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Author Topic: Flora & Fungi  (Read 11260 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Flora & Fungi
« on: February 10, 2010, 06:22:33 pm »

The goal for this thread is to create a unified place for discussion on plants and fungi apart from their agricultural use.  So, I'm going to try to minimize overlap between the two discussions and hope any further posts will try to do the same, Armok knows there's already enough overlap in this forum.  Some of these ideas have been presented before but I've been unable to find any kind of unified, ongoing discussion on plants and fungi.

Plants With Parts
In their current implementation, plants and fungi exist as singular one-part objects that can either be used entirely or not used at all.  It's essential to break plants up into functional parts which will allow a multitude of new ways to interact with plants.

For example, an apple tree.  An apple tree has roots, a trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit (from the flowers).  It should be possible to harvest a child without harvesting the parent, and, in most cases, the children be able to regrow.  So, for instance, one could harvest the branches which could be used to make wood crafts, bolts, bows, and weapons; however, doing so would destroy (or knock to the ground) the leaves, flowers, and fruits while the trunk and roots survive and can typically grow new branches over time, which then grow new leaves, flowers, and fruit.  To extend the system to be able to encompass all types of plant life one would find on earth and in a fantasy setting one can create parts like vines, pods, thorns, stems, needles, blades, etc.

This also applies to fungi, more specifically mushrooms.  The first important thing to realize is that mushrooms are merely the “fruiting body” (reproductory organ) of certain fungus.  The actual functioning, living organism is the massive network of rootlike mycelium that tunnel through soil, plant, and animal dead or alive and extracting nutrients.  These mycelia then produce their mushrooms, either the stalk and cap or the shelf-like polypore, on the surface to spread their spores.  What should be taken from this then is that harvesting mushrooms should not destroy the fungus, in fact it will allow it to grow new ones more quickly because the mycelia don't have to support the non-contributing and resource expensive mushrooms.

Specific ideas expanded at end of post.

Gardening and Other Dangerously Elf-like Activities
With the system as it exists now there are two groups of plants/fungi.  Those magical ones which can be grown in obscene abundance with only the presence of some soil, and those which dwarves can only affect based on whether or not they choose to clear cut forests.  Such black and white system are never as fun to play around with as their gray counterparts.  While there should still be a distinct difference between the domesticated species and those of the wild, a skilled dwarf should be able to cultivate just about anything with enough patience.

There are a number of factors that influence the viability of cultivating a species of plant or fungi: seeding/sporing, food, water, temperature, competition, and sunlight.  The first dictates how it is a dwarf might be able to create new plants where he wants them.  The easiest case is plants which produce obvious fruit and fertilized seeds; just a matter of collecting, planting, and watering/feeding.  Less obvious are sporing plants (ferns and the like) and fungi; perhaps the dwarf will cut off a branch or a mushroom and shake it over the desired location to spread spores (which would inevitably also spread over the vicinity as well).  Most difficult of all are seeds which require activation, typically through digestion.  As dwarves, with the limitations being placed on their science, are unlikely to discern how to plant these themselves the only option is transplantation with some sort of shovel tool.

Treetops and Forest Floor
This next section is concerned primarily with the idea of having multiple plants in a tile.  When is the last time you saw plants grow in a neat grid, each never encroaching on the others, or even benefiting from the presence of the shade provided?  The idea here is to separate plants into different habital zones/plant types.  For the sake of simplicity a tile could then be limited to one plant in each zone.

[GRASS] Grows pretty much anywhere with soil except heavy forests
[trEE] Grow pretty much anywhere, even cracks in rocks. Perhaps altitude could be a factor.
[VINE] Requires a tree or shrub to grow on
[FOREST_FLOOR] Needs multiple nearby trees?
[CANOPY] Grows in the upper branches of a tree, perhaps the higher z-levels when toady implements multi-tile trees
[FUNGUS] Requires either soil and a plant with roots or some dead plant/animal matter to grow on
[AQUATIC] See section below

Related tags, not zones themselves
[FULL_SUN] Can't grow near trees
[SHADE] Must grow near a tree or shrub (1 tile vicinity?)
[SHRUB] Can support a vine

Aquatic Plants and Algae
Plants don't grow only on terra firma, many like to grow in shallow water, deep water, freshwater, saltwater, still water, flowing water, etc.  This should be fairly simple to conceptualize as another series of tags:

[AQUATIC] ([MAGMA]?) master tag, plant won't grow on dry land
[FRESH] or [SALT] ([MURKY]? [BLOODY]?) the type of water the plant needs
[SHALLOW] grows in 2-7 single-z-level
[SHALLOW_SURFACE] grows above 2-7 single-z-level water, perhaps in the same tile for 2-6 and the one above for 7
[DEEP: #-#] Grows in multi-z-level water, where #-# is acceptable range of depths.  0 would be the surface (the tile immediately above the water), 1 would be the first z-level of water, and so on.  #-#F could be used to signify a plant must grow on the floor with #-# depth.
[CALM] or [FLOWING] plant prefers calm or stagnant water

The Birds and the Bees (and the Bears and the Beavers)
Eventually, probably, animals are going to eat plants (and some plants will eat animals: below).  Of course, animals can't just eat a tree trunk, most animals can't eat grasses, some animals drink nectar, some at seeds, some eat fruits.  So, more tags (herb/omniverous animals will need corresponding dietary tags):

These would be added to plant parts, rather than the plants themselves
[SEED] seeds large enough to be eaten by seed eating things
[FRUIT] edible fruit
[NECTAR] nectar that can be consumed without destroying the flower
[FLOWER] edible flower
[WOODY] must be able to consume woody stuff
[GRASSY] must be able to consume raw grass
[NUT] nut
[ROOT] edible roots
[POISONOUS:poison type?] must be able to digest whatever poison it is
[THORNY] difficult to eat, usually end up poking yourself

The Little Shop of Horrors
No fantasy world is complete without plants that will eat you.  Our own world even has plants that can catch and consume vermin.  There are two significant divisions of carniverous plants to consider here: “realistic” plants that catch and consume vermin and “fantasy” plants that do the same for things of greater size.

The former case should be relatively simple: a vermin wanders into a tile with one of these plants, the plant has some catch/attract abstracted number that represents how likely this plant is to have a snack.

The latter is a little more complicated.  Creatures of sufficient size should be able to “easily” resist a plant's attempts to consume it.  That is if the plant isn't employing toxins and a tangled network of thorny, clinging vines.  Here's a scenario to envision: creature enteres tile with plant; plant has large attractive fruits; plants also has delicate, sensitive pods; creature approaches fruit, touches pod; pod explodes into cloud of toxin; creature becomes confused and frightened; creature runs, but equally likely to run further into the tangled mess of the plant than it is to struggle outward; toxin's effect grows: creatures collapses in exhaustion; toxin's effect grows: creatures stops breathing; nomnomnom.

Some ideas on the mechanics of this:
[PLANT_VERMINEROUS:##] Signifies the plant eats vermin, and how likely it is to succeed
[PLANT_CARNIVEROUS:##] Signifies the plant eats larger creatures, and the maximum size of creature.
[PLANT_APPETITE:##] Signifies either the number of vermin a plant can be consuming at once or the aggregate size of creatures the plant can be consuming at once.

Possible to do the same thing with more actively heterotrophic fungi.

Poisonous Plants

Concerning the delivery systems of poisons from plants to creatures.  There are 3-4 delivery systems.  Ingestion, contact/piercing, and airborn.

Ingestion implies the poison lies within the plant and eating it will release the poison into a creature's organs, it also implies that harvesting this poison would require processing the plant somehow.

Contact means the poison is secreted onto the surface of the plant and there is a chance any creature passing by will have this poison rubbed onto itself, resulting in whatever that poison does: itchiness, bed confining rash, flesh falling off, fits of hysteria...  Harvesting can be done by a careful herbalists without destroying the plant.

Piercing is basically the same as contact but requires that the plant uses thorns to penetrate fur, clothing, and skin.

Airborn could either be passive or triggered.  There is either an ever present cloud of of this stuff, or something causes the plant to release a concentrated burst into the air.  Poison is then either dangerous if inhaled or maybe just if it reaches the skin.  Very difficult to harvest.

Plants/Fungi as Semi-Permeable Obstacles
Presently plants are either completely immaterial (plants, seedlings) or as immovable as a granite wall (grown trees).  First off, trees that completely occupy a tile (or multiple tiles) should be exceptionaly rare, ancient, and impressive things.  Creatures should be able to enter a tree tile (walking under the branches, next to the trunk).  Secondly, some plants should hinder movement, whether it be through thick, tangled growth or nasty thorns.  Conceptually add a [THORNY] and a [TANGLED] tag that will impart a (cumulative) movement penalty on anything in the tile over size 3.

I can already see a might dwarven fortress, with tall walls, a deep moat, and a line of poisonous, carniverous, thorny hedges.

Growth and Metamorphoses
Plants are not immutable and immutable things are boring, therefore DF plants should not be immutable.  Already partially implemented by Toady, plants need to grow and change with various factors.

These would probably be represented by simple binary switches or integers.
AGE: the most obvious factor, plants grow over time, also die.
GROWTH: also rather obvious, plants do certain things only when a certain amount of growth has already occurred (probably need a GROWTH_RATE as well).  i.e. fruit trees don't bear fruit until they have reached a stable size.
WEATHER: could probably be implemented as something tracking the time since the last rain, allowing things to happen based on recent or current rain, or long periods of drought
SEASON: obvious in deciduous trees, annual, and herbiverous plants.  New leaves and flowers in spring, fruit in summer, lose fruit in fall, lose leaves in winter.
CONSUMED: to go along with carniverous plants, a simple counter of how much it's eaten.  Maybe the plant sprouts a huge adamantine-in-value flower after it's consumed 30 dwarves, then dies.
BLOODED: may be more trouble than it's worth, but could create some interesting fantasy possibilities.  Tracks whether the plant has caused a death.

Boring Bookwork
Plants should have spheres and climate tags.  Already partially implemented.
Best way would seem to be a numerical range corresponding to the world gen climate values, as well as savagery and evilness.

Plant Parts cont.
Miscellany thoughts on specific plant parts.

[ROOTS] Part of most plants.  Essential to survival.  Might be edible. Prevents erosion?
[trUNK] Part of a tree. Get wood logs from it. Can get sap from here.  May have holes that squirrels and things live in.
[BRANCHES] Part of a tree. Get wood branches from it, useful for wood crafting.  Crude weapon.
[LEAVES] Part of most plants. Animals and maybe sentients eat them.  Maybe make mulch, etc.
[FLOWERS] Part of angiosperms.  Decorative.  Smell nice/foul.  Produce nectar.
[SEEDS] Harvest for consumption or planting.
[CONE] Conifer seed/fruit.  Good for throwing.
[FRUIT] Edible.  Can be planted directly. Can fall and rot.
[STEM] For smaller plants, edible.
[BLADE] A grass leaf. Silica makes it impossible to eat by most creatures.
[NEEDLE] A conifer leaf, don't drop seasonally.
[STALK] Support structure of a mushroom.
[CAP] Sporing portion of a mushroom.
[MYCELLIUM] Nutrient extracting, life supporting portion of fungus.
[THORN] Pokey.
[PITCHER] Goopey thing for catching vermin.
[trAP] When triggered close quickly around prey.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 09:17:18 pm »

The Little Shop of Horrors
No fantasy world is complete without plants that will eat you.  Our own world even has plants that can catch and consume vermin.  There are two significant divisions of carniverous plants to consider here: “realistic” plants that catch and consume vermin and “fantasy” plants that do the same for things of greater size.

The former case should be relatively simple: a vermin wanders into a tile with one of these plants, the plant has some catch/attract abstracted number that represents how likely this plant is to have a snack.

The latter is a little more complicated.  Creatures of sufficient size should be able to “easily” resist a plant's attempts to consume it.  That is if the plant isn't employing toxins and a tangled network of thorny, clinging vines.  Here's a scenario to envision: creature enteres tile with plant; plant has large attractive fruits; plants also has delicate, sensitive pods; creature approaches fruit, touches pod; pod explodes into cloud of toxin; creature becomes confused and frightened; creature runs, but equally likely to run further into the tangled mess of the plant than it is to struggle outward; toxin's effect grows: creatures collapses in exhaustion; toxin's effect grows: creatures stops breathing; nomnomnom.

Some ideas on the mechanics of this:
[PLANT_VERMINEROUS:##] Signifies the plant eats vermin, and how likely it is to succeed
[PLANT_CARNIVEROUS:##] Signifies the plant eats larger creatures, and the maximum size of creature.
[PLANT_APPETITE:##] Signifies either the number of vermin a plant can be consuming at once or the aggregate size of creatures the plant can be consuming at once.

Possible to do the same thing with more actively heterotrophic fungi.

Poisonous Plants
Concerning the delivery systems of poisons from plants to creatures.  There are 3-4 delivery systems.  Ingestion, contact/piercing, and airborn.

Ingestion implies the poison lies within the plant and eating it will release the poison into a creature's organs, it also implies that harvesting this poison would require processing the plant somehow.

Contact means the poison is secreted onto the surface of the plant and there is a chance any creature passing by will have this poison rubbed onto itself, resulting in whatever that poison does: itchiness, bed confining rash, flesh falling off, fits of hysteria...  Harvesting can be done by a careful herbalists without destroying the plant.

Piercing is basically the same as contact but requires that the plant uses thorns to penetrate fur, clothing, and skin.

Airborn could either be passive or triggered.  There is either an ever present cloud of of this stuff, or something causes the plant to release a concentrated burst into the air.  Poison is then either dangerous if inhaled or maybe just if it reaches the skin.  Very difficult to harvest.

I want megabeast plants!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 10:14:44 pm »

Plants should cover the ground with leaves, in adventure mode these leaves should be usable for traps
Thank you based dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 10:29:22 pm »

First of all, I love you.
May I first say that the title could be “plants and fungi” to attract people.

The intricacies of having these tag would mean a slower processor speed I’m guessing. It would help if toady would evaluate just where he is going to draw the line. (forgive me if he has already)

I think that with my comp science 30 knowledge  I would think that the more tags the more computer intensive each plant and fungus would be. Something like [Club fungi : Fungus Name] / [Basidiomycota : ’Fungus name’] / [Fungi: Fungus name] would be present in each ground tile if it were inhabited by the mycelium. This could be assigned a integer number as the number the fungi appears in the raws. Also perhaps the amount of myceilium (1/7?) At the start of every month there would be a check of each Mycelium minus the energy required to upkeep such a Mycelium. If the result is negative then: non producing hyphae (think individual strands) die
If the result is positive then: New hyphae grow.(represented by either tiles or mass of the mycelium.)
A fruiting body sprouts.
Also after a while (variable time?) the spores on the fruiting body are launched Producing a variable amount of spores that make it to a new land tile.
They would have to die if starving to prevent 7/7 mycelium everywhere, but I remember that they can normally withstand a lot of shit happen. (they go into hibernation)
Freezes will not deter your corpse mold(different from club fungi mind you) from coming back next spring. :)
They should definatly have poison issues, but it could be specific in animal raws unless something like [All_poison] is added.
When I say 7/7 i dont mean it is a wall of mycelium. The dwarf would not see the mycielium. It is in our wonderful 0 width floors :)

Edit: spelling mistakes
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 10:32:57 pm by CaptApollo12 »
"MONTARON!  You are so AGGRAVATING!   'Tis disturbing to my demeanor..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 10:44:46 pm »

Nice thread.

One thing I would like to see would be things like algae buildup over time (in stagnant pools as well as wet rock).  Also, on that note, some aquatic plants (I believe) act as filters, keeping water clean and clear.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 11:42:24 pm »

Along with this change, dorfs should be able to adopt plants as "pets" too. They will then relocate the plants to their rooms.

"Feed me, Seymore!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 12:09:05 am »

The intricacies of having these tag would mean a slower processor speed I’m guessing. It would help if toady would evaluate just where he is going to draw the line. (forgive me if he has already)

I think it would be more of a memory increase than CPU.  You would only need to do processor work on them every game day, week, month, or whatever is determined the best balance as well as a creature checking for the interesting tags when it enters a tile.

Along with this change, dorfs should be able to adopt plants as "pets" too. They will then relocate the plants to their rooms.

"Feed me, Seymore!"

I knew I forgot something!  Plants in pots, raised beds, window boxes, etc.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 01:27:55 am »

The intricacies of having these tag would mean a slower processor speed I’m guessing. It would help if toady would evaluate just where he is going to draw the line. (forgive me if he has already)

I think it would be more of a memory increase than CPU.  You would only need to do processor work on them every game day, week, month, or whatever is determined the best balance as well as a creature checking for the interesting tags when it enters a tile.
What I am saying is that (i don’t know exactly how tags are checked) if I compare a value to find out what it is. In qbasic it would be:
If tag$ = “Fungi” THEN
   IF tag$ = “Basidiomyces” THEN
      CALL FUNGILIST(tag$)
I’m not really sure what I am getting at but I’m sure more tags = more processing time.

As for trees: Separate components of the tree like a creature tag. The tree could have 3 stages of growth. Sapling, Mature, ancient: each being typed out (I have used a wood_matgloss that mike mayday has with dfg for accuracy as a base to go from there):

[OBJECT: TREE] (notice not plant, a clear distinction should be given because of the vast differences they are handled.)
[trEE: capt`stree]
[NAME: capt`stree][ ADJ: capt`stree]
[Prefstring: Growing off blood]
 [Dicot][Rope_roots][ branches:5]
[Branchgrowth:2*branches+3](when age changes)
[Startbranch:5] (Branches(for severs and breaks))
[Sapling:3:2](size, part of the canopy(2/3))
(My favourite below)

[FUNGI: Capt’sfungus]
[NAME: corpse mold][ ADJ: corpse mold]
[Prefstring: Morbid Presence]

I got carried away.
"MONTARON!  You are so AGGRAVATING!   'Tis disturbing to my demeanor..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 01:32:21 am »

Along with this change, dorfs should be able to adopt plants as "pets" too. They will then relocate the plants to their rooms.

"Feed me, Seymore!"

That Idea doesnt fly for me. I love DF for its intricacies. huge attention to detail. Having a plant as a pet would be undwarvenly, but having a stray orc clever sever a branch, or a tree which feeds on the blood of others (may even finish off a few for itself) i feel is very dwarvenly.
"MONTARON!  You are so AGGRAVATING!   'Tis disturbing to my demeanor..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 03:53:40 pm »


Tags are not really a processor issue, and they are only a minor memory issue, since common tags can be references and only unique tags need to be instanced. comparing tags is where the processor gets involved, and its not the number of tags you have, but how often they are compared that causes the hangups. i would imagine that plant tags will not have to be compared to often, so i doubt it will cause any noticeable lag.

that said i fully endorse this post, with one small reservation. trees should all be multi tile, every time. if it is not multi tile it is just a shrub (or sapling). you would then be able to walk under them buy virtue of them having branches that span tiles. this would also make forests feel more like forests, as they would span z levels, block views and just seem bigger.

like this:

link to the multi tile tree thread:

also vines should be able to grow up just about anything. whatever gives support is fair game.

i can see saplings and shrubs being effectively impassible for larger animals, but passable for smaller. that would require a pathing rewrite, which we seem to be in desperate need of.

i love the idea about multiple plants sharing a tile.

i also think that biomes need to be done away with as far as placement of organisms go. each plant should have temperature, rainfall and drainage needs and it will grow anywhere those needs are met. animals should have food (both plant an animal) and temperature needs. this would allow a much wider intermingling of plants and animals. biomes would only be retained as an indicator to the player, and may not be entirely accurate if you are right on the edge (this would also do away with the hard line "this biome stop here" issue. if plants also had tolerances and that affected their survival rate you could get occasional plants that manage to survive outside their specific range. this would allow for even more mingling of species and make biome borders even more fuzzy. say hello to the occasional shrub or tree on the mountain, or the occasional tree in the savanna. if you take it one step further and link plant growth to actual soil moisture you can get oasis in the desert and trees growing next to every river.)

also also, excellent post. i like the detail.
Quantum dumps are proof of "memory" being a perfectly normal dimension in DF. ~Gazz


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2010, 01:50:53 am »

Sorry more misleading anybody on the cpu performace tag thing.
Trees being multi-tiles has been touched on a lot. I for one support this 100%, but realistically is would be a nightmare to have tree that are modded to look like they should in real life.

I also agree that this half-and-half stuff with biomes is not accurate, but I think it serves a nice purpose for the hard lines.
The varied “fun” when I get a map with 10 different biomes makes for a (not accurate but) great experience.
I hate the clear distinctions between biomes regarding animals though.
All types of animals should be able to travel out of their habitat (though not far) like real ones do. Not trapped in it’s cage.
This thread is for Plants and Fungi though. The distinctions between the two would be more clear than the distinctions between animals.
 The idea of the plant’s conditions being met would probably take a while to gen a world.
The computer would have to calculate soil nutrients, contaminants, acid levels, air co2, competition, deforestation(as i think it does now), distance from the equator(light), precipitation(amount of moisture, hail and snow can damage outdoor plants and fungi), different types of trees, and a hole slam of other limiting factors. This would also need to be calculated when new trees are sprouting.

What are your thoughts on this being in DF. (Hint my thoughts are jumbled so don’t just look at my last sentence for a response)
"MONTARON!  You are so AGGRAVATING!   'Tis disturbing to my demeanor..."

Ze Spy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2010, 05:36:21 am »


branch + vine = slingshot?
shoots vermin , thats what
makeshift whips : just a makeshift whip.... as a vine

lol , got carried away , should make vines useful as tangle traps(hanging traps , anyone?)
also , [carnivous 6:100] = OM NOM NOMED MEGABEASTS


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2010, 03:44:03 pm »

@ capt

i don't think i really needs that much detail, just temperature, drainage and rainfall, plus maybe a few others to mix it up like a percentage based altitude line (so its not just a hard line, and differnt plants may have higher tolerances for this). nutrients, ph, light etc. are all not really important to DF, in my opinion.

you could have something like min max temp= 50 to 100, +-10. so 90% of the seedlings survive at mins of 49, while only 10% survive at 41. this coupled with the space requirements for plants means that while the plant does exist outside its intended range, it is a rare find. (animals should of course wander on to the map if their biome happens to be close to your fort. but that is a different topic)

this would mean that plants could have ranges that overlapped parts of "biomes" but not all of either (did that make sense?). basically each plant would have a unique range, and the sum of all the overlaps would serve to define the biome at any one location. you would have a small chance to find plants that grew near your site, but tecnicaly should not be found on your site.

you would of course have to do a little hack work to keep weird things on sites from happening, like the biome based temperature that unfreezes one half of the map first for no reason. i think all you would have to do is employ a site average though, or maybe an average adjusted for elivation. elivation based adjustments would also mean the mega construction towers could potential have snow on the tops while it is spring at their base. that would be cool, and give an inflated sense of height.
Quantum dumps are proof of "memory" being a perfectly normal dimension in DF. ~Gazz


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2010, 05:01:05 pm »

It makes sense. I dont like how the arc project is going to give this massive divercity and other factors like plants, biomes, pressure, and all that nice good stuff is going to be the same. I would love to have it more sophisticated.


branch + vine = slingshot?
shoots vermin , thats what
makeshift whips : just a makeshift whip.... as a vine

lol , got carried away , should make vines useful as tangle traps(hanging traps , anyone?)
also , [carnivous 6:100] = OM NOM NOMED MEGABEASTS
Have you ever played survival kids?
Fishing line + bendy stick = Fishing rod (undwarvenly)
Vine + bendy stick = Bow (also undwarvenly)
Big stick + tree sap = Torch (Dwarven)

@ capt

i don't think i really needs that much detail, just temperature, drainage and rainfall, plus maybe a few others to mix it up like a percentage based altitude line (so its not just a hard line, and differnt plants may have higher tolerances for this). nutrients, ph, light etc. are all not really important to DF, in my opinion.

you could have something like min max temp= 50 to 100, +-10. so 90% of the seedlings survive at mins of 49, while only 10% survive at 41. this coupled with the space requirements for plants means that while the plant does exist outside its intended range, it is a rare find. (animals should of course wander on to the map if their biome happens to be close to your fort. but that is a different topic)

this would mean that plants could have ranges that overlapped parts of "biomes" but not all of either (did that make sense?). basically each plant would have a unique range, and the sum of all the overlaps would serve to define the biome at any one location. you would have a small chance to find plants that grew near your site, but tecnicaly should not be found on your site.

you would of course have to do a little hack work to keep weird things on sites from happening, like the biome based temperature that unfreezes one half of the map first for no reason. i think all you would have to do is employ a site average though, or maybe an average adjusted for elivation. elivation based adjustments would also mean the mega construction towers could potential have snow on the tops while it is spring at their base. that would be cool, and give an inflated sense of height.
I’m just listing possible factors that could lead to a greater playing experience. If it is do-able with only a couple of checks it would have my support. I just hope toady will improve it more before the game is done.
"MONTARON!  You are so AGGRAVATING!   'Tis disturbing to my demeanor..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flora & Fungi
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2010, 11:10:48 pm »


branch + vine = slingshot?
shoots vermin , thats what
makeshift whips : just a makeshift whip.... as a vine

lol , got carried away , should make vines useful as tangle traps(hanging traps , anyone?)
also , [carnivous 6:100] = OM NOM NOMED MEGABEASTS

Don't forget, vines + walls + lack of attentive gardening = kobolds climbing into your fortress at night!
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