[...] Started beating myself again.
Don't follow up whatever punishment, in your context, with mental or physical pain. It does not teach--what does teach is seeking insight and understanding from what has occurred; taking a note on how your parents interacted...their methods are incomplete in understanding their child/children, and they're defaulting to a more...less mature way of handling it (ie You call someone stupid, they get the idea they're 'stupid',
they make themselves better so as not to be called stupid) <<< with the orange part being an implied result...
So...please don't beat yourself up. Despite
whatever may happen around you--seek and find the good to get insight from, and grow better from it (even if the delivery method is very crude

). In the long-run, that'll help you.
Though I seriously wish there'd be action for development there. x_x That makes me sad. But its a temporary sad...
But mark my words, 20-something Caroline will almost certainly be going back and deleting all this. Adulthood has some weird way of making it all snap into perspective.
So, I guess, hold on and wait.
We're unsure on all this--basically posts like that on this thread are OK in themselves because they display how the person is and their feelings about a certain situation :O What shouldn't be done is supporting whatever negativity exists there--like demonizing the offender,
per se. The best path is to at least give guidance towards them...because that's the only thing that will actually help in the long-run.
Sure, saying rubbish about the offender may help--in the least, that attempts to describe their attitude--but does it really teach something beneficial for all parties involved?
Let Caroline vent :O But hold nothing bad onto her. Whatever bad thing happens...should not be a double-edged sword against the
people there, but in the least by the attitudes they've got. And attitude is something you can change for the better.