I tried out The Wedding Dance for M&B. On one hand, a fuckton of new features (chariots! actual decent kingdom management before Warband! controllable catapults!) and marriage system better than Warband's.
Been playing that one all weekend myself. I've got an annoying problem with it crashing when trying to talk to my party members in the field. I also found a bug where if you sneak into a town, and then leave to go to the Imperial Palace, you'll still be in your disguise. Might be related.
I'm also having minor trouble recruiting lords. Gotta get people offload fiefs onto, since they get pissy if I give them to myself or the Queen. But I should probably try doing menial labors for them. Or at least, stop trying to recruit the ones I'm currently at war with. I
would knight some of my companions, but the two or so who have a maxed out Leadership plus a hefty Charisma score are also fairly decent fighters. Plus, one of them is the bastard child of two of the rulers, so I don't exactly trust him 100%.
I also agree about he bondage nuns. I also have an issue with the Valkyries' (lack of) chest armors. Then again, if you lived in a frozen wasteland, you'd have nipples hard enough to stop a cavarly charge all on their own, so you might as well use that. Still doesn't explain why it still has armor ratings on par with plate.
Chainmail Bikini, indeed. Interestingly, the Amazons tend to be more modestly dressed.