... Browse porn? :U
More srs though, you could draw things, you're good at that. Or maybe play some violently cathartic game(s) for venting, because it seems like you might need that. Anything to distract, really, as long as you're not breaking the law.
If someone went on the teacher's home computer and shared that browser history, I'd be 100% agreed. I think the issue here is less that the teacher watches porn and more that he could potentially be watching it at school. Hell, maybe the iPod's history showed that he did, I don't know.
Eh, if they didn't notice anything before the history was leaked, it can't have been that big a problem, especially not if it's only done during down time where the teacher wouldn't be working anyways. Besides, it's only the webmaster(s) that would be able to see it normally (provided that the teacher even uses the school network in this age of mobile 'net), and they've probably seen students doing the same (and worse), and probably won't care unless it's illegal. Even if it was someone who pleased themself every day while on the loo during their lunch break, would this teacher magically do a worse job at everything if people knew? I'm of the opinion that if it's harmless, legal (so no indecent exposure thanks) and of no negative consequences to performance, it shouldn't matter, though i'm sure that someone in here can find at least one exception to that. :v
But oh well, not like i can change anything by rambling about it online.