Well, time for my designs to be judged i suppose.
My Crossbow class Corvette. 67 in active service, currently the oldest military vessel in service without a retrofit. Is used grouped with other craft for quick hits, relies on other ships for PD.
Crossbow class Corvette 9,000 tons 223 Crew 3354.3 BP TCS 180 TH 450 EM 0
10416 km/s Armour 4-38 Shields 0-0 Sensors 120/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 8 PPV 18
Maint Life 3.28 Years MSP 1864 AFR 81% IFR 1.1% 1YR 262 5YR 3927 Max Repair 625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months Spare Berths 2
Magazine 534
625 EP Magnetic Fusion Drive (3) Power 625 Fuel Use 15% Signature 150 Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 750,000 Litres Range 100.0 billion km (111 days at full power)
Size 3 Missile Launcher ROF-15 (6) Missile Size 3 Rate of Fire 15
Missile Fire Control FC317-R110 (30%) (1) Range 317.1m km Resolution 110
Size 3 Anti-ship Missile Wisp (178) Speed: 33,300 km/s End: 156.1m Range: 312m km WH: 9 Size: 3 TH: 155/93/46
Active Search Sensor MR322-R120 (30%) (1) GPS 25200 Range 322.1m km Resolution 120
Thermal Sensor TH5-120 (1) Sensitivity 120 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 120m km
ECCM-3 (1) ECM 30
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Scimitar Light Cruiser, 21 in service, holds stronger missiles. Relies on other ships for PD.
Scimitar class Light Cruiser 18,750 tons 484 Crew 6293.5 BP TCS 375 TH 900 EM 0
10000 km/s Armour 7-62 Shields 0-0 Sensors 120/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 23 PPV 48
Maint Life 3.24 Years MSP 4825 AFR 122% IFR 1.7% 1YR 695 5YR 10426 Max Repair 1250 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months Spare Berths 0
Magazine 1338
1250 EP Magnetic Fusion Drive (3) Power 1250 Fuel Use 10% Signature 300 Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,000,000 Litres Range 96.0 billion km (111 days at full power)
Size 3 Missile Launcher ROF-15 (

Missile Size 3 Rate of Fire 15
Size 6 Missile Launcher - RoF 30 (4) Missile Size 6 Rate of Fire 30
Missile Fire Control FC317-R110 (30%) (1) Range 317.1m km Resolution 110
Size 3 Anti-ship Missile Wisp (224) Speed: 33,300 km/s End: 156.1m Range: 312m km WH: 9 Size: 3 TH: 155/93/46
Size 6 Anti-ship Missile Locket (111) Speed: 52,100 km/s End: 80.2m Range: 250.8m km WH: 21 Size: 6 TH: 173/104/52
Active Search Sensor MR322-R120 (30%) (1) GPS 25200 Range 322.1m km Resolution 120
Thermal Sensor TH5-120 (1) Sensitivity 120 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 120m km
ECCM-3 (1) ECM 30
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Clairvaux class Scout Cruiser, 13 in active service. Wide area detection, and PD, ship.
Clairvaux class Scout Cruiser 23,950 tons 573 Crew 12794 BP TCS 479 TH 1200 EM 0
10438 km/s Armour 10-74 Shields 0-0 Sensors 120/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 46 PPV 6
Maint Life 4.68 Years MSP 15359 AFR 99% IFR 1.4% 1YR 1145 5YR 17172 Max Repair 2400 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 48 months Spare Berths 0
Magazine 372
1250 EP Magnetic Fusion Drive (4) Power 1250 Fuel Use 10% Signature 300 Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 3,000,000 Litres Range 225.5 billion km (250 days at full power)
Size 1 Missile Launcher - RoF 5 (6) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 5
Missile Fire Control FC50-R1 (30%) (1) Range 50.4m km Resolution 1
Size 1 Anti-missile Zip (372) Speed: 50,000 km/s End: 31.1m Range: 93.3m km WH: 2 Size: 1 TH: 166/100/50
Active Search Sensor MR1502-R80 (30%) WA (2) GPS 96000 Range 1,502.6m km Resolution 80
Active Search Sensor MR42-R1 (30%) Point (1) GPS 300 Range 42.0m km Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH5-120 (1) Sensitivity 120 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 120m km
ECM 30
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Celtic Rain Battlecruiser. 4 in Service. Spearhead command ship for operation. Extra backup systems in case of system failures.
Celtic Rain class Battlecruiser 69,900 tons 1719 Crew 25955.4 BP TCS 1398 TH 3000 EM 7500
8941 km/s Armour 8-151 Shields 250-300 Sensors 240/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 192 PPV 128
Maint Life 3.9 Years MSP 23673 AFR 383% IFR 5.3% 1YR 2461 5YR 36918 Max Repair 2400 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 48 months Spare Berths 0
Flag Bridge Magazine 3224
1250 EP Magnetic Fusion Drive (10) Power 1250 Fuel Use 10% Signature 300 Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 9,000,000 Litres Range 231.8 billion km (300 days at full power)
Xi R300/240 Shields (50) Total Fuel Cost 500 Litres per hour (12,000 per day)
Size 1 Missile Launcher - RoF 5 (20) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 5
Size 3 Missile Launcher ROF-15 (20) Missile Size 3 Rate of Fire 15
Size 12 Missile Launcher RoF - 55 (4) Missile Size 12 Rate of Fire 55
Missile Fire Control FC50-R1 (30%) (2) Range 50.4m km Resolution 1
Missile Fire Control FC522-R85 (30%) (2) Range 522.7m km Resolution 85
Size 3 Anti-ship Missile Wisp (700) Speed: 33,300 km/s End: 156.1m Range: 312m km WH: 9 Size: 3 TH: 155/93/46
Size 12 Anti-ship Missile Biter (52) Speed: 62,500 km/s End: 136.1m Range: 510.3m km WH: 36 Size: 12 TH: 208/125/62
Size 1 Anti-missile Zip (500) Speed: 50,000 km/s End: 31.1m Range: 93.3m km WH: 2 Size: 1 TH: 166/100/50
Active Search Sensor MR322-R120 (30%) (2) GPS 25200 Range 322.1m km Resolution 120
Active Search Sensor MR1502-R80 (30%) WA (1) GPS 96000 Range 1,502.6m km Resolution 80
Active Search Sensor MR42-R1 (30%) Point (2) GPS 300 Range 42.0m km Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH10-240 (40%) (1) Sensitivity 240 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 240m km
ECCM-3 (1) ECM 40
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Kora fast attack craft. 14 in service. Newly developed and designed for quick response and interception from support fleet.
Kora class Fast Attack Craft 9,500 tons 276 Crew 3866.1 BP TCS 190 TH 3500 EM 0
18421 km/s Armour 3-39 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 5 PPV 18
Maint Life 1.48 Years MSP 1399 AFR 131% IFR 1.8% 1YR 713 5YR 10689 Max Repair 875 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months Spare Berths 1
Magazine 384
1750 EP Magnetic Fusion Drive Speed (2) Power 1750 Fuel Use 23.19% Signature 1750 Exp 14%
Fuel Capacity 550,000 Litres Range 44.9 billion km (28 days at full power)
Size 1 Missile Launcher - RoF 5 (6) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 5
Size 6 Missile Launcher - RoF 30 (2) Missile Size 6 Rate of Fire 30
Missile Fire Control FC317-R110 (30%) (1) Range 317.1m km Resolution 110
Missile Fire Control FC50-R1 (30%) (1) Range 50.4m km Resolution 1
Size 6 Anti-ship Missile Locket (45) Speed: 52,100 km/s End: 80.2m Range: 250.8m km WH: 21 Size: 6 TH: 173/104/52
Size 1 Anti-missile Zip (114) Speed: 50,000 km/s End: 31.1m Range: 93.3m km WH: 2 Size: 1 TH: 166/100/50
Active Search Sensor MR322-R120 (30%) (1) GPS 25200 Range 322.1m km Resolution 120
Active Search Sensor MR42-R1 (30%) Point (1) GPS 300 Range 42.0m km Resolution 1
ECCM-3 (1) ECM 40
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Temple Planetary Defense Center. 3 Located on Earth.
Temple class Planetary Defence Centre 59,050 tons 1063 Crew 10094.25 BP TCS 1181 TH 0 EM 0
Armour 26-135 Sensors 120/0 Damage Control Rating 120 PPV 250
Intended Deployment Time: 48 months Spare Berths 0
Troop Capacity: 5 Battalions Magazine 5035
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres Range N/A
Size 1 Missile Launcher - RoF 5 (10) Missile Size 1 Rate of Fire 5
Size 3 Missile Launcher ROF-15 (20) Missile Size 3 Rate of Fire 15
PDC Size 12 Missile Launcher - Rof 30 (10) Missile Size 12 Rate of Fire 30
Size 6 Missile Launcher - RoF 30 (10) Missile Size 6 Rate of Fire 30
Missile Fire Control FC522-R85 (30%) (2) Range 522.7m km Resolution 85
Missile Fire Control FC50-R1 (30%) (5) Range 50.4m km Resolution 1
Size 3 Anti-ship Missile Wisp (300) Speed: 33,300 km/s End: 156.1m Range: 312m km WH: 9 Size: 3 TH: 155/93/46
Size 6 Anti-ship Missile Locket (222) Speed: 52,100 km/s End: 80.2m Range: 250.8m km WH: 21 Size: 6 TH: 173/104/52
Size 12 Anti-ship Missile Biter (200) Speed: 62,500 km/s End: 136.1m Range: 510.3m km WH: 36 Size: 12 TH: 208/125/62
Size 1 Anti-missile Zip (400) Speed: 50,000 km/s End: 31.1m Range: 93.3m km WH: 2 Size: 1 TH: 166/100/50
Thermal Sensor TH5-120 (1) Sensitivity 120 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 120m km
ECCM-3 (2) Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 24 sections
So my count is 119 combat ships ships (excluding survey ships, tankers, etc) so oops on my early estimate. I know PD is light on my main ships, otherwise i think they are decent. I do have Gauss tech up, just never got around redesigning the crossbow and scimitar with a CIWS as most of my fights have gone well with PD support from the Clairvaux or Celtic Rain ships.
I know that those 1000 size ships have 4x Size 4 Launchers (25% reduction) as i have salvage that many from a single one before. I know next to nothing about the 32.5k ships, though they keep moving in and out of my sensor range which does make me suspect that they could be freighters. Never salvaged either the 32.5k or the 19.9k ton ships.
Did two 5 day bursts and the 1000 ton ships that were on earth moved away. Not sure where they all went, total count of them in active sensors is now 179 on Mars.