I am now pretty sure that until I'm past my teenage hormonal cataclysm, any and all feelings I have towards people are variable at best, and not worth investing time and effort into. I seriously wish I had a greater understanding of human emotions and feelings, because then I could take a rational stance on my own thought processes, but as it stands, I'm stuck between so many hard places, with no rocks in between. I feel like it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so worried about my future, and the people I want to take with me to it, but I find myself caring about too many individuals at once, and because of this, I find myself thinking about too much at once. I have no idea what I'm even talking about anymore and I'm just writing things to vent at this point. The primary issue in my life right now is the case of le friend zoning. , on two fronts no less. Alright, so, two girls, both of which I consider quite close friends. We've all hung around in a group together for a while now, and I just don't know how I should be feeling about them, I guess. I'm stuck between " I 'unno it would be kind of weird to date my friends" and "I wouldn't mind spending a lifetime with either of these people" and It's just really confusing, because I'm too afraid of what will happen if I come out with how I really kinda feel. Normally, when I have a problem, I sit, or lay down, and think about it until I find a reasonable solution or compromise, but I don't think there is one. My biggest fear is that if I enter a relationship with one of these people, my friendship with the other might tarnish.
Now, I know what a few of you are going to say, "You're a teenager, of course your feelings are messed up" and stuff like that, and I agree, but I can cope better when I can write this stuff down and other people can throw out points of view, so meh.