Oof, hadn't posted here for a while, so I got a few weird moments from various adventures I had in the meantime that I wanted to share.
As one adventurer, I played as a titan supremacist (a race I made, basically greek god-esque beings that are normally quite peaceful but can use magic in self-defense) by name of Flamefist Ghoulfate and went on slaying entire towns of a human civilization nearby. I literally managed to kill EVERY member of that civ, though I was unable to take over the last remaining town for some reason. In one of the towns I decided to have a talk with the lady, resulting in this odd conversation
"Yeah, sure, you slaughtered my people but EH I guess I'll let you become a hearthperson". She died soon after in "mysterious circumstances".
In another town I talked to another lady
I started to think my adventurer might be slightly unhinged. Flamefist died, incinerated, as she was slaughtering merchants, due to several of them being titans like her.
On another adventurer whose name I can't remember, I uhhh...
Yeah. It came out of one of my custom megabeasts. Obviously the adventurer didn't live long afterwards.
After that I genned a new world and made a naga outsider in a elf forest retreat. For some reason there was a pack of coyote people around, so I tried a non-violent approach, resulting in what I can only call the DF version of a Seinfeldian conversation:
Lastly, on a slightly less humorous note, I was rescuing children from a goblin fortress. During my exit, I saw a titan general whom I started attacking. What I didn't notice was what was popping up in my log.
Genuinely felt bad after that.