Oh, what made me sad today is remembering that r/mensrights is a place that still exists and has somehow not been shutdown yet. It's basically a bunch of straight white cis guys whining about how they don't have as much power as they used to and talking about how rape is okay when they do it. I'm just wonder how this place has not been taken down since they literally say that rape is okay. Did she say no? Well that's okay, she probably wants it anyway. Is she ignoring you at a bar because you're a fat loser who hasn't showered in a week and wears trenchcoats and fedoras and sleeps with Pinkie Pie plushies? Slip some drugs in her drink and feel like a hero by taking her home and taking advantage of her while she's passed out. If she tells anyone about it, say she's lying and call her a whore or a slut, and then make up statistics about how the majority of rapes are falsely reported. (I believe it's something like 5%, whereas the percentage of rapes that go unreported is far higher.) If that doesn't work, call her a femi-nazi and tell everyone she just hates men. Also, remember, trans women are legally required to wear signs saying that they are trans, and if they don't, they are lying to you and trying to trick you into sleeping with them, even if you were the one who hit on them in the first place. Never take responsibility for your own actions or ignorance. Always assume that everything is someone else's fault, because that's the manly way of doing things!