Oh. If he is conscious not all is lost... In that case he might still be a threat too... Locking yourself in your room is your safest bet, unless you feel that ain't gonna cut it, then walk to the police station tonight, you will have time to think about how you will formulate yourself. But sleep is better yet, more time too, maybe you even get to check his reaction tomorrow? It might seem like the end of the world now, but sometimes the most intense things just go by without anybody ever loosing a word about it... Life can be non-sensical like that. I don't know your dad, I couldn't even guess his reaction...
In any case you need to be prepared for the case it becomes litigious, and also for the case... and I know this is rough... that your mother takes his side in this debacle. In case it gets really really rough it's never too soon to look for new living options for yourself, and maybe your mom.
Best of luck, get some sleep hopefully, this is not the end.
Fuck i hope shit is gonna be allright: if you get to talk at all here is an idea of a formulation: hi glad to see you're allright, I shouldn't have done what I did, and neither did you, I'm going to turn myself into the police unless you think that is a bad idea. Watch his reaction carefully you might still wanna do it if he advises you not to.
I say there is a 1% chance the man is plotting your demise, and a 1% chance he swears off alcohol forever, but most likely we are dealing with the 98% in between.