I started a human adventurer that started as a hearthperson of a lady. The lady asked me to bring some trouble to another entity, without telling where that entity was (the direction menu, while filled with so many entries , had actually no entry about that entity)
Remembering that that heartperson quest never completed for previous character i played with it, regardless of the amount of people from the targetted entity i killed, i decided to ignore the lady order and just walk around the generated world to see what i could run into.
I asked a crossbowman to come with me and he accepted.
During the travel, whil i was stopping at rivers to drink, refill waterskins or just cross them, the crossbowman told me several things, and it looks he had some busy family :
I decided to go hunt the mentionned titan as the Roasted Mire region was not too far and i had the location of a shrine already there
Once arrived, i explored the shrine and surrounding and found nothing.
I press K to see tracks, and after running around my own tracks all over the shrine, i noticed 1 titan track, only 1 and nothing else, there was a chitin corpse of a named creature next to that track but it wasn't the same name as that titan, so it was probably another one and that shrine wasn't even the one of the titan i targetted.
At the time i completely forgot i could try to ask direction to my crossbowman friend.
I explored around and slept near a river with a campfire next (to make my ice as water so i could drink as the area was rather cold).
We were woke up by 7 dingos that attacked us. We managed to kill them all, making me some more meat as my stock was low by then.
I explored around the region to see if i could run into another shrine in the wilderness and we slept again.
Another dingo attack in the middle of our sleep next to the campfire, but this time it was giant dingos.
Unfortunately they let no chance to my crossbowman friend.
I killed the giant dingos, except 2 that were terrified by the carnage and ran away
But i followed them
I followed them then turned the buggy stealth on to see if it was still as buggy as ever, and it was as the giantdingos suddenly forget i was ever there and i could come close and kill them without problems
I was sad to have lost my crossbowman friend, i would have liked to help him avenge his family members and bring down those beast, and then go salute the entity Lady issued from his family.
But at least i avenged him, as looking in my kill list, Turmoilmurdered the giant dingo that murdered the poor guy was there.
What i learned of this :
- before going to adventure, loot starting castles for breastplates/gauntlets/chainmail/high boots/etc... it makes a gigantic difference in survivability for a character, past characters and only their starting equipment wouldn't have survived the 1st dingo night attack, and even less the night attack from the giant dingos, whlie there i got nearly only "deflected" attacks landing to me.
- whips for lashers are still an overpowered weapon like it was in 34.11 , the amount of very fast kill i got was much superior to when i was using hammers/swords/axes
- even if a companion prevent the bogeymen to attack at night, it does not prevent wild animals to do so, even campfires do nothing to keep them away
- stealth is still broken , i decided to not use it during my dingos fight and as said as soon as i turned it on, the dingos weren't even able to fight back