The soundboard we use for streaming audio at church is... way too powerful. We have been struggling with consistency from week to week, depending on the (volunteer) sound tech running the thing.
Today we discovered that there is some additional level of settings that affect sound quality which was not obvious.
The board has the concept of users which are selected by a login (which may or may not be password protected; not a huge deal as you have to have a physical key to the sound booth in the first place, or are the kind of person who picks locks inside a church).
The board also has the ability to save "scenes". We have established a process where we use scenes to save the fader settings for various songs, typically set during practice during the week and then recalled Sunday mornings for the livestream.
Apparently there are additional settings which are
not saved per-scene, but are instead saved with the login. So if you save a scene under one login,
it may not sound the same under a different login. Short story is - too many degrees of freedom, some of which are "hidden".
Not the end of the world, but some weeks sound really good and others sound... meh. Mostly we just don't want people to be distracted during worship either by tech glitches. The joys of streaming things live!
An Allen & Heath SQ-5. It's really a very capable board, but none of us have had formal training, and we often are just learning as we go. It's also quite !!fun!! when something goes amiss during the live service - it's not like we can just pause and try and fix things; we have hundreds of people watching from home.