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Author Topic: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" Chapter 2, Page 1  (Read 18975 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2010, 08:54:07 pm »

In case you haven't been notified, the "move topic" button is in the lower left corner of the webpage.
this sigtext was furiously out-of-date and has been jettisoned


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #76 on: February 08, 2010, 12:17:59 am »

Tarn woke in shock, it indeed has been a strange dream he was having but it seems his battle with Jortmund was nothing more than fantasy. Seeing the sun shining very brightly he leapt to his feet and quickly put on a fur tunic and thick woolen trousers. Picking up his two daggers and a skinning knife Tarn wandered outside wondering where his friends could be and if he had not missed the call for the hunt.

   <13> Awaking from a unusually long slumber, the sound of the clan stirring for their morning rituals.. by the sun in the sky.. you doubt that the elders have yet to fully wake.  Last night the celebrations of spring have taken their toll and everyone is missing a step. Sheathing your pair of long daggers they fall into their familiar places, tucked into your belt.  <14> You do notice a pair of tracks leading south up towards the small hill that overlooks the brook, obviously fresh tracks in the partial covering of thin, melting ice.  You also hear Vladimir and Old Matilda talking about something in the far back of the longhouse.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #77 on: February 08, 2010, 12:18:45 am »

In case you haven't been notified, the "move topic" button is in the lower left corner of the webpage.
are you telling me to move my post? or giving me some sort of advice?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 02:09:42 am by Yarnspinner »


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #78 on: February 08, 2010, 12:26:08 am »

Chapter One - Page 1(turn 1) - coming soon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #79 on: February 08, 2010, 03:39:14 am »

Chapter One: The Great Hunt Begins.

  Fredrich rolls over sloppily as the mead from the previous evenings festivities was indeed potent enough to eat through his gullet.  Stretching, with a great yawn, he rubs the sleep from his eyes.  Wondering what foul smell is wafting from the back of the longhouse, he crinkles his nose in disgust and dismisses it as one of Matilda's brews. Seth and Torrin, having cleaned up the mess from the broken pot, and noticing Fredrich's waking, scurry out the back of the longhouse to avoid any possible guilty entanglements.  Placing his fur lined boots on.. one by one..  "Time is not kind today" he mutters to himself as he does the last of the fastenings. Hanna flits by..  "Want some fresh eggs dear?" in her usual domestic tone.  "Mila brought them by fresh this morning.."  The thought of eggs on top of mead turns Fredrich's  stomach a bit, letting go of a barely audible swallowed burp in the process. "No thanks, argh"  Hanna knowing full well what she is doing smiles slightly and turns her back so Fredrich wouldn't see her face.. "How about fish cakes?"  Fredrich's constitution.. now fully strained.. replies in the exact same tone as before.. "No thanks you woman.. don't you have a tree to fell?"  Struggling with his bearskin tunic and his feet.. he stumbles slowly to the front of the longhouse. Covering his one good eye as if to protect it from the morning glare.. he scans the village..  Most of the early risers are awake already.. the woodsmen are in the stands of deep pine..  Mila and karl are arguing..  Seth and Torrin have begun to beat each other with wooden sticks, practicing for manhood.  He glances to his right at the Great Horn.. a true treasure of the village.  Some say that it is ivory, others that it is simply polished bone, whatever the case, it is older than anyone here.. even Matilda. 

   After taking in the view, Fredrich stretches one more time, stomach settled and strides to horn pulling off it's protective leather cover.  The Horn itself is about four feet long, with a medium bend, much like a tusk.  Engraved on the Horn, in stunning detail, are pictures of the Clan hunting embedded in some kind of dark stone.  The engraving tells of the story of the slaying of some foul beast.. back when foul beasts still roamed the land.  Perhaps, the horn is from the beast itself?  The craftsman who supposedly constructed the Horn is long dead, no one is sure.

   It is time for the hunt.. the storehouses (one unused longhouse) are nearly empty having had a harsher than normal winter, but spring is nearly here, at least the sun seems closer.  Mila quickly grabs Fredrich's arm, cups her hand and whispers something into his ear, standing on her tiptoes while doing so.  She smiles gives Fredrich a sucker punch to the shoulder and seems to be content with whatever the result, hopping down the small set of stairs and heading back to one of the smaller longhouses. 

   Bahwooooo Bahwoooo
The horn has been sounded... the sounds of axes in the woods cease.. and within the hour all are gathered facing the bigger of the three longhouses.  22 people in total.  ((all of the named npc's))
 Fredrich, already an imposing figure seems even grander while standing on the longhouse steps. Hanna is not seen at the moment, but she is probably setting up 'hunting packs' (iron rations, smoked fish, skinning tools, flint and a small clump of tinder) for those six that are to be chosen.  Matilda opens the door to the longhouse holding the 'board of choosing' nothing really more than a flat sanded piece of cedar 1' x 1', that is used to cast bones upon.  The old woman mumbles something inaudible as she painfully crosses her legs, sitting 'indian style' on the rough ash planks of the short porch, board on her lap.  Producing a black leather bag, that was attached via a thin sinew to her sagging waistband, she begins to chant, and roll around on her haunches, a leaf stuck in a whirlpool.  The chanting louder, harder and more intense...  the bones are cast.. all are so silent as to hear what they couldn't see..  the bones and runes crash loudly on the casting board.. rattle slide and finally rest...   Fredrich leans over to her, stooping as to hear. Standing back up he peers out over the crowd, locks eyes with Ianna and in a bellowing voice proclaims "Ianna, you shall be first of the hunters this day, may the gods smile upon your courage!" <12>Ianna
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"the second chosen.. shall be Vladimir! , the third of their number Tarn!,  fourth.. <louder chanting from matilda almost urgent>  Rame! <rame is visibly shocked> Fifth is Bodulf! and to lead the band.. the final member" he leans down to gather Matilda's words.. "Jon <points @ Jon> you are the huntmaster.. make us proud and fill our bellies!" Fredrich laughs, his constitution now in check, and turns lowering his head as he re-enters the main longhouse.  The crowd begins to disperse heading out to do their daily tasks.. some can be heard questioning Ianna's choosing.  Most are just muttering under their breath about it.  But they are the old, you are the young.. it is your world.

  Jon, gathers up the chosen under a large oak tree, looks most of you in the eye <not Tarn> "What a sad sack of shitbags we have in front of us today..  he looks you up and down.. plan on huntin' with an axe Vlad?  alot of good this will be.. bunch of sad sorts..  Go see Hanna, and grab your packs.. for the gods' sake find something to HUNT with and meet me back here quickly! got it?" a few more choice words as he turns around nearly knocking Rame over with his shoulder, then finishing the job with a push.. <11> making rame <10> lose his balance and trip in the mud.

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« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 03:49:27 am by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #80 on: February 08, 2010, 04:32:20 am »

In answer to the second question yes this will be absolutely awesome.

Tarn heads of eagerly to find Hanna and get his pack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2010, 09:55:28 am »

Grumble "Yeah, you'll see just how useless my axe is when we get ambushed by the ice wolves, or better yet raiders from a berserker clan."

Then grab a hunting pack and some length of sinew, if any is available.

OOC: The storyline seems pretty good. How the game is run will really determine it, but I think you'll do a good job.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 09:57:52 am by RandomNumberGenerator »
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #82 on: February 08, 2010, 11:14:55 am »

Help Rame out of the Mud remarking, "It's not much an improvement, but at least you smell better."

Then gather up my equipment. Ask the people who were out cutting wood if they saw any animal tracks nearby.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #83 on: February 08, 2010, 03:33:31 pm »

"Yes! This is gonna be really fun, eh guys?"
Grab my pack from Hanna, then go find my arrows and bow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #84 on: February 08, 2010, 08:39:48 pm »

In answer to the second question yes this will be absolutely awesome.

Tarn heads of eagerly to find Hanna and get his pack.

  After the dressing down by Jon, you turn back head into the village proper and look for Hanna.  Many of woodcutters are grabbing some breakfast before heading out again for their mid-morning round of deforestation.  The smoke is billowing heavily now our of the main longhouse's chimney.  Mila working feverishly over the open pit.  Hanna couldn't be missed.. if for not for her stature than for sure from her voice.  "Hey, Tarn.. TARN!".. you turn around to have the hunter's kit thrust into your hands.  Seeing others in need of their packs as well, you step out of the way, only to be met by ole' Bjorn.. he gives you a mighty slap on the back and a huge smile.. "Go and make us proud young man!  Here take this too.. "  he holds out.. a well used spear, "the haft may not be what it once was, but the point is true, at least this way.. should you actually stick something.. you won't ruin the meat."  Having pack and spear in hand..  you move back to the big oak tree in plenty of time to meet Jon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #85 on: February 08, 2010, 08:54:24 pm »

Grumble "Yeah, you'll see just how useless my axe is when we get ambushed by the ice wolves, or better yet raiders from a berserker clan."

Then grab a hunting pack and some length of sinew, if any is available.

OOC: The storyline seems pretty good. How the game is run will really determine it, but I think you'll do a good job.

Jon, lets out a audible grumble.. but keeps his back turned to you..  dismissing you with a wave of a backhand.. you move off <13> you hold your prideful nature in check.. you really wanted to blast him with a good right cross.. but figure there will be better times for that..  and you don't dare attack a kinsman from the back.  Heading back into the village you see <14> Tarn get his pack and be given a spear by ole' Bjorn.  Although, you didn't want to give Jon the satisfaction of agreeing with him, you do realize (being the rugged type) that a axe will ruin much of the meat of any kill you make with it..  you can't bring yourself to be parted with your axe.. but you know you will need a spear at least.. if you are there to hunt anyway.  Standing in line, you grab you pack from Hanna, and a spear from Bjorn.  (you think to yourself..  i can always ditch this pole anyways).  <9> Looking around for some sinew.. hmm, i know i saw some.. hmm, you can't quite recall where it might be, maybe Matilda? She seems to have taken a shining to ya last time you spoke, but she is well busy at the moment helping Mila feed the woodsmen.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #86 on: February 08, 2010, 09:06:20 pm »

Help Rame out of the Mud remarking, "It's not much an improvement, but at least you smell better."

Then gather up my equipment. Ask the people who were out cutting wood if they saw any animal tracks nearby.

   "ahh, yes thanks Bodulf.." a look of red-faced rage as he gets to his feet..  "Thanks for the hand.. it will be good to know who i can trust in the coming days.."  Leaving you somewhat at a loss as to why he said that.. he slides most of the thicker mud off of his tunic.. and begins a hopeless sprint in order to catch Ianna.. who took off over the small hill that you stood on this morning.. probably to grab her bow.  damn.. Ianna is fast!  Turning with a slight bit of puzzlement still rattling though your head <16> you see Vladimir and Tarn grabbing their packs.. and a spear.  You find it slightly amusing watching Vlad make a sour face as he looks at the ashen pole affixed with a little point.  For sure, not his choice of weaponry.  You are able to grab a pack, your OWN spear.. (much better quality) <6> you move through the longhouse attempting to get a word in edgewise.. but between fish cake, eggs and a hungry Norse woodsman all you are able to glean.. is that they are more hungry than helpful..   sensing the urgency of Jon's address you lope out of the longhouse and trot up to the oak tree.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 09:10:55 pm by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #87 on: February 08, 2010, 09:33:27 pm »

"Yes! This is gonna be really fun, eh guys?"
Grab my pack from Hanna, then go find my arrows and bow.

  you grab you pack from Hanna in a rush.. prompting a "Whoa deary!" and a smile..  your adrenaline rushing and excitement building as you sprint full speed up over the little hill that you stood on this morning.  <13> you find your bow easily still wrapped in it's oil skin covering.. ((i am rolling a d20 to see how many arrows you have presently- good for you! 15, your 'special arrow' or at least that is what you call it.. is there as well. A bodkin arrow, made to pierce armor from 100 paces.. it has some kind of runic script along the shaft.. you don't dare tell anyone about it. They would just take it away, ((i rolled a nat20 on arrow quality)) Turning back around to sprint back to the oak tree.. you notice lagging behind you quite a ways.. is Rame.. the only one who can give you a race in the village is Tarn..  so you easily outpaced Rame. 
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  "Ianna! Ianna, wait, wait.." Rame gasps deperately for breath.. "I.. I wanted to tell you what i was upset about earlier.."  He looks at you with a strait and unflinching eye.. totally off from his normal laidback self. "Jon tried to kill my father last night.!"  The news both stuns and shocks you. 'W-w-what? Huh." is all that you are able to manage.  The thought of a clansman killing a clansman is unthinkable..  Before you are able to fully comprehend what you have just been told, Rame says " I needed to get you alone to tell you.." turning back to the village Rame adds "don't do anything yet, we will talk more on the trail." he runs back to the oak tree spear and kit in hand..  mulling this over in your brain.. you neither sprint nor lope back to the oak tree.. its more of a trudge.. the excitement of the hunt forgotten.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 09:40:45 pm by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #88 on: February 08, 2010, 09:51:04 pm »

A Note If there is any loose ends you wish to tie up in the village, now is the time to post them.  PAGE 2 coming soon.
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A Note: gameplay modes, mechanics and perktrees

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perky goodness  :o wall of text warning.  :o
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 02:19:58 am by Yarnspinner »


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #89 on: February 09, 2010, 10:00:38 am »

Continue searching for sinew.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.
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