanishing right after they leave tomb (probably due to higher air humidity or something like that) I've raised an army of about a hundread undead humans, elves, goblins and horses, even two vampires are suppose to be somewhere in that crowd.
Atacking vilages and convincing farmers to join my army, became a bit boring and rank numbers progress rather slowly. We march to kobolds cave, should provide me another 50 recruits in a single raid. After that, evil biom... I really hope there are some thusk mist roaming - need to upgrade my army!


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3625 on: February 19, 2012, 04:11:48 pm »

Just realised that raising an undead army makes all friendly fortresses pissy at me so have had to give up the one advantage I had as a necromancer to do quests. Starting to consider slaughtering everyone in the world and going off to live in a cave with my severed arm collection
If adamantine is perfectly rigid, as shown by having 0 strain at fracture in the raw files, then the speed of sound in the metal approaches the speed of light. Adamantine musical instruments would produce ultrasonic vibrations, and cut off the fingers of the musician.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3626 on: February 19, 2012, 04:46:39 pm »

I am now in my third expedition to the tundra in the south of the world.The mission: to kill the last Tundra Titan.

 The first expedition failed for lack of water (in the return my companions were slaughtered by goblins); the second because half of my companions drowned in a river crossing. As I had to pass over goblin territory, I needed a lot of them. Recruiting them is a pain - most hamlets have only warrior, and most of the fortresses are empty.

I solved the water problem changing my route to where there are a lot of unfrozen rivers. A companion was killed by a Giant Jumping Spider. It ripped off his abdomem muscles, spilling his guts.

I was getting very drowsy after three days without sleep - I tried to rest but got interrupted three times. I am now fighting a kobold horde. I hope we get out of this one. I really want to kill that Tundra Titan now :D


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3627 on: February 19, 2012, 06:01:39 pm »

Started a peasant adventurer, Osen Ganhagerebis. Started off in a town. Everybody is trying to kill everybody. Why? I don't know. I was chased down the road by a strand extractor. I lost him. Got threatened by an unseen woodsman. I visited a temple and the High Zenith chased me onto the roof. Then a bone carver came out of nowhere, and attacked the High Zenith. I'm now watching the two have a rooftop fight.

What is going on?

The Bonecarver beat the hell out of the High Zenith, and while I was leaving a hunter started shooting at me! This city is insane!


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3628 on: February 19, 2012, 06:24:23 pm »

The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #3629 on: February 19, 2012, 06:33:39 pm »

I encountered my first possible vampire. Is there any way for me to get at his blood without getting attacked by him and his cultists?
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